Why Going Legendary Is Becoming An EPIC FAIL....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by PhoenixTanker, Nov 30, 2013.

  1. JustSome_Chick New Player

    One valid point keeps coming up. The cash cap for premium players should be removed, yes.

    The rest comes off like a bunch of endless complaining to be honest. If you are getting so upset by the whole dang thing, don't pay to play, or don't play at all. It's so simple.

    As for 1 MoT in the vault.. I regularly get 25 pack MoT from the vault on my level 30 chars. Not bad for what.. 60 seconds of time spent?

    Seriously. If you hate the model so much that you have to point by point rage about why people who are willing to pay the subscription are wrong, maybe you are in the wrong game.
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  2. Jamie New Player

    Do you ever just try que'ing and seeing what happens? I see plenty of insane requests as well. I tend to run T5 4 man and all raids with my league and que up for everything else.
  3. Aesthete Well-Known Player

    i agree but we all know thats not going to happen in a while
  4. thenewkidd New Player

    I have to say.. I never stated anything as fact or my opinion.. I was simply challenging everyone who has stated something "as fact" to back up what they said with an article or something of substance.
    So that said.
    You have stated your opinion and stating that Legendary is an "Epic Fail". Because
    A) Someone chooses not to pay for content so they are locked out of something they know nothing about?
    B) Doesn't have friends to help them succeed in lvling their toon?

    Do I have it about right? just trying to understand.
  5. Green Lantern New Player

    I was given the free month and except for maybe the first week I'm basically wasting it. I barely log on. Not much in the sub to bring me back.
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  6. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player


    I had a sub, but once T5 hit, PC CR requirements went through the roof. I have actually seen (and laughed at) CR 90+ for Khandaq in LFG. An extreme example, but it illustrates the mentality.
    My current CR (76) can get into T1 and T2 content fairly regularly. T3 content and T4 alerts sometimes. T4 raids are a no go.
    CR is too low for T5, but from what I've seen, those raids aren't much fun anyway.

    BUT, why should I pay for access to T3, T4, and T5 content that I can't access because everyone is looking for CR 80+?
    It took 3 months to get from CR 70 to CR 76 because I can't get into the T4 content.

    Again: my question is: Why should anyone pay for content they can't access because the elitists only want people who are way over geared for their groups?
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  7. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    I got 25 MoT once... thought the vault had been upgraded.
    Friends laughed. They, like you, got 25 all the time.
    Said you can even get 50 if you're lucky.

    Except for that single run, I've gotten 5 twice, and the rest of the time its 1 MoT.

    I realize that part of this is the fact that RNG hates me.
    (I've commented on other threads about how few loot drops I've won before the new loot system)
    And it hasn't improved with the new loot system... what good does loot from Khandaq do when I need T4 stuff?
    I've got 1 piece that dropped. Everything else on my toon has been bought with MoT.
    Not your fault nor your problem. I know.
    But if you (or more accurately I) are the one the randoms almost always go against, it adds to the epicness of the fail.

    "Here's more bad rng rolls for you!" is not a perk.
    Eventually you get to the point where running the vault ticks you off because you never get anything.

    As for why I play: This game has such potential...
    IF the devs could tweak a few things:
    improve the randoms,
    and make subbing worth it,
    it would be one of the greatest games of all time.

    I remain in hope of that day...
    But am not holding my breath.
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  8. JustSome_Chick New Player

    It's really odd. I have certain characters that rarely get anything good, and certain other ones that regularly get all sorts of cool stuff. I could have sworn there was no LUCK stat when you create but I'll be darned if today, again.. my 30 quantum got Journeymans boots, Checkmate operative boots, a Virtuous Knight belt, AND a toyman trinket. My other lucky toon, the celestial, got checkmate operative back, 25 MoT, and a doom seed trinket. My other chars all got like, 2 pairs of sharpshooter gloves and egyptian pants (for example.) One of them didn't even get a single green drop, just cash (however little that works out to be.) It's so odd! I haven't sorted a pattern of timing out and even though my two generally crazy-lucky toons are heroes, I do have a level 9 villain that got journeymans boots a little while back, and has several form trinkets and a kryptonian bouncy ball.

    All in all though, over all of my characters, I got like, 10 turkey dinners around thanksgiving.. *chuckle*

    However I gotta say, when it comes to tier drops, I get SH** for luck there. It's ALWAYS something I can't use, or one / two items I get over and over and over again. on the bright side, sure, I've been able to make a bunch of complex materials for mod crafting *rolls eyes*

    Anyway now I'm just rambling.. but I feel your unlucky pain (and gawk at the lopsided luck of my two heroes versus my 13 other characters lol)
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  9. thenewkidd New Player

    I personally don't know how "Micro-Transactions" would fix this situation for you... there are elitists in every game and want the "best" to run even the lowest content... Me personally... if they are CR70+.. I will run ANY T4 content with them.. (Sorry for being on the PS3)..

    Second.. it's been said.. but if your league isn't helping you.. it's time to shop for a new league.
    I have been a member of a total of 10 leagues before I found a home... the league went inactive and then found a league after that... They are awesome and have zero issues getting into content even at the lowest requirement (when I create a new toon of course)....

    So I fail to see how it's DCUO's fault how players aren't inviting you into content because they prefer T5 Trolls to run T3 crap.

    YOU might not want to pay for something you cannot run.. that's understandable... but I fail to see how DCUO's Legendary is an "Epic Fail" because other don't "Play nice".
  10. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    I see no way how micro transactions could possibly fix anything.

    I've commented on leagues before.

