Why Going Legendary Is Becoming An EPIC FAIL....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by PhoenixTanker, Nov 30, 2013.

  1. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    USPC: home of the elite elitists, I think.

    Last time I was on, I saw troller CR 80+ needed for gates.
    after half an hour, I sent CR 76 troller available for gates.
    No, we want a smooth run they replied.
    after another half hour, they're still looking for a CR 80+ troller
    I sent another CR 76 troller still available
    no reply
    after another half hour, they stopped on lfg. Either they gave up or found a CR 80+ troller.
    Hope they wiped repeatedly, and 3 of 'em dc'd getting deserter penalties!!!

    Please note: during that hour and a half, not only did I not get into that gates run,
    I couldn't find a FoS run or Wayward either.

    I gave up and logged off, having run the seasonal and the vault.
    Hence, I don't sub. (Which I know means I won't be running those after the 15th when the free sub is over.
    I guess the free sub was to remind me what I don't get without subbing...
    Instead it just reminds me what I don't get when I do waste money on the sub...
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  2. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    my opinion is that those free to play games listed basically suck.

    theres only one dcuo.

    even with all the bumps there is nothing else like it.
  3. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    I'll just say that: While I feel DCUO isn't worth my money...
    I don't play any of those other games.
    So, imo, DCUO must be the best available.
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  4. Ocerkin New Player

    in my opinion you have no idea what you are talking about, youve likely never played them and are a dcuo fanboy because City of Heroes came first and champions online exists too, superhero games arent new, this one just happened to get a big comic company to back it.
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  5. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Which doen't really make any change. As long as you're getting invited or if you're able to walk in through a teleporter, the deserter penalty will not change anything. It only prevents you from queuing up for instances for ~10 Minutes. If you're getting invited or if you walk in, no penalty is gonna prevent you from doing that.
  6. JustSome_Chick New Player

    The problem for a lot of people here is that you don't get anything "extra" for legendary. But then you tout going f2p which really means microtransactions, which really means paying to get anywhere in the game.

    The thing that is WRONG with that model for a LOT of players who are more than happy to pay money to subscribe to a game is that, unless you are willing to Constantly lay out more money, you can not play on a level playing field with other players. That is something that is Great about this game. Free or sub, we all have pretty much the same gear level 1 - 30

    If the initial download and play hadn't been free I would never have tried it. However, I always had a choice to buy DLC or pay a subscription - and I could still play a lot of content without money negatively impacting my game experience. Now, in a microtransaction world, I would be completely undergeared and unable to even Imagine playing the same game as other people -even if we were running the same content - unless I regularly got nickled and dimed to death to do so.

    I have spent a lot of money in the marketplace but it's on vanity items. I have no problem with that. Me having celestial skin or chrome mayan armor has NO IMPACT on my gameplay - or anyone elses. However - if said purchase suddenly twinked me out when running basic content and made me overpowered compared to players around me (which is why we can't wear level 30 armor at level 10, think about it) then that would be unfair and yes, it WOULD keep people from staying in the game.

    As I said before, I'm older than a lot of you. I came up when it was a pleasure and a privilege to pay $10 or $15 a month to play a game with the same content and gear everyone else had. A lot of you younglings have grown up in a greedy time of microtransaction gaming. Yes. It is a GREEDY model. But you don't really have a comparison mindset for it. You think you do but have no personal experience frame of reference.

    If I had downloaded the free DCUO then come into game and discovered that it was microtransaction driven, I would have been gone so fast no one would have had time to see my dust trail. As it was, it was a couple of months before I became legendary, and part of that was out of curiosity.

    I've been legendary, and gone back to premium, and decided that a subscription makes sense. People who are whining about not having exactly 4 DLC packs a year need to pull their diapers out of their butts and ask themselves how much they would whine if they DID get 4 a year - because goodness knows it would be buggy and unplayable. And without enough people PAYING TO PLAY via subscription, they would certainly not be able to have enough people on the DCUO team to keep it running at that pace.

    DCUO has it right. Try the game for free. If you are a casual gamer, by all means, keep playing it for free. If you want to see the higher tier stuff and have access to all current and new powers and content BEFORE the rest of the players without having to worry about buying anything more, pay the sub. If you wanna just go one pack at a time, by all means, do it like that.

    No one really misses anything or is underpowered and outclassed due to their gaming choice. People get exactly what they want.

