Why Blue (Hope) Lanterns are Healers.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Solarverse2, May 2, 2015.

  1. Solarverse2 New Player

    The topic came up a few months back, that Blue Lanterns were not Healers. I am here to set the record straight.

    For sources, please refer to Green Lantern New Guardians #3, #4, #6, #9 and #10.

    1: If you open up your Green Lantern New Guardians #3, on page 18 you will find Kyle being burnt to a crisp, after taking a hard hit from the Guardians. He looks like minced meat laid out to dry under a hot desert sun. He looks out and reaches out to Saint Walker and pleads for him to Heal Kyle Rayner.

    2: If you open up your Green Lantern New Guardians #4 to page 21, you will see Saint Walker literally repair and grow the cells needed for Arkillo to grow a brand new, and working tongue.

    3: If you open your issue of Green Lantern New Guardians #6 to page 14, you will see Fatality, a member of the Star Sapphires, plead for Saint Walker to heal her, as she is hurt from the damage she took from Invictus.

    4: If you open up that same issue, to page 26, you will see Saint Walker tell Invictus, that he is going to Heal him.

    5: If you open up your issue of Green Lantern New Guardians #9 to page 18, you will see Saint Walker, heal one of the members from The Reach, freeing him from the mind control of the Beetle Suits. Then he goes on to tell the other Blue Lanterns to do the same.

    Commonly I hear people mention that Blue Lanterns would not fit on the Red side, like he would the Blue side...However, if you have read any of the Green Lantern New Guardians, you will soon see, that Blue Lanterns heal all, they will befriend all, and they even keep all of the different corps members, at ease, allowing them to function without tearing each other apart. Even Bleeze is calmed under the power of the Blue Ring...and as we all know, Bleeze is hell on wheels.

    This concludes my findings, and my attempt to lay to rest the controversy that was being flared on these forums a few months back. I do rest my case, and I have nothing left to offer on the subject. Please keep comments respectful, and have fun. After all, that is what Comics are all about...having fun.
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  2. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    Oh come on! Did you have to bring this up again?:mad:

    We were almost free of this, people had moved on but no you had to go and do this.:(
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  3. Solarverse2 New Player

    lol, I'm sorry, man. It's just I have been reading Green Lantern lately, had some extra time to read since I am not buying any of the convergence stuff, so I read a lot of GL lately. It kind of got me on a kick.
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