Why Are Names Important?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Darkerusaelp, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. Crimson Jonni New Player

    Firstly, business is used loosely, anything that requires attention can be classified as business. What its used as here is anything more important than a game. For example, when i was younger, my grandfather worked a couple cities away 5 days out of 7, and even after he came home he had things to do. His busiest months are those around national holidays, so much so that when he comes home he still has planning to do. If he were to play the game, he'd probably not log in for extended periods of time until he felt he had a stable enough period of freetime to enjoy it.

    Secondly, pregnancy, as was business, was used as an example to illustrate how important matters often surface and keep people from doing what they enjoy. Now I've never been pregnant cause I'm a dude but i'm sure that some women have sacrifice leisure time in order to support themselves and their growing child. If you cant see how that in and of itself isnt a reason someone my take an extended break, idk what to tell you.

    All in all, this is a game, not an obligation. Therefore it comes second. And because it comes second, no one should have to meet your expectations in order to keep something they chose first. If anything, they deserve some type of notification, and a 2 month notification after 1-2 Years is pretty generous. Certainly more so than trying to take names after a month or so, when in that month of time, you could have come
    Up with hundreds of them.
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  2. Twilight Man New Player

    The motivation behind the original requests in 2011 where people lost names they currently used and wanted them back, that wasnt selfish.
    The numerous requests the following year to purge names, because people never saw the name holder log on and wanted the name, those were selfish.
    These recent years requests to purge names disgued by the intent to free up names for the community, also selfish.
    The most recent requests to purge names fueled by seeing actual statistics of play thanks to the Census yet still hidden behind freeing names for the community, still selfish.

    Just my opinion. Not saying I know everything.
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  3. chmegma Well-Known Player

    i left for over a year. had my names been gone when i came back, they would not have gotten my money.
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  4. Liongale Dedicated Player

    There are soooo many names taken when DCUO first came out for name grabs on accounts that were never logged into since. Those names should be freed.

    Also it shouldn't be logging in per-character, but per account. If the entire account hasn't logged in these 3 years, heck yeah they should be cleared up. 2 years even is very generous.

    If you're on the forums here defending not wanting to lose your names... you're the type of player who's not going to lose their names, because you're going to log in eventually. There are many accounts with many collected name grabs that are not.

    Let's get to it!
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  5. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    The name BoogerMaster if free(on USPC), somebody needs to jump on that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  6. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    First of all selfless was a typo, I meant to write selfish.

    Second it says you have currently quit the game in your signature (due to the census app) so I can understand your call concerns.

    Third I have thought about the other person, there have been millions of people who have made characters in DCUO. Let's be realistic for a moment there is no way for an mmo or any game to keep that many people playing... forever. So unfortunately thousands of players have since moved on to other games. The thing is the vast majority don't delete their character not because they plan to come back but because they simply uninstalled the game.

    I took a break from the game last year in October (missed the seasonal feats and the talking t.o. morrow pet) and didn't come back till sometime in December. So for around 2 months I was playing Diablo 3. The time stamp (that was temporarily removed) has players that haven't played since 2010/2011/2012 etc do you HONESTLY think they plan to come back?

    The chances of getting a name I want will be much higher if SOE frees up some names. There are quite literally thousands if not a million or so inactive account names doing nothing other then frustrating people at the player create screen and stifling creativity. Don't worry Vintage this will not affect you or your any of your alts. The only for thing I am proposing will only affect those that can't take 3-5 minutes out of their day, to login to DC on atleast one character on their account, for all of ten seconds in a twelve to twenty four month period. I mean if a person can't be bothered to do that then why would they even care if their name was changed.

    Besides that I would be willing to bet that SOE will make lots of $$$ off of the sales of rename tokens if this was implemented.
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  7. Necro Maat Well-Known Player

    I know for a fact a person has actually died in real life on here. And that toon name will never be used again. A permanent memorial that no one will ever see or free up the name? I say free it up. Maybe no one else with use it. Frees up server space. So there has to be a way to figure out/contact the name holders & see if they even still know about having a DC toon or if they were just giving a trial, etc...
  8. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    First and foremost where on earth did you get the idea that I quit because of the app for when I posted my toons stats all over the place before? :confused:o_O You make yourself look silly when you assume things. ;) quit and taking a break is two different things, how on earth do you expect me to continue playing the game for when my laptop overheats during in-game and the fan needs fixing and decides to go into hibernation & not repeating myself again with my thoughts on this and reasons.

