Why did revenge change?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by COMBATICUS, Mar 17, 2016.

  1. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    I was keeping an eye on the feedback page about rage update, but out of nowhere got locked. So I couldn't really ask or find out why, but wth did they do to revenge. It feels like I'm stuck in mid air for a 1sec before landing and damaging. I mean, ain't like anyone was complaining about that move so what gives. Why the change, anyone that can help figure this out, I'd be much appreciated. Man, just feels like the devs take the right steps and put effort to trying to fix something but then turn around and take 2 steps back.

    The move is just so annoying now. It throws me off abit too because or the awkward and slow animation. I just want to know why Did this change happen, and what were the reason and can we go back to the way it was instead of this?
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  2. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    Click here for Tunso's post about it
  3. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

  4. MuTeDx Committed Player

    The real question for me is "why the unfair treatment?" HL was nerfed and the power is worse now because clipping was seen as evil and it was dealt with like an evil Hitler. Rage on the other hand is not only allowed to clip but tunso says he can clip better after the changes he made.

    Why the difference here? Why the unfair treatment?

    Rage should be forced to run full animations or lose dmg the same as HL.
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  5. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    It is true that both Light and Rage have the same AM, combos, but their AM's play out completely differently. Light's combo system has always been able to combo from one thing to another... during old school days their were clip heavy ways to play it (and that's essentially what every power did, light just took it to the max) but you could always do the "infinite rotation" (the only main different between now and than with regards to the infinite combo is there originally was not a full range one). Rage has combos but each power (if it has the ability to combo) is it's own combo. You do not Combo Dreadful Blast and than turn that combo into an Outrage... it never has worked in that manner. That's why you can clip with rage and not with Light.

    Well also during Light's testing the clip heavy AM was rejected.. at the end of the day that's truly what caused Light to stay the way it is.
  6. MuTeDx Committed Player

    And here is my counter point. HL may be stated as "endless combo" but what power doesn't do something "endless" now? With power back, every power does endless combos now, be it by way of powers or combinations, point is they are all endless now. So just because HL does endless weapon type moves the clipping should not be allowed? We can't even use a shield without losing AM dmg now, it's an absolute disgrace.

    Basicly I'm trying to say that HL needs a new description as every power does something endless now and HL is no longer the only power that can operate without a troll. Clipping should either be allowd or not, this half way BS only makes me hate the game more. I have not logged on since 2 days after the HL update because of how bad it was.

    I just don't understand why it has to be different when every power is already the same.
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  7. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    Why can't Celestial have the 3 second rule that Light has? Celestial says "Hi" by the way and is currently being interrupted in just about every part of the game.

    That being said it comes down to coding or how they structured the powers themselves to work. We've been warned that due to the way Celestial is written (and I'm guessing it would be too difficult to actually fix) we might not be able to get the three second recovery window, which both Light and Rage have. I agree that Light not being able to pop a shield without breaking their AM is a shame, if memory serves it's because the only way to keep the massive OP damage that existed on test was to make it so that you could not use abilities from the tray during your combo (or essentially be able to "old school" clip). From what I gather I assume their was no other way they could legitimately fix what was happening.
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  8. Nemisor Committed Player

    This is about Rage not HL. i wont even get into why rage should be doing more damage in melee than any power, the reasons are as various as they are obvious. if you want to complain about how badly HL has been treated make a thread for it. dont try to sabotage us further.

    The point is though that Tunso and several people agreed this change was for the better. im going to try it a bit longer to get the hang of it to see if the damage has dropped. from his explanation the damage and clip window is still the same. so that suggests we were often missing alot of the benefit of using revenge.

    i dont know, maybe. feels bad though.

    Is there a viable substitute for revenge?
  9. megamanzero Loyal Player

    sad sad sad...HL constructs are more fun..there's more variety :(
  10. metalfenix Committed Player

    When one plays celestial dps 90% of the time is getting off the ground because the constant interruptions of the combos :( . we are like glorified glass turrets
  11. CS2016 Committed Player

    then they need to make HL play like rage does then since the clip heavy play style is obviously never going to be viable (with what clipping there is) OR return from the old days (good ol clipping like there use to be not this dove tail crap).
  12. CS2016 Committed Player

    celestial isnt the only interrupt-able power FYI.


    1s in red are interrupt city. I have been every power even after the "new" updates to them and at end game, and idk about you but as munition atm in PZr with the pulling, stunning, knock downs its a wonder theres any munition/HL DPS'
  13. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    All of these midrange updates seem half *****. Like all they care about is meeting the standard. I understand they want to get it done as quickly as possible before Xbox release, but I'd rather they take their time and do it right the first time instead of having to revisit powers later down the road again.
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  14. Ichiro Loyal Player

    I like how every rage thread gets hijacked by HL and then derails completely from the original topic. The changes to revenge was a see we listen and are giving you something. This small change was worthless and was real disappointing to even have it done to the power.
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  15. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    You realize all the powers are interruptible right? The only difference is Celestial is the only one that has to start their entire AM over every time their interrupted. So I don't see the validity of your post at all.

    I laugh even harder because you put ice on that list. Yes it's interruptible they all are but no one can sit here and say ice has any DPS issues with being on par.
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  16. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    They would have to rebuild the power from the ground up for it to work the way you want too.

    That's not going to happen. That goes for both the rebuild of Light powers from scratch or the old school clipping days.
  17. IceRaider Dedicated Player

    Com when I get home from work in a few hours I'll hop on crimsa and run sum tests on revenge. Claws from HL was slowed down as well I noticed that as soon as I got Destini off the ship yesterday.
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  18. CS2016 Committed Player

    Never said 'these are the ONLY powers get interrupted' did I?
  19. CS2016 Committed Player

    Then they shouldnt of F***ed up how ppl played HL to start with. So they needa do right by HL folks.
  20. spack2k Steadfast Player

    i doubt anyone in rage test thread complained about revenge... tunso was just like "that animation duration doesnt look good to me going to change that" nothing else.

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