Why do you play DC Universe Online?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Will Power, Aug 23, 2014.

  1. SkullGang Devoted Player

    The customization is superb.
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  2. LordStrongsword New Player

    I have to say the feats and my League. While working towards feats, I get to meet cool people, earn gear, get immersed in a great story, and communicate with my Leaguemates. I know that my working towards feats is what gives me more interaction than anyone thing in this gane.
  3. Legend1971 New Player

    My reason is to become a hero that I can be, meeting different people all over, and Wonder Woman is one hot mentor! :)
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  4. Ice Clown New Player

    cause its DC comic
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  5. Avatar Raziel New Player

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  6. Multiverse Creator League

    To conquer the WORLD!!!!


    ;) ;)

    It is very fun flying around Gotham or Metropolis fighting the bad guys.

    Sometimes the bad guys are NPCs...... sometimes they are other players. ;)

    And pretending to be a super-hero or super-villain (although more like anti-hero) can be really fun.

    Sometimes you can pretend to be a brand new guy no one has heard of..... sometimes you can pretend to be the Dark Knight or the Man of Steel.

    Lots of different ways to have fun in DCUO.
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  7. SupertoadLive Well-Known Player

    I keep playing because the game is STILL fun and always offering new stuffs what that to MAKE me keep playing. My bitchin' league also makes the game 100% more entertaining every day. Four words: Snow White theme night. Sorry, Sparkles. Better luck next time.
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  8. 139 Masks Dedicated Player

    I'll start with the name of the thread Why do you play DC Universe Online?
    That is more important to me.

    I play DCUO because I'm a super-hero fan and DCUO is the best super-hero genre MMO currently on the market - which is a shame because it isn't really all that good - as far as I'm concerned - because it isn't an MMORPG. (City of Heroes was a far better game.)
    I'm a DC comics fan, but I am definitely not a fan of the newer editorial teams at DC comics. In fact, it came to a point when I simply no longer enjoyed reading the comics that I had subscriptions to for years. I'm not a fan of storylines that try to force me to buy other comics to understand what is going on in the titles I read, but, fortunately, most of the titles that I did subscribe to were usually the ones that didn't cave in to the massive tie-in frenzies.
    I still enjoy reading older DC comic book stories. I'm not a Green Lantern fan, so DCUO only has limited appeal to me as it is very Lantern-centric. This did not stop me from making a Hard Light character. I have 20+ Characters - several level 30T+.

    Certainly not to make purchases in the cash shop.
    I would like to say storylines, but I simply can't.
    There are some good individual storylines, but they are all sub-level 30, so they are no reason to continue playing past 30 where there basically are no storylines and the game turns into Farmville. Buy your replay badges and rush through the same content over and over again as quickly as possible.

    I like feeling super-heroic, and the game greatly lacks super-heroic deeds.

    I understand how some/many gamers might find rushing through content as quickly as possible and finding the easy way to defeat instances as quickly as possible. I understand how some players seem to enjoy working the system and abusing/making fun of other players.
    These things are not fun to me and they don't make me want to continue to play.

    My enjoyment in replaying a game is experiencing it with a different power set in different situations and not replaying instances over and over. I would find the replay value greater with the sub-genre (tech, meta, magic) storylines going through all they way to at least level 30 (sub-T). So if I make a Magic-based character, I can go on magical missions until level 30. I don't mind running off on an Alert and mixing it up in a different sub-genre, but I don't want my mentor passing me off to other mentors because they don't have enough work for me.

    Seriously, in City of Heroes, grouping in lower level missions was tons of fun. You can't group properly in low level missions and you don't get the xp reward unless you are at the same point in the mission arc. It's pretty horrible and, as far as I'm concerned, inexcusably bad game design.

    DCUO is s step further from an X-Men platform game. I still have to bust barrels, but, at least, coins don't pop out.

    it is so sad that this is the best super-hero MMO on the market.

  9. Remander Steadfast Player

    I started playing in November 2011, really because I was tired of the hackneyed fantasy genre. I was playing D&DO, at the time. Was immediately hooked. Finding a great league in May 2012 has kept me playing through the instability and down times. This is the longest I've ever played any game, and I got my first computer about 24 years ago. I like the customization, the storyline, and especially the combat system. Though it's changed, since I started, it's still the most fun of any MMO I've experienced. One motivation for me is relatively new. I've really gotten into the number crunching side, for the puzzle aspect. I like investigating different combinations to see what can be done to optimize game play. Now, this game is not without it's problems, but no game has ever held my attention like DCUO. Hope it continues to grow and improve.
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  10. Rox New Player

    Nothing else to play on PS4 and my PS3 won't read disc so I can't play skyrim...
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  11. Omega Boy Committed Player

    Dc characters. I would've never started if it wasn't DC Universe. But league mates and progressing my character keeps me coming back.
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  12. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    The characters I spent time making better are what keep me playing. Wonder what's gonna happen at the end of the road for them all? Glad that's gonna be a long time from now :)
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  13. The Klepto New Player

    Becasue it's the only game that decent enough until DESTINY comes out.
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  14. Avatar Raziel New Player

    1) Im glad someone else realizes that DCUO is more like one of those action beat-em-up games and it's not really a role-play game at all

    2) In beta, coins did pop out of dead enemies and you had to hit the [ctrl] key to pick them up. They would kind of inhale into the character like being vacuumed up when you hit [ctrl]

    I understand wishing for a DC licensed role-play game to play if you like role-play games, but DCUO is not that and I think it hurts players' enjoyment when they expect RP in dcuo and find that this game has zero RP support. I think that if players can understand that this is not an RP-genre game there would be less disappointment or confusion about what they can expect from dcuo.
  15. EP Ice Loyal Player

    I started playing because it had Superman. This is my first MMO and I met some pretty cool people and that made me continue playing. My motivation to achieve more comes from all the great people I have met playing this game and wanting to play all endgame content.
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  16. kav Committed Player

    Feel a bit ashamed not mentioning the combat system. IT IS AWESOME. This is actually the only MMO who has this kind of a movement-, body- and weapon attack system. Unbeaten. No stupid wee-wee controlling your character only by some numbers and awkward mouse movements as it is usually, so that's my #1 reason why I started to play and still play. Whoever designed this system in the first place: You are awesome.

    Please never drop the movement/combat/weapon system as it is since the game launched.
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  17. Tom Sawyer New Player

    Or straight up dull, thank god for the people you meet. But when all those you were close to left for other games it's a hard pill to swallow. Do you stay and try make new ones, or just leave because that was only only thing keeping you on since everything isn't as appealing anymore. Plus there is only so much one can take when the large catalogue of dc lore is still only centered on wonder woman and to an extent batman.
  18. Zezimar Committed Player

    For the combat style, PvP, friends.
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  19. Tom Sawyer New Player

    Don't worry man, fall is fast approaching. Plusi already set my sick days around destiny's launch and dragon age. The storm is coming!!!!!!!!!!!
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  20. Cursed Khagan Well-Known Player

    I largely play because I love DC comics, so it's a wonderful experience to immerse in it's content outside the comic books. But right now, I'm just playing until Destiny and Dragon Age: Inquisition comes out in the fall, then it's adios dcuo! :)
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