    + it says I don't care for my stats being show so where are you getting this idea from my friend? :confused:o_O Because I took out my toons name and said I'm taking a break? :confused:

    Alt - Celestial Healer - Magdalena Bonita - EUPC

    Character ID: 844429227182617
    Last Location: League Hall
    Active: true
    Deleted: false
    Level: 30
    Combat Rating: 100
    PvP Combat Rating: 22
    Skill Points: 71
    Feats: 355 of 801
    Health: 6276 of 6276
    Power: 3588 of 3588
    Defense: 4451
    Toughness: 0
    Might: 1424
    Precision: 300
    Dominance: 73
    Restoration: 3780
    Vitalization: 478

    Main - Rage DPS - Reveria - EUPC

    Character ID: 844429227064829
    Last Location: Watchtower
    Active: true
    Deleted: false
    Level: 30
    Combat Rating: 102
    PvP Combat Rating: 82
    Skill Points: 89
    Feats: 448 of 803
    Health: 6245 of 6245
    Power: 2777 of 2777
    Defense: 5426
    Toughness: 30
    Might: 3450
    Precision: 1621
    Dominance: 78
    Restoration: 1846
    Vitalization: 705

    Yes, because it really is the census app for the reason I decided to take a break. :rolleyes:

    Once again, not going to repeat my reasons on why I don't like this and if you think it's because I care about my toons names, yes I do care but I'm thinking about others over here, have a goodnight/day wherever you live. :)
  9. Sbel Devoted Player

    What I don't get is how so many people just assume that everyone who supports this must want one of the names we're talking about. Can't you see how bad it is for the game to have millions of names tied up by mostly f2p players who are never coming back?
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  10. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    Well we honestly had no proof before, SOE has never been forthcoming with this type of information. Now that we have the evidence right in front of our faces why should we choose to ignore it?
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  11. Sbel Devoted Player

    They did.
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  12. High Troller Loyal Player

    I propose to not allow removal of old characters because somebody wishes to use an "unoriginal character name".
  13. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    People who take these names and never play again are in fact limiting our creativity. It is not hard to delete your character at the character select screen. I have done it many times. An example would be when I made a power girl inspired toon named "shower girl." ;)
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  14. The Valeyard New Player

    They don't own jackshit. My character is my character. I created him long before this game. If I ever decide I want him published, they better not even try.
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  15. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    As Robin from the old Batman TV series would say "Holy Bat Logic!"
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  16. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    That sounds like a special case and in your case if you made it back in one piece (God forbid you didn't return :() you would simply contact customer support, email them proof and have the issue resolved.
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  17. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    The game offers tons of inspired by styles, heck look at what Mighty Goldar is dressed up as. I received many compliments on this style lol.
  18. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    Lol a reference to a silly musical kung fu movie.
    "The Last Dragon"
  19. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    Goodnight Vintage.

    I will add that several people on here said they were quiting or deleting their character because of the app and some of the reasons below.
    Blah,blah invasion of privacy.
    Blah,blah never asked for it.
    Blah,blah needs an opt out policy.
    Blah,blah get kicked or treated unfarly due to mean people on DC who judge you by your skill points and combat rating.

    These are just some of the reasons that were listed. And while there are some topics with people saying they are coming back. There are also quite a few topics of people who are quiting "because reasons" but yeah sorry for assuming.
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  20. Tule New Player

    The names would be taken instantly. Just think of a better name.

    I made a female character, nature power, like.. a year ago. Maybe. So the game had already been out for over 2 years. There had already been several several topics like this one. I sat down for and brainstormed (hey, good electric name, check it) and thought for like 10 minutes. And bam, the name was free.

    Prunus Girl. I was on a legion kick and they add "Girl" or "Lass" or "Lad" to their names. I was also a guy making a female character. There is a manga about a crossdresser called Prunus Girl. She was nature. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prunus

    I've since deleted that character, gonna go check and see if the name is taken. A perfectly good nature name. Over 3 years after the game is out. Brb...


    Bam, still wasn't taken. I also left the name Marcato up there, because that was a tank I made about 2 years after the game had come out. A tank. What is a tanks job? To make sure he makes more noise than everyone around him so he is focused on. Ok, brainstormed quickly. Marcato (short form: Marc.) (Italian for marked) is a musical instruction indicating a note, chord, or passage is to be played louder or more forcefully than surrounding music.

    Same thing with another couple of names I've come up with. The point is, names aren't important. Unless you care about it. Then put some thought into it. Not hard.
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