Why Max Damage DEVS?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Nemeses Prime, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. DivineSire Dedicated Player

    Can't say for sure but I don't think anything that has been released over the years has "hurt" the game other than to bring some emotions out on certain topics. I must say that I like the idea of eliminating the modifiers all together so instead of worrying about the best rotations (which exclude powers) or settling for a certain rotation because of a player with the same power as me and, I can have access to all my powers at any given point. Good players will still be good and bad will still be bad it's just the space in the middle that's changing so I don't see that as necessarily being a bad thing??

    I do find this strange though because if they was gonna release this....why add WM and AM mechanics at all seems like they may be adding this to take away from WM's power.........don't know but makes me wonder why they put things in sometimes only to add something later that takes away from it, seems backwards to me but sadly my divinity is only on these boards hehehe
  2. LivingDeath New Player

    Okay guys lets see if I can make this clear witout confusing ppl. A lot of argument I hear are the mod makes AM useless.

    Okay lets take nature as an example. So Savage Growth and Vinelash are both 35%. If you follow AM for nature you must apply Savage Growth> Vine Lash> Briar> Harvest. So lets break this down. Savage growth forces vinelash into a 35% vinelash forces briar into 35%. Now with this mod all dots will be applied at 60%

    Okay lets use mental. NOrmally you clip Mass Terror with Menace forcing you into a 35% Same can be said about gadgets and intimidation. Fear gas gains a damage boost.

    So lets use Ice since ppl claim this is so bad for them. Because of thier ice armor OMGEE. Well lets think this through
    In order to really get use of IA you need atleast 2 powers tjat cause chill. Most would use ice bash and reflect. Well reflect server no purpose from range. So thats a wasted slot. With this mod the loadout can be more like this: Wintery tempest clipped with ice bash then hit resonating gale weapon mastery into ice bash or frost snipe amd do great damage since always at 60 ice bash dont slow you down to 40.

    Lightning has wired....should I go on?

    So if you take your time and think about the most common rotaitions this does no hinder anyone.
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  3. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    Seriously? o_O The amount of MoTs that I see for mogo gear already made me sick. No.

    I prefer those white mods that I believe give power, health back or whatever it is that I remember reading when I was looking at them in base.
  4. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    The scoreboard should just be remove it causes enough problems already, it's not even the scoreboard, just those to worried about being 1st place in scoreboard.
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  5. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    I think the mod is bad to be honest, yes it'll be good for my Celestial character, but DPS are already to OP in the game. I remember when OC first came out it took people weeks, months to be able to beat the Paradox wave. On top of that, people were in the raid for like 2 hours and the alerts were mind blowingly hard. I was hoping for DLC 11 to be the next OC but it's not... People can solo heal the raids, people could complete the Necropolis speed feat straight away and Lockdown (The hardest t6 raid) got beaten in 25 minutes the other day. DPS are already to OP, and with this mod they'll become god-like and the bad DPS will have a better chance, but this game should be survival of the fittest. I'm highly glad PvP is getting a total update, no white mods and no Home turf. But the PvE side of the game I think is becoming near OverPoweredUniverseOnline.
  6. BumblingB I got better.

    Opens up rotations and powers that everyone would just skip over because they are 35%.
    Balances powersets that don't have a 60% cast power. So now all powers do.
    It opens up development of content for the devs to put more strategy into it and not just be a dps burn.

    I do agree that now cast powers are much less desirable because they wont be needed for the Enduring Damage priming, but it actually helps a lot. I also agree with TrueOlympus that they need to give cast powers a bigger bang for the wait time.

    Anyways, this is a bonus, not a negative.
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  7. Tazpocalpse Well-Known Player

    Can we get a cheese mod to go with all this whining that people are doing. Seriously some people will find anything to cry about. OMG this mod is going to ruin the game. I propose a new role and power Drama diva their power will be to cry complain and nag all enemies and other players till they leave a instance, so that the divas will still feel special.
  8. Badname28 New Player

    why not just make every power a 60% modifier and give us a hand mod with a little more creative thought behind it?

    perhaps a hand mod that reduces dmg taken by 5%?

    a hand mod that increases the amount of pot u get from troller ticks?

    perhaps a hand mod that increases the effectiveness of your shields? (6 people instead of four)

    a hand mod that increases your control and stun resistances?

    a hand mod that decreases the amount of aggro you generate?
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  9. randomkeyhits Dedicated Player


    I pug things like the Trigon stuff while in role for my weekly boxes and honestly..... many of the damagers are atrocious.