    EPIC FAIL to me means I get nothing worthwhile for the money.
    I don't give a rat's backside what you get.
    For MY money, it's an EPIC FAIL.
    Just because you're happy doesn't mean I am, nor does it mean there's anything worthwhile for me to spend my money on in the game.
    Thus DCUO Legendary Subscription, in MY opinion, is a EPIC FAIL, even among the most legendary Epic fails of all time!
    Napoleon stands at Waterloo and says "at least I'm not as bad a fail as the DCUO sub!"
    Tony Romo looks at his latest fumble and says "at least I'm not as bad a fail as the DCUO sub!"

    You see... IF DCUO wants my money, they gots ta gives me somethin for it!
    (Would you send me $15 each month for absolutely nothing? Then why the **** should I send them $15 per month? THAT is what you are defending. Send money for nothing. Once you start sending it to me, I'll pass it along to DCUO, then it won't be an epic fail because it won't be my money.)
    As it is... my money... my gaming experience...
  11. Derio 15000 Post Club

    The lack of indepth content. Meaning our content lacks length and DLC are far too small allowing us to compleate all of its content in a small amount of time. 5 months inbetween DLCs. 5x15 dollars =75 dollars that you gave SOE for no new content. You can say GU are new content, but they only hold what the game should have had from the start.
  12. Fanatic New Player

    I agree somewhat but I am a happy legendary member. I wish they made everything in the marketplace super cheap, like pennies worth for legendary members. But honestly no one can say this hybrid model didnt revitalized the game. Say what you want, but this game would be long gone if it was still sub only.
  13. Fanatic New Player

    Getting a better job would nullify his thread case closed
  14. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    I can easily afford a sub.
    I just don't think it's worth it.

    case not closed.
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  15. myandria Item Storage

    Hmm..umm... how can that be when you lose access to the DLC packs when you go from Legendary to Premium if you did not purchase them before becoming Legendary? In my opinion, Legendary members should have permanent ownership of the DLC's, not just rental access to them. This way, the only thing that Legendaries lose when they go to Premium is their in-game money access.

    This is the main problem I have with the subscription perks to this game. I am used to subscribing to a game and having permanent ownership and access to every soft and hard game update plus perks. Then again, I'm used to paying a $15+ monthly sub fee to have such access...
  16. BerzerkerUnit New Player

    You claim the rent system is of no value then use "Netflix" as a value added alternative. And home turf is pay to win...

    I'm sorry dcuo forumites, thought I was clarifying some discussion points, turns out I was feeding a troll. My bad.
  17. uly31xx Active Player

    There is a continuous trend I seem to see which is, every player is trying to protect what they feel is the way to play and down play or crap on every ones else way.

    As Mepps has alluded DCUO player base and level of play is very diverse each with there own virtual status (casual/pro/elite).

    Both sides of this current thread are either on the side of legendary is worth it, or legendary is not worth it. To me if you are on either side of this discussion then your both equally right. Now you may ask yourself 'WHAT!!! how can they both be correct', well they are cause its a matter of perspective and experience(from this game and other mmos). Due to this everyones point of view should count as its there experience of the game either directly or indirectly has shaped their decision.

    Lets face it, we all want more perks from this game, issue is we can all feel we need or should have more from this game but SOE looks at the bottom line (income) and if the bottom line is not reflecting what is being said so nothing will be done (this is just my opinion vote with your cash).


    Now what i would like to see is more incentives from SOE to become legendary such as introducing perks (similar to what they attempted to do 2 years in a row so far servo and tom-bot) but performed with better tac.

    Perks for legendary I would like to see is access to special maps, exclusive items from the marketplace like styles (iconic emblems, iconic styles such as batman cowl/mask, and STARFIRES/FIRES HAIR). How i would like to see it implemented is via announcements stating 'sub with in a certain period to get xyz'. this would be value for me.

    I would like to see adjustments to premium also those who have either bought DLCs or contributed a certain amount have there money cap increase by say 500 in game cash per dlc purchased. this would help those fix there gear as they progress as the cost of repairs increase.
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  18. JustSome_Chick New Player


    I no longer need to pay attention to what you say. By your logic. Any game that has an expansion is cheating you because all content should have magically been in the game to start, and new content is worthless (unless it's churned out so many times a year the bugs are never worked out and the game fails from mass abandonment).
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  19. Wreckshot Well-Known Player

    I'm very happy that this conversation is happening as I've struggled with staying Legendary of late. I want to support the game I love, but it's increasingly difficult to do so when they're elements in place to stop me playing.

    Mepps, you talk about a different Tier for each player, but what about the people who don't want restrictions and want to play missions freely? What if I get on and want to level up my troll, but he's completed all the high-end missions, so my options are use replay badges or don't play.

    Surely, replay badges should be for Free and Premium players, I can't understand why Legendary subscribers, who pay every month, don't get to play what and how they want.

    If Legendary removed Replay badges, I'd pay it every month without fail. But I can't justify money on a sub, DLC items, AND replay badges.

    Is there not enough content now that replay badges should only exist to get money out of Free and Premium players?
  20. usrevenge New Player

    the only thing making me remotely want legendary is

    A: trophies, not really worth paying for though as they are worthless psn points.

    B: unlimited money to use, escrow is stupid i'm sorry but it's dumb.

    C: promethium lockboxes, im not paying to open a random box though.

    so yea I agree remove legendary.

    trophies for free members = people will try the game, and at least try farming trophies, a good thing... surprised they haven't done that already

    free members keep the $1500 cash cap. but premium instead get $1500+ 500 for EVERY dlc they own (owning all = unlimited, so sorta like legendary) so own 2 dlc? 2500 cash cap, own just 1? $2000 cap

    let keys for lockboxes drop randomly from any raid boss or come from those hidden treasure chest things.

    I have been playing the game, and like it, but I feel like at every turn they want me to pay for X and Y, or pay for legendary, it's annoying. I don't mine buying the dlc (though some of them should drop in price). remove legendary and make everyone happy.