Why do you play DC Universe Online?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Will Power, Aug 23, 2014.

  1. Captain Domino Committed Player

    I honestly probably spend more time customizing my character than actual gameplay lol. I play for the story mostly with a little pew pew pew on the side.
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  2. Mick Nugget New Player

    Honestly, its just cuz they keep coming up with stuff that makes me want to play the next DLC/ game update.

    I would have quit long ago but It's like I get to try new stuff all over again everytime they revamp a power or add some new huge game mechanic or give us a new shiny HT mod to play with.

    Somehow they have found a way to keep making enough fresh and interesting changes to the game on such a frequent basis that its pretty hard for me to not want to keep subbing and playing it.
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  3. Cursed Khagan Well-Known Player

    Same here! I actually quit dcuo a while ago for like 4ish months, but then they released Amazon Fury and I came running back, then left shortly after for another 2 months until HoP released. It's something about the new content that keeps drawing me back. If it wasn't for the DLCs, I would have left a year ago.
  4. Gant Well-Known Player

    Because DC Comics rules. And the people in our league. Stand up people. Very choice bunch pf people to play this game with. My hats off to them.
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  5. Will Power Loyal Player

    Anyone can Role Play in DC if they want. Just because 95% of the players in this game are DPS's don't mean its not a Role Play game. Look at it like this once I get to level 10 I can either become a Tank/Troll/Healer or stay a DPS I choose the Support role ever since I learned way back in 2011 that DPS die alot quicker than Tanks Trolls and Healers. So I pick my Role A battle is alot longer when your in Support role than DPS that's how I like it plus I like being close range and DPS take too much damage on the front lines not matter what Tier unless your OP for the content however if your on the same level as the content your still in the back ranging. As soon as I log in I'm who ever I choose to be.
  6. Enzan Committed Player

    Customization is most of the reason.

    Flash is my favorite DC character.

    Aaaand, who doesn't love a good Joker?
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  7. Avatar Raziel New Player

    Sure they can, but then anyone can choose to RP any where at any time. I can RP in a McD's parking lot. Doesn't make McD's an RP-supportive restaurant.

    DCUO has done little to nothing to support RP as an in-game activity. One need only look at any game that has RP-support features to see the difference.

    The point I am making is that it seems to hurt players' enjoyment of DCUO when they come into it expecting an RP-supportive game only to find out that DCUO is not that. All games don't need to be RP-centric. DCUO is an action/brawler type game and those can be fun too.

    I think it hurts DCUO for people to expect it to be something it's not rather than enjoying it for what it is.
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  8. Will Power Loyal Player

    Hey when I started I thought the entire game was an RPG and from 1-30 that's what it was for me however my mind changed when I noticed it was more replay than RPG an RPG would continue the storyline no matter what your level is instead I found myself grinding for Gear. Now I'm so fed up with grinding for gear I'll take what drops that I get from the Duos Alerts and call it a day.
  9. Solmes202 Loyal Player

  10. Anima Committed Player

    This, dressing Barbie, and farming feats.

    I am a completionist.

    Bring back Safehouse Rescue, damn it.
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  11. FelixDuo Committed Player

    Well first of all it's free to play and I'm a gamer on a very tight budget. But it's also quite fun, and I'm a total sucker for character customization, which DCUO has a pretty good amount of. Plus, it's the only MMO I've played where the combat is as good as an action RPG.
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  12. Mathalos Well-Known Player

    My top three would be the combat system, feats and styles.
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  13. XPerfectX Well-Known Player

    Because I can't create my mutant in a Marvel game but if it happen in the future I leave DC in a minute. In facts, the devs on the Marvel Heroes forum are more present and they listen the community about what they wants. If Gazillion make a game like DC with the
    Marvel properties I'll support them! Just as an exemple, nobody talked about a "munition" power but "shadow" power was on a lot of lips but they don't care about what the players wants. They said water is similar to ice but if it the case so why they're two differents words to say the same things. Again in facts, water is liquid and ice is solid, visually and in use they are different but who I am to go against the DEVS, I'm just a player my opinion don't count for the GODS they are!
  14. SinestrosTaken New Player

    I love comic books and video games. Simple as that.
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  15. Representative(Platina A) Well-Known Player

    Well...here's the story of how I got hooked on this game: About 2 years ago I was addicted to another MMO which I had invested a great deal of time and resources towards being the best. This was essentially a large "pay to win" RTS (Real Time Strategy) genre game in the sci-fi realm. My background was that of being one of the most successful players who had spent the least money (largely due to a lot of unsavory political machinations and espionage through alts). After bringing an end to about three server alliances as well as my arch rival in that game whom I played chess with for years using players as pawns, I no longer seemed to have any reason to play as the overall psychological damage I had helped to inflict across the server was so great that no one trusted each other and all conflict and other dealings had lost meaning to a lot of people.

    One day while visiting a friend he shows me "a game" that he found. In the back of my mind I was hoping to find something to replace my addiction to the MMO I was playing at that time. I had initially thought "DC? ...probably stupid." Then I saw the customization... As a long time Armored Core fanatic I loved games that featured intricate customization and DCUO offered just that. I made a character based off a person my clique of friends and I had a long running inside joke about. I fell in love shortly after. Over the next couple weeks I began to sever my ties to that ever addicting RTS game I played after downloading DCUO on my laptop (I later learned I could not join my friend who had it on PS3). After one month of DC, I was sold and bought legendary without ever looking back and here I am before you today...having invested so much that I refuse to leave until something yet more addicting is found.
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  16. Marine Death Committed Player

    To start off with this is my first MMO and I love DC comics.

    I played the beta. I was extremely confused on pretty much everything so after the beta I didn't play. I noticed a friend of mine kept on playing. When it became free to play I started playing. He showed me the mechanics of it. Then it was all over. I was hooked.

    Right now I continue to play because of my league mates. I know it sounds cheesy but they became real friends. I also cannot fail to mention this is a really good game and the always new content being produced is exciting.

    Thanks to you Bird, Face, BigDixie, KhalonofOGUN, Jersey, Pain, Range, Stryder, Bowen...
    The list could go on and on and on...
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  17. BigAl Devoted Player

    Because I'm Batman.
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  18. RapidRay Committed Player

    Initially because I'm a comic fan and enjoyed the beta.

    Gradually, I've made good friends in game and have enjoyed most of the DLC content as it's been released. Both keep me coming back.
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  19. Tom Sawyer New Player

  20. Sorwen Well-Known Player

    Usually when I start asking myself this is when I quit again for 6 months or so.

    What would motivate me would be to be an actual knock-off of the characters I'm trying to be a knock-off of instead of a poor imitation. The other would be more mentors because playing that hero that gets to support "his"(or "her") hero is kind of the fun of it.

    For instance on my main he doesn't look exactly like Superman and I like that(though in outfit I would have like to add more to the look and icon armors don't do that), but when they were hovering there side by side after saving him from Lex and I knew his powers were nothing like his mentors that made me sad. I feel the same for many of the other heroes I made knock-offs of since this is the only game where I can without getting told I have to change my characters for legal reasons.

    I know we are not getting more mentors(for reasons that seem as much for what isn't said), but that is lacking. If you want a connection between your favorite character and your hero then you better hope every character would want that between Superman, Wonder Woman, or Batman because your out of luck save for a few quests here and there from other heroes.

    Actually Oracle seems to appreciate your hero far more than anyone else in the game. :)