Why are TTB groups shouting for people with pets?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Hanlower, Apr 17, 2017.

  1. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    this, is what the devs have turned this game into. low skilled players. the feat is really not that hard. my league has been doing it with (rather easy) with 2 tanks. 2 heal. 1 trool 1 dps. yes, I can count. it just works easy like that.
  2. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Cause pet powers with dual pistols are so "OP" lmao
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  3. iMint Well-Known Player

    Dont be too hard on the Cheesers, sometimes that's the only way they can do anything. I feel bad for them.
  4. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

  5. Saami Loyal Player

    This makes some powers better (easier) than others in this certain situation.
    Smart playing tho. Why go through the rock when you can bypass it?
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  6. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Attempted this strategy last night. -_-
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  7. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    all Im seeing in this thread is 'I cant do it with my power so its cheesy and lame boo hoo' fact is if you could it wouldnt be a problem.
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  8. Zneeak Devoted Player

    /Signed, "Proud Earth Player".
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  9. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    yea your point? I dont nor have taken part in any exploits to earn a feat either. Just for the record I've been every power and role so pointing it out that Im earth means nothing. Especially when I tank the raids more nowadays then DPS. Which I dont even pet tank.
  10. Balton hero Committed Player

    Wasn't going to respond to this, because didn't want to start an off-topic argument, but couldn't help myself.

    To answer your question: Yes, yes I am. Are you?

    This idea that judging people is inherently bad is a high grade of pure bs. It's never been the judgment, it's always been the criteria that certain people use to judge with, esp. the big three(race, gender, and sexual orientation). I have no problem with my judgmentalism generally nor my specific judgment in this case.
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  11. Here2Help Devoted Player

    1. I'm Earth.
    2. I didn't use the strategy that I'm outlining.
    3. I have the feat.

    Better inspect the thread again :)
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  12. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Lol, people speak in LFG chat language. The devs should keep this in mind as to not confuse people. We have no other member raids, but we do have elite raids. Staying with the uniform acronym's makes it easier to shout as to not explain. :)
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  13. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    This is no different than going under the map in FOS2, over the map in DOX, and all the other glitches that get missed before things go live. There will always be those looking for exploits, always.
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  14. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I see no cheesiness to the let strategy. Like others have said, you can also go into with damage tanks. Just because people don't run the normal setup to get a feat doesn't mean they are not capable players. Sometimes when doing feats with pugs, you need to get creative.

    As for using all sorcery players. I know most of the raids in the game can be done with no tanks. I know of a run in DWF with 1 troll and 7 sorcery toons. Couple of dps go heal, but in dps gear.

    Chill and let people play how they want.
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  15. Gimpy Loyal Player

    They do it because regardless of the player's skill the Pets are still OP.
  16. RLManuel Committed Player

    The cheese has been real for a while now lol...

    ice elemental, flip slash, metal/gadget exploits, and big gun. :D
  17. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Lol, do you play a pet power? They would be in the same boat as nature and electric if they didn't hit hard. There's a reason I've been a precision based sorcery dps for years now. Even before the pet. Dot powers suc k in this game.
  18. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Hey, don't talk bad about big gun. :)
  19. MaverickRaven657 Well-Known Player

    Thank you. Thank you for being so rational and mature. I'm sure that sadly, ppl will think less of you for this though.

    For some reason, it's a controversial idea in this community to "live and let live".
  20. Jupiter Ross Well-Known Player

    Last time I was in there we were in there we figured that Starro's charges work like Mad Harriet in DWF, he's always gonna go to the furthest so set up tanks in opposite corners and he'll only charge the tanks...block on skull and lunge little starros or fly to avoid mind control...no one died after we figured this out just gotta go back to get feat...hopefully this helps for those who don't have/like pet powers get the feat