    If you really don't like it, please, by all means, go microtransaction your wallet to death somewhere else and we'll see you down the road, mkay?
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  7. Ocerkin New Player

    id like to pull a snipit out and prove to you why dcuo needs to fix their system for premium memberships

    "DCUO has it right. Try the game for free. If you are a casual gamer, by all means, keep playing it for free. If you want to see the higher tier stuff and have access to all current and new powers and content BEFORE the rest of the players without having to worry about buying anything more, pay the sub. If you wanna just go one pack at a time, by all means, do it like that."

    going to point out exactly what my issue is here now

    " If you wanna just go one pack at a time, by all means, do it like that."

    problem is, the money cap restricts the purchasers on USING the packs they bought... thats why in my other post i asked the devs to add a money cap increase for every dlc you own, that way it would give you more access the more youve paid into unlocking the game
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  8. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    $59.99 before you cracked open the box so ya, we'd already be there.
  9. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Actually, we do get something extra for being legendary. We get replay badges and loyalty points, unlimited access to in game cash, larger bank and inventory space, daily access to the Vault, unlimited promethium box keys(not that that matters anymore considering yuo really don't get anything from them anymore), we don't have to pay for the DLC's, and I'm probably missing something.
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  10. Mary Bliss Committed Player

    I wasn't saying the NWN and STO model should be carried over and would fix anything, I am not offering any solutions.

    Just saying those are very successful in those games and it can indeed work not being greedy - obviously DCUO is a very different game and all that.

    And, if you look at the history of the last 2 quarters it doesn't look all that great.

    That being said some stuff is great too I am totally loving the mods for marks, pet trinkets from holloween and other stuff here and there just doesn't do a lot for subscribers.

    One thing I always felt was missing in DCUO was veteran rewards.
  11. BerzerkerUnit New Player

    They absolutely can because you can account for the time you spent playing them the same way you can account for the time spent watching a movie. A theatre movie is watched once. If you want to argue you wouldn't count a movie in the theatre then you're deliberately trying obfuscate the potential value of the service, this is an ugly effort at equating renting an apartment to being homeless or only seeing a film once is the same as having never seen it at all.

    Additionally, DLC rented with a powerset allows you to make a toon With said powerset. To the best of my knowledge, once the sub is up you can continue to play those characters as well as use any DLC specific styles/trinkets they acquired. In short you're wrong, not only is your point invalid you're using bad accounting to support it. Best of luck in the future.
  12. JustSome_Chick New Player

    Agreed, and I said in an earlier post that I think it's a load of crap that premium players have a cash cap. That's my biggest complaint, even though I am legendary - because that seems extremely wrong.
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  13. JustSome_Chick New Player

    Agreed, but apparently most of the naysayers in this thread don't think any of those above things count *snicker*
  14. Ghostof91 New Player

    It's not free or sub it's Free, Prem, or Sub get it right please thank you.
  15. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    You are correct, my Quantum troller is still a Quantum troller. However, once all "rented" items expire, they are useless.
    Rented items include Utility Belt slots and all the pay-to-win items from Home Turf.
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  16. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    :rolleyes: Nothing really worth the sub, imo.
    Especially when I can't even get into the content.

    So, Rockhound, I know you from other threads, and respect you and your opinion:
    I challenge you: Give me a valid reason why I should sub... Got anything? o_O
  17. Tocimus Committed Player

    thats bcuz something like ingame cash shouldnt be restricted. the vault is just an rng game of getting a cosmetic you dont have yet, the trinkets are for fun now...even the phantom zone one is just for looks. the lockboxes are for styles that are pretty cheap on the broker these days, or the base items that get deleted or just consumed to get out of inventory.

    the sub has literally just become access to you're money, and not having to pay for dlc when it comes out. and if your on the pc side, you get access to the test server to preview dlc's ( honstly, there's only a handful of ppl that actually do testing).
  18. Tocimus Committed Player

    thats what happens when you pug everything. get a good league, or at least run with the same ppl often.
  19. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    Very few leagues are active between midnight and 5 AM Eastern, which is when I can usually play because of the hours I work.
    But thanks for the advice... I'd take it if I could!
  20. Tocimus Committed Player

    yeah that is a pain. but there are a few if you're willing to deal with a language barrier lol. i usually solo it, but im cr99.