Why do you play DC Universe Online?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Will Power, Aug 23, 2014.

  1. 139 Masks Dedicated Player

    I love it.
    I have to say that I have been waiting to see a "DCUO 2" comment.

    I use to hate seeing those "CoX2" threads on the City of Heroes forums.

    Yeah, the default reason is because the PS2 can only handle so much.

    SOE is making plenty of money and could easily sink more writer and voice-over time into the game because a lot of those people are already on their payroll.

    When it comes down to it, it's a matter of how do we give the players as little as possible and make the biggest profit off of it?

    It's simply to sensationalize new content and milk the cash shop.
    The DEVs are pretty good at that.
  2. Twilight Man New Player

    Its been extremely fun, but my extended break from DCUO begins in 30 mins.
  3. Will Power Loyal Player

    What's the first thing that you do in DC Universe Online when you sign in? Run your current Tier? Help someone you don't know aka(playing it forward)? Hang out with your buddies in your League base? Look for new players to recruit into your League?
  4. JSnaples Committed Player

    Making my own character, getting good gear and challenging other players seeing how good I am
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  5. Dezaras Loyal Player

    I'm a fan of the subject matter/source material. I play because it's a superhero game, where I can create my own character (I'm a creation junkie).

    I don't play many MMOs so I need to research that element more, but I like the game so I'll do it.
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  6. Femto Well-Known Player

    I've been on hiatus this past month but I'll be back eventually ( prolly when mental rerevamp happens) . At certain points in the games life cycle can be pretty fun especially when new pvp seasons come along but as of right now no I just haven't been that interested . That challenge of true tactical coordinations in more favor of long drawn out instances of high hp bosses just doesn't suite me well . Also I've been dominating people in dps since WM and the Will of wanting to thrive as a mental dps has gone away since I'm so beast at it .... it's like your dead .. your dead ...your dead ... get beasted lol
  7. YinChakra Dedicated Player

    I mainly play in anticipation of Hope powers launching.....If it doesn't launch near or with WoLT 3, I would have wasted so much time lol, and for friends I met/play with online, and gear styles.
  8. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    Gives me something to do when I'm having my morning coffee
  9. Ghostof91 New Player

    I play to crowd control:rolleyes:

    DCUO- Showing off my skills in combat, helping others and making friends.
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  10. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    gear storylines and, my league. I'm casual when it comes to feats. I will admit the new villain style gear looks like something for a comedian. The other villain styles are great just not that 1. I like it because of the stats.
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  11. Random Redshirt Well-Known Player

    Why do I play?

    1. I enjoy Superheroes, and this enjoyment has been recently fueled by the rise of the MCU, the Nolan Batman Trilogy and Arrow (soon to be fueled more by Flash and Gotham :D)

    2. Explorable cities with villains to fight or people to save at every turn.

    3. Better graphics than CO.

    4. Shield weapon. ;)

    5. The stories are good and even better, they are voiced by great actors and actresses, some who are familiar from my youth.

    6. Because I'm (trying to be) BATMAN!
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  12. John Brawler Committed Player

    be patient and you might get the power sometime, probably gonna be awhile, but if you're just gonna whine about hope just go to one of the 50 threads that have popped up since rage came out.

    sorry if i seem rude but i'm getting sick of people complaining saying they want hope and acting like they deserve to have hope immediately when people have been asking for physical, water, shadow, and atomic for years and still haven't gotten it and half of the threads where someone requested those half of the people asking for hope now just told them to "shut up" and "you're not getting it so shut up or quit."
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  13. Will Power Loyal Player

    What I heard at SOE LIVE is that Hope Power isn't going to be a Power we will be able to use. No it wasn't from a Dev but look at the powers that were announced there were no more light powers announced. Hope can't be used as a Villian power and Hope has no counterpart like Will has Fear. The closest emotion that could be used on the Villian side would be Despair however DC Comics didn't use that emotion at all as a power source. Hope is too Hero based a villian can't use it so Heroes won't get it. Makes me sad cause I wanted Hope to be a Light Tank.All we got are blue Auras and blue weapons styles I doubt we will even get a Blue Lantern Tier gear Style.
  14. Feenicks New Player

