Why Going Legendary Is Becoming An EPIC FAIL....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by PhoenixTanker, Nov 30, 2013.

  1. Wreckshot Well-Known Player

    No, don't remove Legendary. No one here wants the game to shut down before its time, and cutting off a paying arm would be a terrible business decision. Just evolve Legendary into something more current.

    The game has changed dramatically, and Legendary now feels dated.
  2. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    No. You are the troll.

    You see:
    Going to the movies costs how much to see it once?
    Watching on Netflix, a month of movies costs less.

    With a DCUO Sub: A month rental costs MORE than buying the DLC.

    Go take a 3rd grade math class and learn to add.

    Home turf is definately pay to win
    Just read all the threads about how home turf has ruined pvp because of white mods and sidekicks and henchmen and supply drops etc.
    I'm not the one who posted all those threads. (and I've seen more of them than green aura threads since I've been on the forums)

    Denial is not a river in egypt, my friend.

    Home Turf IS pay to win.
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  3. BerzerkerUnit New Player

    <Claps> bravo. "I'm right because other people think so too."

    If I pvp and don't use my turf mods (which I don't, I use a Gamepad and prefer my breakout trinket to fire that much faster) and still beat those that use them, how are they paying to win? They're paying but still losing. I've been legendary since launch, I know everyone gets a hideout and believed everyone had access to the generator, if I'm wrong it doesn't matter. I win more matches than I lose, I endure waves of mooks and sidekicks and kick their teeth in again after they supply drop. I use mods, they keep me competitive vs tanks and healers in 1v1.

    You have to run... Gates, veng, and bd 1xMonth to have all the marks you need for mods and a trinket. Alerts require more time investment but less organization.

    Economics goes a tad beyond 3rd grade math and addition.
    You're still arguing that "value" is an objective thing (defined by some arcane intersection of cost and your preferences no less), that a movie in the theatre is worth less than a Netflix sub, the costs are different and what is gained for the costs differ, but the value is defined by circumstance and preference. Example: asking someone for a first date to see a movie will communicate very different things based on which venue you're using. For my part women (relative to me, I imagine its similar regardless of sex or orientation) would find a first date invitation to my home a scoche forward while a trip to the theatre provides additional opportunities to do date like things. It's public, provides more general conversation topics, provides both parties the ability to politely excuse themselves to the bathroom or to bail out if it sucks.

    Alternative example if your dating experience is wildly different: friends have decided to eat a meal at a particular restaurant, you refuse because McDonalds is cheaper and insist on going there. McDonalds costs less, therefore it's a better deal, despite the loss of socialization, loss of ambience and for 21+ loss of a bar or wine list. You can rationalize that away "I can drink cheap booze in the 711 parking lot, I can text my friends later" but you're describing a very different quality of life experience, some (myself at age 16 for instance) might think the cheap version is awesome. Others might think it's a little sad.

    <claps some more> ah, brava again, I've been baited once more, sorry forumites, I'm too easily stirred.
  4. surge914 New Player

    Haha that's why I put Hopefully. SWTOR isn't that bad though just bad that it's from EA but I've played up to lvl 20 and it's pretty smooth plus it has stuff I wish was on this game like refunds. I remember IGN made a video about ESO and mentioned SWTOR and that the only bad thing about it is that they don't release content fast enough since they take their time to bring out quality content. Regardless I had hoped this game would live up to its potential but It seems that might not be the case.
  5. Fanatic New Player

    SWTOR is pretty awesome
  6. Tocimus Committed Player

    i played it till endgame...and well once you're all geared up and completing the raids in less then an hour.....there is nothing to do. but what i meant was their f2p model...they just gouge you till you sub. as somebody who played the original sub version...its worse then dc's model. and as somebody who bought the CE version...i was dissapointed...it really did turn into a WoW clone :/
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  7. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    Now then... If you'll look back at the posts...
    I said MY money... not yours when discussing the subjective value of the DCUO legendary fail.
    I said I got more from Netflix for MY money than from DCUO.
    I answered a question about DLC content when the sub is dropped - then you attacked about the rental thing... get your quotes correct - you brought it up.
    Instead of correcting you, I pointed out the VERY obvious fact that even a 3rd grader could see if shown the numbers:
    Netflix per month is cheaper than one movie.
    DCUO per month is more expensive than one DLC.
    THey you called me cheap.

