So, at the last few years, the quality of the player experience is going to bad to the worse. There are tons of bugs, problems that need to be fixed and worked with it, but let me show you who that worked: - Devs! There is problem with pvp for years, the legends characters have some bugs, abilties not working in both lpvp and lpve please do something about it. - Ok, so here is this Time Capsule, where you can get easy skill points, but we made the cool stuff extra rare so you have to spend extra cash over your sub if you want it. Also, we will screw the economy to the ground with this. - Devs! We need some diversity at the skills, because the revamp didn't make it at all. - Ok so here is this new Artifact thingy, which we are not balancing, but you can spend extra cash over your sub to be relevant. Also, you have to farm a tons of resource. - Devs! We like to see some cool cosmetic stuffs to feel our character unique. - Ok, so there is this new Resurgance Capsule, which contains what you want, but it won't match with your power so you have to spend extra resource and/or cash, if you want to get what you want. - Devs! We are seriously need you to fix the legends feats, and the legends characters, because its still untouched and the rewamp made it worse. Come on! - Ok, so here are some pop up windows. Oh, and for the better experience, you can't switch off. - Devs! Could you stop reusing old content, and can you make some quality change at the soundwork? - Ok, so here is this diamond, which can help you to navigate but it wont, and everybody switching off like immediatly. - Devs! We asked you thousand times to not put skill points in the TC, and now you make items, that broke the already broken economy to the ground. Also, there is some money/item exploit as always, and you still didn't do nothing, will you fix it? - Ok, so here is this new episode, half of the content is bugged and not playable, and also we have to close one of the raid. We made some bans, but we banned the wrong people but we are acting like we know what to do. So... I don't even think that they can put back the **** to the horse at all.
A few things: You seem to have a gripe with PVP and Legends. It's been stated by the Devs many times that this just isn't a priority right now, and there's no current plans to do anything with it. I'm sure one day that will change, but right now? No. The time capsules weren't a response to the problems with PVP and Legends. In fact, none of your "responses" seem to have anything to do with your issues. Which I know is your point, but, for example, they didn't include the pop up window as a response to Legends feats. It's a thing of its own. Also, if you don't want them to re-use old content (I assume you mean maps, characters, etc.) Spend more money in the game. The more people financially support the game, the more they can put into more costly assets like that. Personally I don't know why people have an issue with things in Gotham, Metropolis, Etc. These are where things happen in the DC Universe. Where else would you want something Batman related to take place? Lincoln Nebraska? Also, I don't mind having Skill Points in the TC. In Fact. I like it. Furthermore, the fact that they made an item in the Time Capsule isn't what broke the economy. What broke the economy is the little turds who decided that something was rare and they wanted to exploit that, along with a couple other glitches. When someone robs a bank, it's not the banks fault because they have all that money. It's called self control. Those who lack it are what broke the economy and are the cause of the current state of things. The people who were "unfairly banned" were people who, knowingly or not, were traded something or bought something that was obtained through unscrupulous means. Those people were given their accounts back, while the ones actually exploiting, to my knowledge, are still banned.
So you are just a sheep. I don't know about you, but I hate to be categorized just a wallet and accept everything. If they can financilize in proper way their product, its not my fault. To be clear: They have a massive and unique franchise with so much potential, and all of thier competitors faded away from the scene, and in this genre, they are in monopoly status. And they still keep failing, can't improve, can't grow.