Why do so many people in DCUO lack creativity?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Franchise, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. Franchise New Player

    quantum : master push
    electric : circuit bolt
    hard light hero: captain prism
    hard light villian: killa ray
    rage: hell scorcher (was fire but switched, but for kicks, my character was a fire tank but got so enraged that LFG was only shouting for ice tanks he became rage and got a red power ring:rolleyes: )

    my point is, none of my characters are named xxxbatmanxxx, wonder woman new 52 or whatever. all original characters
  2. GeoShock New Player

    Keep in mind that names not used on the forum might be used ingame and other way around. Also there are far more characters in game than forum users.
  3. Abel Well-Known Player

    In regards to your question, I agree but I also disagree. I'll explain:

    I agree in the aspect that there are so many styles that can be implemented with the color scheme to make and create "Your Own Legend". For me that's a big major point of the game, being your very own "unique hero or villain". Show some creativity please DCUO Community.

    But I also disagree in the aspect that they are playing a game for entertainment purposes and many are paying in different forms to play this game. If they want to be "killer frost1257" or "HaL Jordan123456789" so be it. Especially if they are paying for the game.

    So In conclusion, I can really go either way. Do I wish many would be more creative....Yes of course.
    But I also understand that it's a video game. It's a form of entertainment and everyone is entertained differently.
  4. Prodigy Progeny Dedicated Player

    Good to know...For some reason all my league mates call me Black...but my forum name is Prodigy.
  5. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    They sound racist.
  6. HeirToThaThrone Committed Player

    Since youre acting like you dont understand what that statement means, I'll skip that topic altogether.

    Heres a simplified version:
    He asked this and he got answers. The problem with what YOURE saying is you only want the answers that agree with him to be posted. Thats not going to happen, and never expect it to.
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  7. RageOfHeaven1990 New Player

    I typically only use 1 name "RageOfHeaven" and then my alts are variations of that. Keeps things easy so I don't have people calling me different names just in case I'm on an alt.

    It's not because I lack creativity though.
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  8. Twilight Man New Player

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  9. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    But at the same time, it can be argued that those names don't sound particularly creative. See that's the problem with trying to say something is or isn't creative. It's a subjective thing, depending on your own point-of-view.

    For example, my own Quantum character is a speedster named WizardofSpeedandTime (had to spell it like that to get it all in there lol). I thought it was a creative take given that time is part of the Quantum power set and that he uses super speed as his movement. However, someone could just as easily call me for not being creative because The Wizard of Speed and Time was the name of a short film from way back (worth a look on YouTube, fun little video) and that's where I came up with the name for that character.

    Just because you don't think someone's being creative doesn't mean that they aren't stretching their own creative muscles in coming up with a character.
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  10. Franchise New Player

    Wasn't what I was referring to. I mean when people create names like xbatman or |kyle rayner| aka names that already exists from a real character or characters from anime and etc.
  11. Franchise New Player

    guess you are also confused with the point Im making, the point is it is original and it is not a name that exists already in dc universe.
    you really comparing my characters to "xxBatman" and "GLxGuy Gardner" characters? really? o_O
  12. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

    This is why i chose to make a character that mimics or copies other's appearances. He is a sort of shape-shifter and has a name that is good for a shape-shifter so i don't look like someone and have a name of someone totally different that it's obviously not true. like say you name your character Darth Vader and look like batman because you decided you want to be him instead. Now i can pretend to be anyone and be myself as well.
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  13. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    If that's the argument you're trying to make, then perhaps you should have thought a bit more and used the word "originality" in the thread title instead of "creativity." :D

    But my point still stands. What is and isn't creative or original is pretty subjective from one person to the next, and just because you don't think someone is being creative or original doesn't mean they aren't doing so. It's a matter of opinion.
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  14. RageOfHeaven1990 New Player

    Ah okay, I understand now. My apologies about the confusion :)
  15. Meta Flare New Player

    That misty is hot
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  16. Creid New Player

    I recently made an alt to try out the villain side and wanted to name him Project 13... I found out that was already taken. I really had no idea that anyone would have used it but then I remember in games and on social networks, any name you can think of, is already taken. Some people are big fans of certain Hero's / Villains and want their name in any way they can get it... Not for lack of creativity but cuz that's who they're trying to emulate. I actually was really surprised that none of the names I picked for my alts were already taken, other than Project 13, but that's the cool thing about a name like that. Project 'whatever number here ' is kinda cool. And I'm sure you can do the same with Subject and Weapon.... Names like that.

    I just think when it comes to games with millions of players on it, it's not gonna be easy to find an original name. My nephew spent nearly an hour in character creation ( after creating his character ) just looking for a name and he went anywhere from looking up cultural names to Greek mythology and Egyptian and Roman gods, even the Titans and multiple Video Games, or his name in Roblox and Minecraft ( same name in both ) but they were already taken here and its pretty original too. I guess you can compare it to real life. How many Johns, Chris's, Michael's and Peters or Jennifer and Patricia's, Michelle's and Christina's do you know ? I mean, if I spent nearly an hour thinking of a name and really just wanted to play the game... Maybe I'd settle for a name like xXxBatmanxXx1,000,000,000,000xXx too and change it later.
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  17. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    Even if you overlook all the variations of popular established characters that are out there there are still tons of players with varations of the same name. I've accidentally put people on my friends list and emailed them things thinking it was someone else i knew with only a subtle variation in their name (like pr0tector12x and prOtector12x for example).

    my take on all this is I am a o k if you choose to emulate an established character either as an homage, a parody or your own take so long as you do it well. it brings out the parallel universe with special guest stars lover in me.

    first impressions being important and all i'm going to have just a little bit more respect for you if you're name is a good one or you have a tight identity for your toon and something going on.
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  18. Black House New Player

    Parents are so uncreative...the amoun of JOHNS and SHARONS I've met, maybe we should start a thread and call them out on it because, you know, it IS our busness what others choose to call the results of their endevours...sheesh, oh btw OP I am less than impressed with the QUALITY of your charcters names, I cannot imagine buying a comic staring Captain Prism. xXxBatman I imagine would be available in the adult section?
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  19. FelixDuo Committed Player

    Doesn't irritate me, but yeah, I can't help noticing a slight lack of creativity. More so in regards to names than character designs. I've seen quite a few people with just a random string of numbers as their name. I know most of the good names are taken, but come on. You can do better than "43722." Still, I see enough really cool designs and creative names to make up for the low-effort stuff.
  20. Bruherd New Player

    Totally agree!

    Why are people trying to make these dark, black and red villain-esqe heroes?

    Names like DemonKing, or MurderMan, With black and red colors, and the demon styles. First off why are heroes even allowed these styles?
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