Since advanced mechanics have been removed from pvp arenas and duels, there is still a thing bothers me.I understand that developers allowed us to counter pets and get immunity by doing that because earth's and sorcery's pet were able to deal with way too much damage because of their advanced mechanic were based on their pet.Well since this has changed,i dont understand why do they still give immunity ? Also this effects legends pvp characters like Joker,Two Face,Circe,Felix Faust and Doctor Fate. Sadly their pet also give immunity and this makes one of their skills in their loadout almost compeletly useless if we consider the fact that their pets are dealing with absolute worthless damage. I just would like to know if this is actually intended or not.
That was there before Sorcery and Earth got their AMs. My memory is a bit fuzzy, but it was either when they added counters to PvE or when the changed Fury from being a floating skull to what it is now.
pet damage in legends is more like a little extra dots rather than a main damage dealer, but surely they're not "almost completely useless". bat's drone gives pot, fate's sentinel gives buffs. but for me the main use of pets is they split damage, can act as a human shield, or just simply make the opponent harder to lock on you. all of those added survivability which is a great factor to determine how good a legends character are, even without them doing any significant damage. so no, legends pet giving away immunity doesn't make them worthless,, not at all.
I think pets should be buffed so hard that when they block-break you it actually destroys code. Also more gear.
Yes, they can counter and be countered. They don't really hit that hard anymore. Only reason I keep fury out is to mess with targeting, split damage, help nature healers with cross pol.
string realTalk = "**** gettin real"; string gameEngineTrashTalk = "GG NO RE"; public static void zypherDestroyCode() { if ( { userInterface.chatBox.write(realTalk); userInterface.chatBox.write(gameEngineTrashTalk); kernel.closeGameWindow(); kernel.purge(); } } // Zypher was here yes I realise that all of those references are public statics along with the method, fight me
If you're going to cheaply pop a half-dozen pets that CC me, split my damage, and generally act like targeting chaff, I should be able to - at the least - farm those ***** for immunity.