Why are trolls squishy?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SuaveFahu, Jun 8, 2014.

  1. SuaveFahu New Player

    I'm a gadgets troll almost full pvp 90 gear, just need 2 more, But I die quick. Is there a reason why trolls die fast against dps or is there a certain way i should fight? I'm more of a range fighter BTW if that helps.
  2. EPHEMERAL titan New Player

    Shields..distract..get the enemy off you. Use WM and heavy hitting powers like photon. Kill or be killed. Stun them if they cannot move they cannot hit you. Use stealth..especially if you are doing more than 1v1. You are not a Tank do not play like one..do not stand there taking damage and expect blood clots alone to keep you alive.
  3. SuaveFahu New Player

    Ok cool thanks for that in put, Whats WM and fighting as a troll should be at a distance when attacking? I use a bow btw.
  4. Th3One Well-Known Player

    WM is weapon mastery and i think you should use a melee weapon its pvp i find range weapons useless my opinion but ur a troll so try using your stuns and debuffs it will help or if you like using your bow use it
  5. Blade Damone New Player

    Gadgets actually has one of the highest survivability rates amongst troll powers. If you wanna see squishy, try hard light. Squishy and everything is vulnerable to block or interrupt.

    You're probably just getting hit by weapon mastery. Ever since wm, pvp has gone to ___ and everyone is just getting one shotted.
  6. SuaveFahu New Player

    Yea thats whats happening i die in the first 10 sec of the game some times lol but ive used distract and stuns and moved around the match and I see that I can survive. The stuns is what really helps and the debuffs.
  7. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Its because Weapon Mastery is stupid overpowered and the Developers arent doing anything about it.

    Doesnt matter if your wearing CR 97 PVP gear and popping shields, when I hit you for 8-9K consistently, youre going down. When FOS was the 8v8, id just queue up in PVE gear and go to town with spin chop>dual flurry. Without getting a single red/purple buff I had 24 kills and over 50K more damage then the next person. Arrow fling works just as well.

    If an experienced player counters you once, its lights out.
  8. EPHEMERAL titan New Player

    I apologize..as others have said WM means weapon mastery. TYVM for your patience.
  9. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    If you know what you're doing you're invincible.

  10. X-zero Loyal Player

    In 1vs1 situations you should consider using a melee weapon. Using a ranged weapon usually will get you killed.
    In any thing not 1vs1 the strategy is usually kill the other team's power. Range weapons should be alright here.
  11. SuaveFahu New Player

    Awsome, thanks for the input guys, ill invest for a mele weapon next time for pvp.
  12. Lightws Dedicated Player

    The type of weapon your using doesn't matter but you should be incorporating melee as well as using range in pvp. Basically when you see them block you can do your range combo to break them. But otherwise whale on them with melee because if you range someone who is meleeing you with WM. GG your gonna get hit for 18k depending on there power and if they have alot of precision. Which is basically a 1 shot even with ice shields.
  13. SuaveFahu New Player

    yeah I've been incorporating melee attacks with my stuns and shields, I can see a huge different. First I'm surviving more and I understand now that As a troll I got to be able to move around , stun, shield, melee, range all the same time and do troll duties to be successful in pvp.
  14. JoshuaBagwell Committed Player

    if your not using distract and decoy you kind of are as gadgets shields only activate when your lower that like 45% health.
    But no way are trollers squishy. I have seen many a classes go down in terms of squishy.

    DPS esp. the melee dps's are squishy as heck
    Trolls we are 3rd granted we can use shields but what till I finish
    Healers can heal themselves and give themselves shield that are stronger cause its based on resto
    Tanks well we know they aren't squishy
  15. GuyverVII Well-Known Player

    You need a mele weapon tbh and in 1v1 focus on defence, once a dps is low on power they will fall into a stun that will be hard to break out of, use WM and I always go into pvp with defence and heal debuff
  16. BumblingB I got better.

    Check out their stats. They have a lot more health than DPS gear does.
  17. Kaleb57 Well-Known Player

    Sheilds are your best friend, and so is preciscion. Stay back and range, If damage comes your way, shield and kite. Also, regenerative shielding, hard light shield and energy shield do wonders for survivability.
  18. chipzes Committed Player

    Trolls are not squishy /thread
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  19. BlackSuperGirl Committed Player

    Try focus your weapons skill points in Precison and Dominance, doin pot in pvp u may use alot stun/crush combos and deals damage
  20. Naija born Well-Known Player

    i am a controller in pvp and i am not squishy, infact a good troll is one of the hardest to kill, they have too much arsenal in their powers to survive alot. you just need to practice more and you will realize that trolls are one of the most durable after tanks