Why are the lower missions so difficult?

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by MAXILIANO, Feb 9, 2017.

  1. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    In order to get a better view of the powers, especially the tank, I decided to do some raids alone.
    Those of lower relevance, and lower level!
    Nexos, prime, gates, etc.
    And I realized a great difficulty in realizing them!
    In some cases just getting with the Tank!
    It was good to see how the atomic tank is still bad! Mainly because of the withdrawal of ability to stun the enemies!
    However my armor and my estates were worthless!
    I did not understand anything
    Cr Tank: 178
    DPS cr: 175.
    Atomic power.
  2. Tsavorentless Dedicated Player

    My guess is without am's people need to follow mechanics. I'd have to see a video of wut you were going through but I'm just making a guess. People used to over powering content.