Why Are Names Important?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Darkerusaelp, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. Multiverse Creator League

    Odds are they would check the last time the account logged in as opposed to check each character.

    But even if they did check each character....... if you have an ALT.....
    is there no reason why you would not be able to log in with your ALT at least once a year???
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  2. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    As long as you log into said alts at least once a year, they're safe, since they are considered played. What gets me are all of the under 30 toons that haven't been logged into in over 12 months that take up names that others may want. There were quite a few that were made in November 2011 that were only played for a few hours on the day created and haven't been played since.
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  3. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    Good point.
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  4. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    It wouldn't even require 5mins, in the time it takes to run the vault a person can get logged in. :)
  5. JSnaples Committed Player

    Oh yes, it must suck to have names such as XXXXXIAMXXXB@@@TM@@@N2014THRU201999 and names such as ZACHATTACK2016xxx
    Yeah, we absoluetely MUST take their names from them!
    People have lives, not everyone can log in everyday so how about you stop bullying people for not being Legendary? It's obvious that's what you guys are doing, Legendary people can be inactive for a year and nobody here has said anything about them
    Premiums only have 6 slots without buying other slots
    F2ps only have 2 character slots
    So tell me how many names can they really take with 2 slots?
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  6. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    props to your being able to make your own fun. i think thats a big part of enjoying the game but i can think of three or four leagues...active leagues at that that wont consider bringing in a new player if their names include x's, o's and netphonics. like it or not . from my own perspective i take players more seriously if they have a username i deem "decent" and many other players in the game do too.

    i dont know what i would do if i couldnt use the names i made up. i dont think i would be as invested in the game as i am.

    first come first serve sure..but i would also cater to my existing client base over holding someones place who blew me off a year or two ago.
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  7. Falco Committed Player

    1. There are no names I want that I don't have.
    2. It is a simple and easy fix to the problem for the devs to ask that people who have not logged in for a said amount of time do so if they are interested in keeping their names.
    3. Hundreds if not thousands of unused names will be freed up for the community.
    4. People will use a dictionary or their imagination if they want to be creative.
    5. People who have no interest in coming back to the game have no right to hold names hostage from the people who DO want to play this game (F2P, premiums, and legendary).
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  8. Falco Committed Player

    Nobody's talking about logging in every day except for you. The community is referring to people who tried the game for free 2-3 years ago, created a character, decided that they didn't like the game, and left with no intentions of coming back.
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  9. Multiverse Creator League

    2 slots X 18 million accounts = a TRUCKLOAD of slots
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  10. JSnaples Committed Player

    Tell me someone who's going to make 18 million emails for psn accounts for some names..
  11. Multiverse Creator League

    Yeah.... because Sony has NO WAY to send e-mails to their millions of subscribers.

    Of course. :rolleyes:

    I wonder how they manage to send me e-mails???

    I guess it must be one guy manually sending e-mails to everyone with a SOE account.
    No way they could have an automated system for that. :confused:
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  12. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    What are you talking about? You realize that this game has been around for almost 4 years right? There are perfectly good names, regular old names that were taken at launch and after the server merge hit, that are just never going to be used again. For example, my buddy had "Amaterasu" and then there was a random name reset, he lost that name and the person hasn't logged in since that day. That was 3 years ago and my friend has put in thousands of hours vs the person who took his name, who has put in about 10.

    Why does it matter if INACTIVE characters, people who haven't logged in for 2+ years and will never log in again more than likely, have their names reset? I'll answer that for you, it doesnt.

    There is absolutely no good argument against name resets. If a person has any intention of keeping their name, or decides that they want to play again, they can go right ahead and log in for 10 seconds to keep the name. I could give a crap about "Zackattack2016xxx", but regular names that people would want should be freed up if the accounts are inactive for 2-2.5 years.
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  13. JSnaples Committed Player

    Um what?
    You have to make a new e-mail account everytime you make a new PSn is what I was saying..no idea what you're talking about
  14. JSnaples Committed Player

    Yeah and there's no good argument for you to take peoples names away just because you want to assume they're never going to play again even though you have no idea if someone is going to play again or not and you're only assuming if they will or not based off how long they've been offline when I've already covered the whole "gone for years" thing but it seems you've chosen to Ignore it and just bring that subject back up..
  15. Multiverse Creator League

    Okay... now you are clearly just Trolling now. Will go back to ignoring you then.

    Have a good day.
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  16. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Yes there is. I'm an active, paying customer and they aren't and haven't been for 2+ years. If someone made a name 3 years ago and spent 10 hours on that toon and hasn't logged into the game or into that character for 3 years, they don't deserve to keep that name. Especially because of how accessible the game has been, name resets should absolutely be on the table.

    I didn't read your post about the "gone for years" thing. Please, repost it or direct me to it. I'd love to read it and give my feedback on it.

    Edit: Also, I gave a perfectly good reason to take peoples names in 2 separate threads.
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  17. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    In his other post, he was referring to people having to use different emails for different accounts every time they make a new PSN name.
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  18. Multiverse Creator League

    Seeing Greenman's reply.....

    Did you really think I meant ONE person making 18 million accounts???

    In case you do not know that.... there are currently 18+ million accounts.
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  19. Vampirebit Well-Known Player

    so is this going to happen or not? does anyone know if the devs even are considering this idea for resets? both sides have a point but i'm leaning more towards the mass 2+ year name purge because the game deserves it.
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  20. Multiverse Creator League

    Mepps mentioned that they are looking into it.
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