For weeks now the forums have been really slow loading anything and it's getting real frustrating to post on here or even read stuff because the pages take forever to load. I know its nothing on my end because every other web site but this one works fine so its clearly a you problem that needs to be fixed.
There's only one explanation: the studio is understaffed, there aren't enough employees to maintain it, so the services are deteriorating. Not having a green to respond says a lot about that Personally, it's goodbye to this studio, for whom we no longer count, because it's only with this studio that we see such degradation at all levels...
Yeah they must’ve laid off a lot of those server hamsters. Now we’re down to one and that furball sure is tired.
its weird how the extent of the lag on the forums directly correlates to the amount of lag we have in game.
I know right, almost as if it's not related to anything at all in game but rather the servers they're running off in North America, which is why it's not affecting Europe, but is affecting North American servers and the forums. Maybe, just maybe, someone in upper management decided cutting server costs was a good idea, I mean they did just come off some extensive lay offs and then, surprise, look at that significant server lag issues. It does make you wonder, doesn't it.
I’ve no idea what would make you think this; but I can promise you! This most certainly is, and has been happening in Europe just as long as it’s been happening in the U.S. It’s just that about 15% of the forums are European, and even with that - only about 3% use the forums. They simply don’t log in to complain; OR… many don’t speak English, nor type it, and cba translating. I’ve spent so long waiting for a page to load almost daily, I literally cbf, and just close the tab. Many times it’ll come back with an error that the page can’t be found. I even wrote about ut in the bug section. This most definitely is not a U.S. nor NA issue only. This company have either paid for absolutely pathetic, or… their equipment is so old - it no longer can function properly. (I’d go with the former) This company are cutting back to the bare minimum. And come Thursday/wednesday reset - if they choose not to give an x2 bonus again, it’ll confirm that yet another thing has been removed - and for me personally! Will confirm that this company are running in absolute and complete maintenance mode. Not willing to fix anything, though - promising all the fixes and same bs we’ve been fed for a fair while now, to keep us hanging in there, with hopes of change, knowing that they’ll get away with it time and time again; and the bugs and glitches etc, will just become like the rest ‘part of the game’ just… yeah! That’s just how it is. Whilst they give less and less for subbing customers, and remove more and more. Maximum intake, minimum output. Come September - if they don’t pull of something spectacular as far as new content. I’d say they’ll lose a MASSIVE portion of the already well pissed off playerbase. And honestly! I really hope it does fail spectacularly.
No-one listens to us here any more, which says enough about the fact that there's been no development, it smacks of the staff migrating to another project, or at worst leaving the studio.
Lag is a new feature! Why should someone with better internet service get to experience the game better than someone who doesn't have good internet service? So, they clamped the network to make it fair and fun for one and all. Play DCUO just like it was originally played back in 2012 in rural America! Take that high speed internet user ruining the game for everybody else! Remember the lag clamp is for the greater good.
I am not stating there is not any lag in Europe servers.. I do know that the forums were running smooth this morning when the servers were down.
It depends what is really causing the lag. If the lag is being generated from something within the games code and the game versions are identical then you would expect the games to be performing rather similarly irrespective of the server(s) they're being run off. The EU servers and US servers are going to be located in different places and run out of different data centers, likely under different service agreements. Given the servers do not appear to be behaving identically I would suggest that Daybreak/EG7 are skimping on server costs, particularly within their North American data center and it is this that is causing the general/overall game server lag, as well as the forum lag which is being run out of the North American data center. That doesn't mean they're also not skimping on costs in the EU either, it may just be less noticeable because varying factors like reduced overall server load via a naturally lower population. The issue with the new alert in game that is causing massive frame loss and other issues, is more likely something related to the game code because it's the only instance behaving like that, something within it's code or design it causing a problem. Daybreak will also never admit to not spending enough on the servers to meet the needs of their customers because such an admission would be terrible, because it would effectively be an admission that they're purposefully causing the negative customer experience.