I like tanking because its the easiest role to play and throw back a few beers. Hit a power hold shift :::gulp::: repeat til no one on raid call can understand you . But seriously tanking is an art and when you have skill a good tank can be a beautiful thing to watch.
I don't tank much, but when I do...it feels good. This is pretty much the big reason why. Sure, I'm all for two tanks and whatnot, and my ego has enough room to share the spotlight, but even if there were two tanks, that role doesn't have to play the measuring stick game with each other. Now that I took a bit to realize what I just said, I think I might want to modify said statement...but nahhhh.
Had a Fire tank in Lockdown with 91 gear saying that he "out tanks" full 92 geared tanks after we wiped 2 times. Not sure what that means.
So you love sitting in a group of sweating insects on some high level content as they beat you up . Figured...you would enjoy all that attention as you set them on fire.
Lol that doesn't make me feel better since am included as a tank. Not a lie tho..I get jealous when I see an add attack my teammmate instead of me..."Oh am not good enough for you? COME HERE!" *EARTHEN GRIP*
pretty much how i feel ever since i got geared up on my rage. "did we die? no? did we win? yes? ok, out the door" (more or less) may be a bit power hungry at times but all in all i love never dying and keeping everything looking at me. it's fun.
Feenicks I kinda took ya for the type that liked to stand there and get beaten. "Thankyou sir may I have another". Any preferences? Whips and Leather by chance? Personally I find tanking boring.
Some would say healing in is your metric as a tank...however, what about Earth Tanks that don't even receive damage due to damage absorption...huh...LOL
I've been a tank since I bought the game and man is it an awesome feeling knowing youre leading the group into battle and feeling like an untouchable freak of nature to all the punching bags out there ....keep calm and tank on baby!!!
I endorse this post, and I love my tank too. I was just amused that it cried "I LOVE TANKING!!!!" to the hills, and was undersigned: ~Feenicks (Fire DPS)
For healing in lower would always be better because you're staying alive with less help, but this is kind of unfair to rage and fire tanks who self heal and get healing in bonuses respectively. I've seen ice/earth tanks point to their healing in as evidence that they're doing a good job when it means the exact opposite. There's no good way to determine how well a tank is doing by the scorecard. You have to how good aggro control is, whether they use breakouts appropriately (i.e. for the team's benefit), how they position things, and how much healing they require to stay alive. Anyway, on topic for the thread, I like tanking sometimes because how well you do has a large bearing on whether or not the group succeeds in current content, unlike the damage role. DPS only help determine how well it goes, but not if it's a fail unless they're truly horrible. The same can be said for any non DPS role too, I guess, but tanks are really important for deciding where everything will happen.