open world PVP is highly entertaining. you can go around kick someone's a$$ leave then get mugged by a bunch of villains/heroes only to hunt them down one by one and end them. Theres also the little things like protecting low level players from level 30's. And sometimes (as a villain) helping heroes with aquaman missions. Why do you like Dcuo and what's your favorite activity?
Good graphics, open world, takes skill, interesting powers and roles, its DC based, and good story. I love to help others, work on alerts and raids.
I have to admit, I do not *love* DCUO. I think it is a fun game, and the community seems to be really interesting and pretty good bunch of people. I am actually waiting for the game I do LOVE to come.
This list is long, but the top reason for me is character creation. I wouldn't have the same personal connection if I could not create my long time characters accurately.
First of all, thank you so much for this thread! It gets so old listening to people complain about a game they actively play. I love DCUO because I've been a comic book junkie my entire life, and playing a villain gives me a kick. I enjoy the content, I like how much you can change your character's look throughout. I love teaming up with like-minded people to accomplish a goal. Ever sinse I joined a good League, I love BSing with friends while I play. There are issues that need to be resolved, but I feel that the devs are trying. I probably left out many things, but I hope my fellow DCUO friends will remind me of them. Sorry to come off so sappy.
Dude, I'm a freaking SUPER HERO! Or a villain if that is how you roll. I had a villain but my friends made heroes. I'm not racist against villains or nothing lol.
If you like the character creation you shouLd check out the creator for final fantasy 14:arr. it's pretty in depth and they are saying there will be more upon release.
I love dcuo cuz of the pvp it feels the most rewarding of any game I've played, just being in a tough match and barely edging out a win is the best feeling ever, plus just the social aspect is better then any other game I've seen, the dcuo community is amazing it's something all other mmos should Strive for. The devs may have made the game but it's the Great community and people that keep it going.
I just love the combat system in this game. It's much more active than any other game and way ahead of its time.