    It's a virtual world set in the DC Universe.......Superman is here and no where else!
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  15. Half-Blood_Prince Well-Known Player

    Hero??!! Boooooooo!!!!!!! :p
  16. YinChakra Dedicated Player

    I was neither whining or complaining, so after the 13 or so words you typed the rest was irrelevant. I just thought since WoLT are introducing new lanterns and lantern based powers, I'm still hoping Hope comes out within the trilogy. If it doesn't, It doesn't, I'll probably switch Rage/HL since I'm a lantern fan.
  17. YinChakra Dedicated Player

    We're getting Blue Lantern inspired gear in WoTL 2 :)
  18. Sodam Yat Dedicated Player

    Just to clarify 2 details:

    1) Unless a dev has either confirmed or denied something, then its all just absolute speculation, not fact. Basing the idea that it wont become a power on the powers that ARE coming out doesnt make sense. Its like saying that we'll never get a "physical" powerset due to the fact that Earth powers can be used to make your toon look like it has a more physical power, which we now know is false.

    2) If hope was ever to be released, id say its 99.999% unlikely to be either Tank or Troll considering HL & Rage already cover those. Hope as a healer (for the hero side) just makes too much sense to go with anything else. The villain side not having a proper counterpart and the fact that DC would probably prefer to shut themselves down than tarnish their Blue Lantern Lore by giving that power to villains is most likely why it isnt in the next 3 powers, coupled with the fact that ppl were moaning that theres too many Light powers, despite the fact theres technically only actually 2.

    You should go watch the DCUO Keynote on Youtube. Spytle "might" have dropped hints about future powers. I say "might" because he seems to love when ppl take things from what he says and runs wild with them so it might have been a joke, or it might be clues to whats coming next. With these fragmented DLC Structures coming, Lantern Powers no longer have to be linked to Lantern DLCs remember. But it wont be Tank.
  19. Schimaera Devoted Player

    None of that in the first place. It's all about the people I started to play with when I joined my league two and a half years ago. The playing time over the years really brought us together.

    Half a year ago I quitted DC because my computer crashed and I wasn't quite able to get a new one in time. So I decided to move on.
    But I still checked our TS from time to time and talked to them. Well here I am again and we're having fun in trying cool and stupid stuff, running instances undergeared, running around as speedster canines (most awesome thing there is in DCUO), and so on.

    I wouldn't say 'friends' because this word has a really strong meaning to me but on the other hand maybe I would, yes. For the time we're ingame together and trashtalk we have a really good time, even talking about our lives and cheering each other up when we had a bad day. And of course there are bad times as well but those we overcome over and over again.

    I really like the stories in DCUO, the gameplay itself and the more challenging instances (miss you OC) but let's face it: If my friends in Die Allianz would suddenly start playing Hello Kitty: Island Adventure .... I would, too.
  20. Will Power Loyal Player

    I was there and the Future DLC is going to be Superman content and upgraded Superspeed appearances and Sidekick styling.

    Honestly I want every Power set when it comes to Lantern Powers to give you a Choice to go Tank Troller or Healer not this one or the other crap because honestly Light powers is what the user chooses to be its not a limited power like Fire Ice Earth Gadget Mental Electric ect. Light powers should give you the choice of what you want to be. I would pay 30-50 dollars to unlock that kind of ability when it comes to Each light type Power. However a while back the Devs did say that some Light powers would not be a usable power like Black Lanterns Light Lanterns so honestly I'm going to stand by it until I get a clear statement public none of this oh Spytle's hinting at this just because Spytle's hinting at something doesn't make it a Truth till he says it point blank. Spytle's the kind of guy that likes playing Mind games with people he enjoy's it. Mepps gets his kick spawning powerful adds in public areas and watching us struggle in game to beat his spawns. Heck what Dev don't like just blowing us all up just with a special Trinket they have that can kill us or adds in the blink of an eye. We get our joy from playing the game they get their kicks a different way.

    I'm a pessimist by heart I always expect the worst.