Why Going Legendary Is Becoming An EPIC FAIL....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by PhoenixTanker, Nov 30, 2013.

  1. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    We already get free loyalty points and replay badges. We get enough.
  2. BerzerkerUnit New Player

    To the OP:

    Your "objective analysis" is first and foremost highly subjective. Second, your excessively hyperbolic tone (large font "becoming an epic fail", "epic", really? ... REALLY?) finally, for 15/month monthly you get 10$ worth of in game items +the value of prom keys for any boxes collected. If you pay yearly the value of the SC a d replays alone cover the cost.

    Given that replays are going to have additional uses regarding feats and Alts. That you can choose to save and spend your SC stipend removing various limitations over time, you assessment and assertions are questionable at best.

    Good luck tilting at those windmills though, I hear they're fierce.
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  3. Abstrakt Loyal Player

    First off don't speak for all legendary especially for me, the time I put in this game is well worth the 15 a month I pay. I enjoy the game and continue my support. currently I have several toons I play I like having access to everything I like not having a cash cap the perks that come to me each month are fine.
    If you don't want to support the game by going legendary that's your choice. Ive been legendary since launch I didn't take advantage of the life time I wish I had but for me legendary works.
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  4. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    Obviously not if a majority of people agree with me.

    And one seemingly ironic statement someone said earlier, was actually from you my dear.
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  5. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    You can go condescend someone else because I am certainly not the one.
  6. Minnion Devoted Player

    I still think that DCUO's micro-transaction system has alot of untapped potential... Such as selling additional convenience items, such as exobit yield enhances, a cash cap increase, portable combat dummy, and a remote up-link to your lairs mainframe; and selling a lot more style items, perhaps even some lair items to go in our lairs... It's not really a fail, just that there is more stuff they could put in there that players would spend real money on to acquire, it doesn't need to be stuff that we actually need to play the game. (Do you really need a pool table for your lair? Probably not, but I bet the dev team would easily make their money back off of developing one..)
  7. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    "I miss the lockbox armor. I have a couple pieced of level 10 and a few of level 20. Good thing is they're account bound so when I make a new toon they use them when it's time."

    I'm sorry, will you please tell me who said tat? o_O

    It was you. Don't say I'm not the one to condescend you when I DID. Touché? Or did you have something else to say?
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  8. Jamie New Player

    Sorry buddy but I have to play devil's advocate here. The DLC's are a 1 time purchase so counting them towards an annual subscription is a little shady. I don't use many replay badges or loyalty points (until the dev's release feat sharing), and I won't even comment on the lockbox rings. It would be unfair to use your own words against you. You also know taht I bought a year subscription about 2 months ago. I think that there should be a revamp in the way that these tiers work though.

    I think they could make Legendary better by allowing us to choose some of our perks. If we don't want replay badges maybe we can get free rent on the mainframe. It's not game changing but it would give others motivation to become Legendary. For Premiums, give them an option to spend extra marks to make mods that are above the cash cap. I personally think it is wrong that you can buy the DLC but yuo cannot make the mods that are tied to that DLC. Otherwise I think Premium is fine as is. Free is good enough except you may want to add the ability to view other active raids so these people can see what they are missing.

    Devs, now hurry up and release feat sharing. I am saving all of my LP and RB's for this.
  9. nogimmick New Player

    my league (not so) jokingly refers to promethium boxes as base item boxes.....back in the day they were soda-boxes.

    yeah, i wish they would revamp the legendary perks besides what i've mentioned, because honestly...it could be better.
  10. risingtide New Player

    I would not include keys in the math as those items inside can be traded meaning you don't actually need the keys to get the items the boxes contain.

    Also DLCs would be 3 a year at 10$ a piece so 30$ a year and legendary RENTS those so don't include those in the price either.

    Also while your sub may be 120$ a year, some people pay 15$ a month or $180/yr.
    Now if you do the math again that means 60$ of a year sub is spent renting DLCs and paying for the cash cap. Considering DLCs only cost $30 a year for non subers that means we pay $30 a year for unlimited cash and thats it.(If you are locked in at the $10/month price Legendary is definately worth it because you get 10$ in items a month which you can save to purchase DLCs should you ever drop to premium, but if you are at $15 a month its not worth it).

    Personally, If you had Legendary at the time of a DLC release you should keep the DLC. Its not fair that Legendary support the game for a year and when they drop they have no DLCs. Thats what I don't like about Mepps comment. Legnedaries can't just drop whenever they want because they loose access to now over 50% of the game if they do. Make that one change and Legendary is now worth.

