Why are people so focused on tiny stat gains?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Robotsidekick, May 19, 2021.

  1. Lara Committed Player

    this Thread makes no sense at all, even if you get 0.0001% its more than 0% everything what gives you better stats = Better Dmg so what you tryna say here wtf?
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  2. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    You have to break it down to get the base stats and work from that. You cant just multiply your overall number by a percentage number and use the difference. If you start out with 100 and add 3 art at 5% increase each, it is 100+3(100*.05) to give you 115, not 100*1.05=105 then 105*1.05=110.25 then 110.25*1.05=115.76. 115=/=115.76 but multiply that by a lot more for the game.

    I would like to see an update in the stats tab that shows the base amount and the % increase amount so we know what to expect for a boost in stats and not a guesstimate. Sure we can take off the stat focus, dps buff, omega buff, league buff, art buffs, white mod buffs, elite affinity buffs, seasonal buffs, roleless buffs, controller power group buffs, etc, and we should be left with our gear, gen, origin, augment, art, and any other white mod buffs that provide a flat stat. Its a lot of work to figure that out.

    Are they noticeable? When they add up, yes. A single 1% is negligible but a 10% is not. I like to buff my power and have gotten it over 200k without league hall buffs. I have a nice augment of power buffs, focus buff, omegahedron double buff, omega buff, soder buff, and it all adds up. I have to smash my controller to run out of power. Without those buffs, like omega and augs, i would loose a good 11% power buff, and dealing with 200k, thats a lot.

    I find that you have to take a step back and figure out what is worth buffing. A lower stat with same buff will result in a lower increase compared to a higher stat. Like dominance at 20k vs might at 70k would work in the might's favor. Power is like 150k plus while resto is like 30k, resto doesnt increase much at all but power does so it is better to increase power to net more with the buffs. And since trolls are obsolete, my power regen is crazy fast, and since we get a defense buff, players dont die as fast so resto isn't a priority. I wonder if some get confused in game cause they see me healing the ground but my power bar is like always 75%+...wait whats a troll for again??