Why do you play DC Universe Online?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Will Power, Aug 23, 2014.

  1. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    Cause the stuff I'd rather be doing is against the law.
  2. Ch3wtobacco New Player

    as I was telling Will Power the other day... I don't really play it for the game anymore...just to pal around with friends I made over the last almost 4 years now over voice chat.. the game to me, has become secondary

    basically DCUO has become my version of PLAYSTATION HOME...
  3. Will Power Loyal Player

    Is their anything DC Could do in order to change this mind set you have? What would change your mind and get you focused on the game again?
  4. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    There's no other game like it. sure there was COH but that was made for PC. with DC I can kick back in my recliner with a controller and enjoy playing on a PC, rather than hunch over a keyboard all the time.

    and the story is endless. if you look at the DC Gallery of characters, the game could survive for years with the amount of untapped story lines.
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  5. GhostsAndMagic Dedicated Player

    Talking ****.......then backing up said **** talking
  6. Will Power Loyal Player

    Their are PC Controllers you know and I got my PC hooked up to may TV too so my PC is like a Console its just not very good at frame speed.
  7. Ch3wtobacco New Player

    they seem bent on making the game more and more complicated....WM, the new mechanic (im fire)... so on, so forth...im wearing out PS controllers trying to keep up and not having any fun doing it...the high health of bosses are giving me sore fingers and boredom

    some of the best times ive had playing this game has been cracking jokes with leaguemates while running a raid...relaxing and enjoying myself...not trying to hit THIS combination of buttons followed by THAT combination of buttons...to me that's not fun nor enjoyable
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  8. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    Re read what I had said man lol;)
    I'm hooked up with a controller on my PC
  9. Will Power Loyal Player

    Had a Mental PS moment when ever I see someone say not hovering over a keyboard I right away am seeing PS on the screen even though it a PC. Console is the way I mainly play however I do have the ability to use my PC. Even though its crappy for gaming.
  10. ashtin1979 Well-Known Player

    1. It's f2p 2. I can spend money on the game at my leisure and not have to worry about a monthly fee, but when I'm ready to I can buy the dlcs and still have access to the content.
  11. Will Power Loyal Player

    But not the unlimited money that comes with the Legendary Sub and a lot of the high end content cost more that 2000 cash.
  12. Impulsively Committed Player

    As someone who played as a Premium for Tiers 1-4 successfully, I can tell you that it's possible to survive without unlimited cash through at least half of the endgame. It's may get extremely painful sometimes and things might take a little longer than they do with Legendary (due to having to build your funds constantly), but it's doable.

    Legendary is definitely worth its value, but not everyone can spare the 15 per month to make that work. Especially with student loans these days :S
  13. Xibo Loyal Player

    Because i'm a huge fan of DC comics.
  14. Deplobius New Player

    I started playing in 2012 after getting bored and frustrated with WoW. I'm a huge DC fan, the price was right, and I had a sick week to blow. I didn't expect a whole lot, so I was floored by the amount of customization and content. I think I spent the first two hours just flying around and exploring.

    That's a big part of why I still play -- the simple pleasures of exploration. I would love to see some of the higher level content, but I'm a terrible player. I enjoy the collections, and amount of solo content as well. Really, the whole experience is great -- I've never felt rushed or obligated to partake of any specific content or feature.
  15. HarvaI New Player

    Well what can i say...i don't think the game itself is very good compared to other mmorpgs these days and will never be as long as they keep supporting the PS3 but it's the best Superhero MMORPG we have.

    However the main reason for me to stay and always come back to the game is this games Roleplay community!
  16. Sodam Yat Dedicated Player

    I understand what you're saying, its just not likely to happen to be honest. Every power is designed to work in 2 stances (eg. Dps + Support), the devs need to do a lot of work and research to make sure that not only is it balanced between the 2 stances, not only is it unique and different to others, but also that if its based on DC Lore that it Complies with DC Lore. Rage isnt a construct heavy power because Light already is, but also because in DC Comics theres only a handful of Red Lanterns who CAN make constructs in New 52, and only 1 or 2 pre-New 52, notably the likes of Rankorr, Gardner and recently Dex Starr. They cant just mess around with DCs IP as they please remember.