    I keep seeing posts where the assumption is that the gap between poor and good damagers isn't that great. It is. It is a deep and wide gulf. I see this more as dragging the poor damagers up to where the average ones are now. The better ones will still be far far ahead of the rest regardless.

    As for the mod itself I'd say I'm in favour of it overall, it will deliver help where its sorely needed, at the bottom.
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  10. Amazon Committed Player

    The positive for me is that powers on iconics and movements and at the start of the trees can be used now. Making it much more customizable
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  11. Rox New Player

    How about every power get Beserk from Rage. Make no powers overwrite. Give us max SPs. Give us the best gear in the game as soon as we log on. This game is getting easier and easier because they sit want to spend actually time balancing. I don't blame them though, because most humans think less work is better work which is not always true.
  12. Anhur Committed Player

    I'm on the ropes regarding the mod, it opens the door to positives and negatives, but I keep seeing people state that any/all powers will now be viable with the Max Damage Mod, and I'm not sure if this is intended as sarcasm or serious - the Freezing Breath iconic doesn't become an equal to Mass Terror, Time Shift doesn't become an equal to Singularity - and so on, I don't envisage loadouts changing that dramatically, but what does need addressing are powers that have a cast time, they have almost no place in DCUO with this, remove the cast time and rejig the damage they can do.
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  13. Rox New Player

    Might as well just remove cast times and give us a supercharge like Beserk and make it a 1% SC.
  14. JDIRS Well-Known Player

    I actually think the Max Damage mod opens up a lot more options for effective DPS load outs. It'll be like how Tanks and Healers don't have to limit their power choices because of different modifiers.

    I do agree that Ice Armor should be given something extra in game update 40 though, otherwise it'll be hardly viable for several months, i.e. at least until the Ice revamp.
  15. warpax New Player

    only bad mental dps does that, it's a waste of a 50% modifier.
    i guess this new modifer will help all the ppl who missuse MT and menace.

    the 60% modifer is bad imo, make it 20% on top of the power modifer u use. that would make it worth to get it, and still allow good players to take advantage on good rotations.
  16. GammaGreenLantern New Player

    Bad Idea......the powers that already benefit from multiple high damage modifiers (RAGE, ICE) would just be given a GREATER ADVANTAGE......this is in no way balancing and just gives DPS a boost for no reason....

    I support this mod because it balances the powers better and will make for less cookie cutter loadouts.....if they went with your suggestion they would just be giving a boost to give a boost, not to balance the powersets....

    In closing, a great example of a solution that helped some sides and screwed others is Weapon Mastery. Weapon Mastery clearly favors some powers while screwing other (HL, Celestial)...Yet even when it screwed my favourite power over, I still see the balance it brought to the game overall and accept that it was a good idea....I don't cry on multiple threads and ask them to remove or nerf Weapon Mastery....
  17. Blue Spectrex New Player

    Do you not understand Ices mechanic Ice Armor is being rendered completely useless? Ice would not benefit unless the Devs do something to ensure that it remains useful.
  18. GammaGreenLantern New Player

    Kind of like how Weapon Mastery balanced the powersets at the expense of HL and Celestial? Yeah the needs of the many outweighs the needs of the few....HL's awesome mechanic is already dead due to Weapon Mastery? Why do you think Ice is special....whenever they revamp Ice they can update their AM just like every other power....

    All I hear is crying....get over it....
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  19. warpax New Player

    so tell me couple of loadouts you would use with MD, that would actualy be viable copared to curent popular loadouts.
    and how does WM favors other powers more than it does with HL. just bcuz u haven found the right loudout doesnt meant there is none.

    the modifer wont change much, cuz still the powers that are used now, have higher base dmg, and higher pi dmg cost less power etc. i could maybe list 5 powers in the whole game that could make the cut, but 5 of them just to ruin the rotation usage skill...not worth imo. when this mod could be used as an extra 20% modifer on top of what you getting normaly.
  20. kAiSeR007 Dedicated Player

    Nope. It won't make the greatest even greater. It's a fixed number added equally. 50 - 40 = 10 and so is (50+10) - (40+10) = 10. The differences remain the same. Giving a 10-25% extra damage will give aleatory advantages to whatever power gets the most benefits out of it (cough cough celestial).

    Yet nobody has been able to answer me why bother at all in giving powers an AM and then adding this which increases the gap between burst and AM loadouts.

    You guys may think I won't get any benefit out of this mod, I will and a lot, my DPS will increase drastically since I mainly use Bust loadouts, but I don't want my damage increased when others are going to get screwed because of it. Simple.
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