    Well: Just for you: Here's why Netflix is better than DCUO:"

    I don't spend 30 min - 2 hr in LFG before watching a movie.
    I can watch a movie again WITHOUT spending replay badges.
    When was the last time someone dc'd from Netflix?
    I could watch something different every single day for a month on Netflix instead of the same few instances over and over and over.
    I don't hear anyone griping about "More Power" when watching Netflix.
    I don't get a deserter penatly watching Netflix.
    There are no insane CR requirements to watch Netflix.
    And if none of those got a chuckle, please... relax.
    It is not my intention to upset you.
    All I've been saying is that FOR ME, DCUO Legendary subscription is an EPIC FAIL and I know this as a former subscriber.
    If you feel it's a fantastic value, more power to you! Keep subscribing. My opinion does not infringe upon your ability to sub.
    HOWEVER, if some new player on a free account reads this thread, he or she will hopefully get the hint and get out quick because chances are he or she will never catch up to your level and will have a sub-standard gaming experience as a result.
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  8. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player


    I did not mean to blow up at you that way.

    You are right : The CR requirements are the players, not the devs,
    but it forms the gaming experience...
    Which, from my POV is the fail...

    sorry again. didn't realize how antagonistic that sounded until I read it just now...
  9. surge914 New Player

    Oh yea I agree. SWTOR 's F2P is super restricting. That's one thing DCUO has over SWTOR, that you get way more playing for free in DCUO. I just meant the quality of the game is really good unlike DCUO that has plenty of problems. I actually don't mind how SOE has their subscription model. I just don't like the state of the game right now. Don't like the additions the devs have made and how when they do put something good, many more bad things follow and I'm not just talking about bugs. I also don't like how they slowly release the little stuff we've been asking for a long time. Seems like a shady tactic to get people to stay and play promising things that should've been in the game already. If the game was better I'd happily pay the sub but that is not the case.
  10. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    Just heard from test...

    The new gear increase power costs even further: now +75%
    So, no controller with a vit below 2000 will be able to run anything once this hits!

    The fail just became even more epic!!!
    • Like x 1
  11. TKO New Player

    WOW i cant belive people are still saying this. The sub only option already failed for this game. What makes you think it would succeed a second time?
  12. TKO New Player

    ps God im glad SOE is not running STO, or Neverwinter, or, War frame or,...etc u get the point
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  13. Jeazy Baby Dedicated Player

    Hey, any reason why you comment on a thread thats been dead for over 2 months? lol.
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  14. TKO New Player

    same reason u did :)
  15. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Still loving Dcuo and loving being legendary. And even though I'm lifetime, I make sure that I still support the game.
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  16. Rasta Committed Player

    Although I wish there were more options for character creation, I'm satisfied with legendary at the moment. You're making it seem like this is the only title you can play from SOE.
  17. Kobal87 New Player

    Completely Agree....
  18. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Legendary is fine. As long as they dont give premium or f2p new perks that is.
  19. Rock Beaudry-Vallée New Player

    Well TBH. TBH.... The support for DCUO on PS3 is AWFULL. It loops you back and forth and when comes a time you wanna post on the forum its 503 error.I bought home turf and for sum reason did'nt get a Base/Lair deed at lv 12. I am now lv 21 and still cant find the LAIR, the DEED item, the REDEEM (And oh i reddemed alot of things already) and i didnt even see the Headquarters quest, whatever the name is. That tutorial mission pretty much messed up on me, the game has many bugs, and after a second package bought, i realised the two packages gave thesame DLC's. No BASE? WHERE IS MY MONEY? Why would i go LEGENDARY if a simple EVERY SINGLE DLC is frauding me?

    Thatll teach me buy a pack called DC Origin, while i thought i was buying DC Origins. PFF What a JOKE.
  20. splitbone New Player

    hey $15 per month is good plus theres gonna 10 dlc and if you buy each of them its about $100 , plus you won't have enough money to buy and repair your gear if u are free to play , you also get 150 replays , and 500 loyalty points so thts nice