    I still think the biggest issue with this game is lockouts but thats where a majority of the money is coming from atm so I don't see it changing anytime soon.
  11. DrewCheech New Player

    If it weren't for sharing the TV with my kids, and being lucky to play 3-5 hours a week, I'd sub in a heartbeat.
    I'll sometimes go 3-4 days without playing, so paying a monthly fee would irritate me.
    That's why premium works for me now as is.
    I buy the DLC's as I need them while advancing the only character I play.
    I don't care about lock boxes, I don't use the broker, and the cash cap has more than one way around it.
    But if I had the time to invest, I recognize the value of subbing.
    If you don't see it, don't sub....problem solved man
  12. redlegssg New Player

    I agree. I think they need a free 30day trial similar to free play now then habe memberships starting at $4.99/mo. (Actual, not $59.88/yr.) The top paid membership needs to land in the 9.99/mo range (again actual not 119.88/yr.) it should include more perks than exhist now with legendary. They need to stop looking at what they arent earning with freebies aka hooks and focus on what they could be earning with more subscriptions. I'd rather have 250,000 subscribers at 9.99/mo than 167,000 paying 14.99/mo. The money is about the same but in the first option you have 83,000 more people to potentially spend money in the market. Give them some perks (market cash, loyalty points, etc) to get them going every month and encourage them to keep paying month after month. Ive crunched the numbers and as it is Im about to quit playing because they arent grabbing me and I wont write them a blank chwck in terms of what will or wont be delivered in the furture with a 12mo membership.
  13. Abstrakt Loyal Player

    The thing people still don't get about people staying subbed is this.....I don't care what it costs me a year, honestly I don't care about the perks either. I sub because I enjoy the game and to me it's worth 120 bucks a year. Games are so expensive now if you don't catch them used or sale. The last game I paid 60 bucks for was assassins creed 3 I bought it and beat it the week it came out then had to buy the dlc packs at 20 bucks. 2 console or PC games would pay my membership for a year.
    My question to the op is this you've stated you went legendary once .....who are you to tell me that what I pay isn't worth it because I don't get enough perks....I don't need them I have been subbed since launch and will continue to do so.
    The game is still young for an mmo. And is constantly changing more perks will be added more things to make the game better will come out. By the way I pay 3 months at a time and pay 10 bucks a month . I love how people " crunch the numbers" without actually having any actual numbers of players or server costs....always makes me laugh. I play 20-30 hrs a week and have access to everything my sub is cheaper than my netflix and hulu accounts and I get more use out of it. Bottom line is legend arise will keep paying to play I never see a legendary player starting these threads it's always the premium player or the guy who spent 5 bucks a year ago wanting something for nothing. Give it a rest already.
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  14. DawnOfKhaos Well-Known Player

    I pay for legendary and I am completely satisfied with what I get. Come on people it is only $15 a month, that is $.50 a day. Cheap entertainment if you ask me considering I could spend $50 at a bar in one night easily. I would like to see the open world expanded on though. Double or triple the open area in both cities or add another full sized area.
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  15. Feenicks New Player

    I'm so glad I went lifetime when it was offered.
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  16. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    If you have a sub, and only 6 toons, everything on your toon stays when you drop your sub.
    For example, my guy created with Shield as his weapon can still use Shield.
    And my Quantum main is still Quantum, eventhough I've dropped my sub and own no DLCs.

    I'm glad you feel that way, and hope you continue to love this game.
    I've been fed up and playing only 1-6 hours a month since before SoT came out.
    Can't get into most content because of players' outrageous CR requirements.
    Thus, dropped sub.

    TO put it plainly, with NO perks that I find worthwhile other than access to content that I can't access because my CR is less than 101, why should I pay to sub?
    And, if enough people that haven't been around forever drop their subs for the same reason and the game dies, I'll find something else to do for 1-6 hours a month, all the while laughing at the people who got what they wanted: They kept me from ever getting into that content, even though it cost them the game! HAHAHAHAHA!
  17. Bokugo New Player

    That sounds ominous...
  18. Ocerkin New Player

    hey, you should send me 10 cent a day, ill send you an email saying thanks every day in exchange, its not a lot of value, but hey, its cheap!
  19. Ocerkin New Player

    heres the thing, premium LIKE to buy parts of the game, i like that, but the problem you have here, and WHAT WE ARE TRYING TO GET YOU TO UNDERSTAND, is that we like to have PERMANENT unlocks for things, we will end up spending for what we WANT and we WANT to have it unlocked FOREVER not a 5 dollar unlock for a week, put up the escrow unlock PERMANENT for 10 bucks, ill buy it RIGHT NOW and so would a ton of other people, add more stuff to the marketplace and we will buy them.

    we want to support your game but we dont want to be hooked to a membership that as soon as we cant pay anymore EVERYTHNG is taken away, people say oh you get half your sub back in station cash, well lets see you buy one of those dlc's you used to enjoy with that station cash, oh wait, you cant because they locked those off to make you spend more money after your subscription goes away.
  20. Ocerkin New Player

    the dlcs can not be counted because the SECOND you unsub they are gone, poof, its a trial copy of your dlc's, you dont get to keep them so they dont count in value