    As far as Lanterns choosing what to be? This is semi-true but they are absolutely restricted by their rings. Green & Sinestro are very similar but thats intentional, Sinestro based his Corps rings off his old Green one. Blue lanterns boost/drain other corps but they find it hard to make constructs, Atrocitus also pointed out to Walker before that "Without Will, Hope is useless", so blues also get boosted by the greens themselves. Star Sapphires are more about Crystals than constructs, Red Lanterns have a hard time making constructs and could potentially die if they remove their rings considering the rings replace their Hearts, Avarice rings drive their wielder insane with greed and paranoia, Indigo Tribesmen/women channel the OTHER corps instead of making constructs themselves. The Corps literally couldnt be any different tbh, so their ingame counterparts being stuck in 1 role technically does make sense. So as to show the separation between em. Black & White are entirely different though. Having them ingame would be an insult to their background. The White Light created ALL life in DC Comics, Superman, Batman, Jonn Jonnz, Booster, Darkseid, Antimonitor, even The Guardians of OA would not exist if not for the White Light. Now imagine someone using Gadgets beat that................ yeah, not happening. And Black has 1 power, resurrection, you cant make a power tree outta 1 power.

    Personally I always preferred the idea of a Legendary Exclusive Double Power Purchase option. You'd pay like $50/€50 for the year and you'd have access to your current power plus 1 more. So if you were Rage, you'd pay the 50 quid sub and for the rest of the year, as long as you were legendary, you could switch between Rage & HL, or Rage & Sorcery etc etc etc. You'd switch between em just like armouries except maybe it takes a min or two. Hell even if you had to relog id be fine with that.
  17. NegativeMass New Player

    There's no need wonder what the next powers will be, because we announced the next 3 powers at SOE Live this year! Mepps has a post summing up the keynote speech and has a recording of it as well. You should definitely check it out. https://forums.station.sony.com/dcuo/index.php?threads/soe-live-2014-keynote-and-recap.219178/

    I love hearing why all of you play DCUO! Thanks for posting.
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  18. ChuckLess New Player

    That's what it becomes for me every time they have these DLC's w/o solo content. I'm not always in the mood, or have time for, for multi-player content. Please make content for everyone in each DLC.

    I play mostly because:

    The style system (after years on SWG I cannot play a MMO w/o being able to switch my characters looks at will).

    The combat system WAS a huge draw for me until WM & AM. Both ideas make absolutely no sense when there were far better (and simpler) ways to balance things out (or try to ;)) .

    A biggie, for me, is using the mouse to look around w/o having to press down on a key. I can't stand games where you just click on things to make your toon move over to them/attack.

    Also, being able to fly. That's my number one really. Until another game implements flying, the way this one has, I'm staying :D
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  19. NegativeMass New Player

    Hello! I wanted to clarify one point and then ask you for more information.

    You mentioned Playstation 2 in two different posts, so I'm going to assume that it is not a typo. Just to set the record straight, DCUO was never designed for the Playstation 2. It was designed for the PC and Playstation 3.

    You've mentioned multiple times that DCUO doesn't support the kind of role playing that you want to do, but you haven't really explained why. What changes or additions to DCUO do you think would allow you to role play the way you want?

    The only specifics you've mentioned is not having a mouse cursor to click on things but interact with icons in the environment (which is a user interface often used when controlling the game with a game pad) and not playing as the iconic characters from the DC Universe. Are these the issues that prevent you from role playing?

    We do have Legends PvP and the Iconic Anomalies, where you can play as some iconic characters, and if you watch the SOE Live 2014 Legends panel talk that Trexlight recorded, you can learn about the Legends PvE content we are planning.


    Thanks for joining the discussion.
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  20. StarshipAwesome Well-Known Player

    The music and the visuals is what's the main thing for me.