Why Are Names Important?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Darkerusaelp, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. Sbel Devoted Player

    SOE would never consider removing the names from any person who keeps playing the game and/or paying them. There's no point in suggesting any plan involving them. Besides, most of us don't want to take names away from people who actually still want them. We just want some of the old, dead accounts cleared. A lot of people probably still have characters and don't even remember this game exists. I know I've made accounts in F2P games, played less than an hour, and deleted the game without deleting my character first. Of course, I don't use very interesting names. I doubt anyone has ever logged on to one of those games and gone "darn! sbel is already taken!" :p

    Anyway, the only people on the forums who might be affected are the losers who quit the game but still hang around on the forums.

    Hmm. *looks at your sig* Oh. :oops: No offense.
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  2. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    :rolleyes: Sbel, why...why...you shouldn't have said that.

    I mean, it's one thing when members get whatever for free or whatever, like when people say how premiums have to pay for legends PvE or whatever, at the end of the day I have to buy my legend toons regardless, but this, no.

    Just because one is a member doesn't mean anything, if SOE does this, it should apply to everyone. Some people actually enjoy being premium, to push others into going legendary just so their name won't be touched, isn't the way to go.

    That is just wrong.
  3. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    I know one legendary who is on and off with his membership. So come on already, lol.

    Also, premiums pay for the game as well, even though it may be on their terms for when they pay, they are still putting in some sort of support into the game.

    Edit - Just because some people take a break from the game or so called "quit" doesn't mean they have to stop hanging around the forums. :p
  4. Sbel Devoted Player

    Look, you can argue shoulds all you want. :rolleyes: The fact is, SOE will never consider removing names from the account of some who is paying for Legendary. There is no point in suggesting any plan that would apply to an active Legendary account. It's not selfish to recognize this. It's practical.
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  5. Sbel Devoted Player

    So....? Anyone who drops Legendary is a Premium player anytime s/he's not Legendary.

    I said
    So Premium and Free players would never lose their names - as long as they log in occasionally.

    coughlosercough ;)
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  6. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    I stopped reading after the part I have highlighted in red & of course what you said about members was still going off in my head, so that is my fault.

    & yes calling me a loser is really offensive. :p :rolleyes: :p
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  7. Sbel Devoted Player

    Ah, ok. :)

    Just to clarify: when I say Legendary or Member I mean people who are currently paying for a Legendary membership. As far as I'm concerned, anyone who stops paying is now Premium and should have the same rules applied to them as are applied to any Premium accounts. SOE does track 'former legendary' accounts separately from 'Premium accounts, so they could handle they differently, but that's not what I was trying to suggest.
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  8. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    No worries! :) I understand now. :)
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  9. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    Correct me if I'm mistaken, but isn't each character an account? If each one is, then wouldn't each one have to be logged into at some point to keep it active? Honestly, I feel that people should log into each toon at least once in a 24 month period if they want to keep a name.
  10. Sechuran Fox Dedicated Player

    I thought the account was the all of the characters attached to a single log in and password.
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  11. Jim Berry Well-Known Player

    I agree mostly! I wanted to name my character my real name, "Jim".

    But, because someone felt the need to create a character and use said character as extra inventory space kinda such, it suck for me, especially if that "alt" hasn't been used in a year or the player had quit the game even before being free to play. I can see why they do it, though.

    It sometimes forces people to add extra alpha-numberic characters to the Character's name. Since "Sephiroth" has not logged in since March 2011, the next fulltime player is stuck with creating "Sepiroth", "Seph1roth", or "Sephroth" as their name.
  12. Sbel Devoted Player

    Um, no. An account is an account. You can have 2 characters in one account. or 6 characters, or 16, or 20.... You buy a dlc or pay for legendary for the account, not the character.

    I'm not crazy about people making characters and never even logging in, but SOE isn't going to want to mess with any active account. Certainly not one that's paying them. Why upset a customer?
  13. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    Thank you for the info.
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  14. Joykiller Dedicated Player

    I have my main which I play about 95% of the time. I work on my top two alts when I get bored (so I can have support roles for the league if necessary). The others I dust off when their powers are updated and/or there is a seasonal event, because it makes it easier to acquire items and things. Some are created and leveled up so they can be ready to assume new powers when released (already working on a Munitions character and wanted to get a good name for her). I will admit my heroes are collecting the most dust (even though they were created earlier than my villains) as I can't stand the hero side in PS4.... :).
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  15. Toshknight Loyal Player

    i woulnt say never.. certain trial / f2p account where people log on for litterally 2 days and probobly havent logged in in over 2 years... why should they keep their name. they should have a force rename process IF they decide to log in again which probobly wont happen. but say someone that subs and then quits for a year , of course they shouldnt touch anyone that has ever subscribed, thats just the unsaid laws of mmos.. your toon is always there for u , cause u pay 15 bucks a month or did
  16. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    I think Sbel is talking about members, as in those who pay monthly or are lifetime...not f2p players, who are not considered members.
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  17. GregDawe New Player

    What happens if you were a member, cancelled your sub (reason irrelevant) and came back a year later, only to find the awesome name you had on character(s) and account that you paid to have as good as they are, to no longer have those names?

    There is a fine line.

    I do agree that there is some blatantly obvious unused f2p accounts that did next to nothing, but in addition to a time period of not logging in, ample warnings must be issued.

    2 Emails, 1 at the 9 Month mark, and the final warning at the 11 month mark.

    No activity following these warnings and reset.

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  18. Joykiller Dedicated Player

    Them's the breaks.
  19. TKO New Player

    Champions Online has dome MANY things right. notably a far less greedy and restrictive F2P model with no BS escrow, and FREE dlc
  20. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    Actually Seph1roth and Seproth are taken.