Why do you play DC Universe Online?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Will Power, Aug 23, 2014.

  1. Will Power Loyal Player

    What motivates you to go further and achieve more in DCUO? Feats? Gear? Storylines? Leagues?

    Mepps should have also posted this question to the entire forum not just asking everyone who went to SOE LIVE this year that's an even smaller number than what's on the forums and what's in game.

    I play for the storyline and to be what I have always wanted to be a Superhero and being able to fight side by side with my favorite hero of all time Superman.
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  2. WonderValkyrie New Player

    storyline, gear and my fav DC heroine..Wonder Woman( if she wasnt in the game, i wouldnt even play it, FACT)
  3. kav Committed Player

    Attempting to be the best at my role while thriving and driving through possible benefits to accomplish that (Feats, loadout's, adapting better/different playing styles, finishing high end content in multiple, challenging ways.)

    Besides that of course I have a lot of fun playing. Especially the social aspects are a nice-to-have.
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  4. Psychofro Active Player

    The people you meet playing the game, everything else is mostly just a chore =/
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  5. Little Sister New Player

    The stories, the building of my character, my friends and the fun of it all :)
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  6. John Brawler Committed Player

    the joy of finding someone robbing an atm and then beating them with said atm.
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  7. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    I have fun...sometimes!


  8. La Shark Dedicated Player

    pew pew pew!
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  9. Crimson Jonni New Player

    Cause Green Lantern Jonni!
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  10. Octantis New Player

    Leaping from building top to building top, or just flying in general.

    Beating up muggers and thugs, and stopping people from jumping off buildings.

    I also enjoy my Lair. Probably too much.

    I'm a DC fanboy to the core, so the story interests me.
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  11. cravex15 Dedicated Player

    Besides being a big fan of DC characters since I was a kid, some of it has to do with escapism. I like role-play games. I like going away to a place where I can pave my own path and create my own world. And I like the superhero aspect of it too and having powers.
    I guess in a way we all at some point kinda wished about having powers or other super human abilities.
    I used to wish I could fly when I was a kid.
    This game lets me do all that.
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  12. Zenith Well-Known Player

    Because Mogo said I couldn't.
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  13. Prosser Dedicated Player

    My league. Think I would be lost if they ever left :(
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  14. JRsoFLY_123 Committed Player

    Mhmmm...interesting..to thoroughly flush out my created character storyline. For roleplay possibilites, everything else I do now because my league keep to together.
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  15. Seth Grey New Player

    Who doesn't want to be a super hero even if it's in a virtual world?
    Even today I find myself elated at the sight of soaring through the virtual skies like a jet place!
    I like the stories...I wish the future content provided more cutscenes (animated skippable ones at the end) and I like super powers.

    I have about 13 toons...each with its own backstory and specific design in mind. I really love creating specific themed toons. :D
    This game brings out the inner child in me. :)

    Oh and also the constant need to become better. :D The ever changing nature of MMO is a pretty fun aspect too.
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  16. Erza Scarnet New Player

    best customization in any game i've played. I can literally be any character
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  17. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I first got interested into this game with a friend of mine because of the comic book lore. Then the combat kept me coming back. Then the people I met here kept me coming back more.
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  18. Twilight Man New Player

    I've been partially addicted to the fun I experience when playing the game. That is what has kept me coming back in the face of numerous valid reasons not to.
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  19. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    I wanna be the very best
    Like noone ever was
    To catch them all is my real test
    To train them is my cause

    I will travel across the land
    Searching far and wide
    Each Pokemon to understand
    The power thats inside

    Pokemon, Gotta catch em all, its you and me
    I know its my destiny
    Pokemon, oh you're my best friend
    In a world we must defend
    Pokemon, a heart so true
    Our courage will pull us through

    You teach me and I'll teach you
    Pokemon, gotta catch em all
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  20. Ice Lantern New Player

    - Habit
    - Lack of games I want to play
    - investment into the game
    - kinda funny to see what blunders SOE will somehow pull off next
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