Why Are Names Important?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Darkerusaelp, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. Sbel Devoted Player

    I want the names available for the good of the game, not because I actually want any of the names. How does that make me a "spoiled brat" ?
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  2. Tule New Player

    Its not for the good of the game. It just isn't.
  3. Sbel Devoted Player

    So? I don't care if people use unique names. It's just silly that people have to try 10+ variations before being able to get one close to what they want.
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  4. Sbel Devoted Player

    Ok. So how is it bad for the game then?
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  5. Multiverse Creator League


    Keep them from logging in??

    Really??? And how do you think they could do that?????
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  6. Tule New Player

    But the thing is that those 10 variations are all the same name. So after the "original" is taken, the rest are all copies. So it shouldn't matter if someone has to be Flame Lord 21 instead of Flame Lord 20. Its still not what they originally wanted. The "original" will be taken instantly. All it will cause it people wanted the name purge to happen more often. Or people hoarding names, or selling names, because the community has gotten a lot thinner morals since the game first came out. If anything, this would be for the worse of the game.
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  7. Tule New Player

    Read my second post and find out. How is it good for the game then?
  8. DCUController New Player

    as much as I agree with you, as I said in the other thread about "why should I change my name" or w/e its called

    1st come, 1st serve

    you want a name join sooner, dont "eh idk if i'll like this game" wait months on end then wanna force ppl who have good names out of using those names thats just ********, and imo its a di** move
  9. Sbel Devoted Player

    Isn't it also a ...richard... move to create a character, decide you don't like the game, and delete the game without deleting your character first? If they're being Nixons why shouldn't they lose their names?
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  10. DCUController New Player

    its not for the good of the game, them promoting the game is for the good of the game, not ripping ppls names from them so someone else can have it and then go inactive lol.

    and names aren't a big part of the game so why's it even matter? Hell my 2 characters names are this:


    you think I give 2-rats a**? no, I have fun while playing, I enjoy the ppl I play with, and I dont dwell on the small BS like names. Are those the names I wanted? god no, I had other names picked out but didnt get them so I picked something else. As can other ppl.

    way I look at it is this, if names are that big of a deal then, you dont needa play DCUO simple as that.
  11. Sbel Devoted Player

    So, you don't want the names to be available because you want new players to be frustrated and leave? :confused:
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  12. DCUController New Player

    b/c like myself I dont have many or well any other PS3 games aside from slpinter cell black list and DCUO

    therefor I usually come back to DCUO as it fills time easily, not to mention I have the most time invested in this game.

    so I'd say anyone who deletes the game will eventually come back to it, as it is addictive as hell :rolleyes:
  13. DCUController New Player

    if they leave over something simple as that then let them, they sure as hell wont make it far as grindy as this game is
  14. Sbel Devoted Player

    You think that people who played for less than 10 hours are coming back? LOL.
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  15. Multiverse Creator League

    Heck many played for less then ONE hour 3 years ago.

    I guess those will come back too according to some people in this thread???

    People who played for ONE hour 3 years ago are not coming back.

    So why do people insist that those people who played for ONE hour..... who never supported the game would be able to keep their name until the end of time???
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  16. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    People that haven't played an under level 30 toon in over a year should not be able to keep their names, because they are more than likely not coming back to the game. I'm on the fence when it comes to level 30 though, because I have a friend in the military that can't play for almost a year at a time, and his toon is almost T6.
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  17. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    You have a very good celestial alt named oolilith 140SP 103CR, not sure if you know but the name Lilith is taken by a level 28. Your a villain so you may not be familiar with the following NPC quote but "C'mon, take it you deserve it..."
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  18. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    I played WoW for not even 30 mins, I played less than that...guess what? :oops::oops: i didn't come back.

    Anywhooo. As long as the Devs have something considerate behind it like what others said like sending them an email about a warning so they can have time to log on if they care or not would be fair. Heck they don't even need to be on for a long time, just 5 mins or so lol.
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  19. Multiverse Creator League

    There are less then 2 million players that are level 30.

    The issue is more the 18+ million players who will never be level 30.
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  20. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    What about those with alts? I know some people who have alts for a lot of reasons, for example collections and just sending the collections to their level 30 main or whatever.