Why I started playing dcuo to begin with

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by FrankZappa, Aug 27, 2021.

  1. FrankZappa Well-Known Player

    so friends and I went out and each got ourselves a gaming pc and decided to find games to play on them. we looked up different games and free to play games and came across dcuo. I do not like mmos because the combat in mmos is always trash but i decided to give dcuo a try. when I played the game I was leveling up and was undecided on whether or not i would keep playing dcuo until the one moment happened that caused me to make up my mind. While in the amazon mission area at lvl 10 minding my own business I saw two groups of players approach each other. they were two groups of lvl 10s each with around four players and they began fighting each other. I just sat back and watched as a yellow lantern calls a freaking helicopter down and it fire missiles at the heros and I am like OMG IF THIS IS WHAT THE GAME IS LIKE I WANT MORE!!!!! if i never experienced that i never would have kept playing the game. the open world pvp sold it to me right then and there. If i started playing the game as it is now and started off in pve phase I would have noticed that you can not attack the other faction and probably never would have bothered leveling to lvl 30 in the first place. I would have gotten bored and moved on to something else. the only reason I became I subscriber was because of the open world pvp and how good pvp was back then. This was the only mmo with a combat system I actually liked and now that combat system is trash. I can only imagine how many potential customers dcuo loses everyday when people start off in pve phase get bored then leave. I know i would have.
    no one buys battlefield or call of duty just so they can play the campaign over and over again. people who buy those games buy them for the pvp. They play through the campaign once or twice and then devote all their time to the pvp and only the pvp. that is what this game was for me until they devs ruined pvp. now i discourage people from playing the game and give it bad reviews.
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  2. Puppet Master New Player

    I can relate. PvP phase was the game to me. only reason i would get stronger and grind content was to lay a smack down in pvp phase. may it RIP.