Why Are Names Important?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Darkerusaelp, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. Vampirebit Well-Known Player

    thanks for the reply and info.I hope everything works out in the end.
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  2. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    It seems by removing these statistics from the public Social Census Data it (dare I say) empowers inactive players to continue to troll DCUO.

    • Date Character Created (removed at least temporarily)
    • Date of Last Login (removed at least temporarily)
    • Total Time Played (removed at least temporarily)
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  3. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    1.) Created Own Name / Character.
    2.) Consistent Naming Theme in subsequent Characters.

    That's how I got around potentially being locked out of the name I wanted. I made something original instead.

    If you want a name someone else already has... maybe you should examine the creativity of making the 50,000th 'Goku' and go a different route instead. Or do what everyone else in that situation does and name your character 'xoxoOXOXSSJ5SAIYAJINGODGOKUXOXOoxox 243'.
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  4. winter13 New Player

    It also benefits all those players that do not want that information shared. So, it is not just affecting players you deem "inactive".
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  5. StarshipAwesome Well-Known Player

    What if I didn't want to? Why can't I treat my characters the way I want to? Why does it have to be by the standards of others?
  6. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    That's a good point as well. Perhaps like someone said earlier a middle ground could be reached.
  7. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    I like Dragonball Z too so what would you think of the name supersayajingod goku. Just kidding.;)
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  8. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    Ummmm....2! did I win?

    Also again we are talking about MILLIONS of abandoned accounts....

    You crack me up with all the Legendary envy you seem to have, and all the "real life" schtick. No one is saying you need to log in every day as you like to say so very often or even once a week or once a month or every 6 months.
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  9. Falco Committed Player

    He did mention it, and I would look for it to happen. Why? Because it's the right thing to do and the majority of the community knows it. Expect the devs to give everyone proper warnings and every opportunity to keep their name if they have any interest in continuing to use it. While some people will refuse to see the good in this, think about it. Either thousands of names will be free for the entire playing community to use, or hundreds to thousands of players will log back in to keep their name and just MAYBE decide that they would like to make this game a regular thing.

    The positives far outweigh the negatives. I'm definitely for seeing names freed or seeing a boost in the population. Let's do this.
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  10. Shadowwyvern Committed Player

    I admit I didn't read through all 9 pages, but here's an idea that has been stated probably before, different languages. An example, this morning I made a Wolf form knight. KnightWolf was taken. Did I get mad? No. I took the French word for wolf and named her KnightLoup.
  11. Falco Committed Player

    Despite what some people are saying, this isn't a thread about how difficult it is to come up with a name. It's about how reasonable it is for the devs to free up names that are no longer in use. Maybe you could start your own thread about name creations.
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  12. Sbel Devoted Player

    Knightwolf is a CR 89 Rage Hero, who may actually be active. Knight Wolf is a Level 3 Light Villain, with enough zeros to suggest she hasn't been on in years.
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  13. Vampirebit Well-Known Player

    i was wondering if you had a link to where he mentioned this?
  14. JSnaples Committed Player

    Which I have already addressed if you'd learn how to read
  15. WonderValkyrie New Player

    KnightLoup dont have the same ring to it that knightwolf has...it's a plane, its a bird..its knightloup! It's nice but you'd talke wolf if you could, this is why the inactive names MUST be freed!
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  16. Sbel Devoted Player

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  17. Falco Committed Player

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  18. EP Ice Loyal Player

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  19. Multiverse Creator League

    KnightLoup sounds wrong on so many levels.

    Why not go all the way and call him "Le ChevalierLoup"??
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  20. WonderValkyrie New Player

    wow that sounds fancy! I like it
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