Why Are Names Important?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Darkerusaelp, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    In DC Universe Online, it's the name of a character, a virtual personality that you can shape and mold into whatever you want it to be.

    DCUO went free to play Tuesday November 1, 2011. There are a lot of people who tried the game out and quit for whatever reason. I was once free to play myself initially I tried the game out for a short amount of time and deleted my character and then the game. However after giving the game a second chance, (and reinstalling it to my PS3) I became hooked. So I decided to become (legendary) a subscriber.

    By not playing at all for years you are not supporting the game in any way, shape or form. There fore you should not care if a character you played with for all of 15 minutes back in 2012 had their name made available for grabs. Any characters that have not logged into the game for a year or more SHOULD have their names freed up, making them available to anyone creating a new character or using a paid character name change token.
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  2. Toshknight Loyal Player

    thats a tricky thing to grant... ever since 2000 everquest weve wanted this to become... but... when you hit accept that ULA or w/e. thers mumbo jumbo about your character... we actually dont own our characters we rent them technically. SOE owns our characters names and characters. and i understand how easy it would be to delete someones toon that havent logged on in 3 years. but that would be soe going against there own agreement of "renting out" the characters to us.. i tihink thats the biggest issue of innactivity delettion
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  3. Sapphire Melody Well-Known Player

    Uh-huh. So I go from legendary to premium, deactivate 4 of my 10 chars and by your logic these 4 characters will be renamed after a year, because I don't support the game enough by being premium, even though I paid 1 year legendary, bought SC and own every DLC but SOT and AF1.

    Please don't give me the 'you could go legendary to save your names'. I'd go legendary to play them again sometime, when a DLC comes out that's actually worth playing. On the other hand, if I'm forced to go legendary because I'll get penalties otherwise, I'd just get ultra pissed and probably would stop playing and supporting this game altogether.
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  4. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    I am just proposing that SOE make the names available not to delete the character. They can assign those intactive accounts a randomly generated name.
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  5. Toshknight Loyal Player

    again the names are the persons right.. of making the account ,,, yea thats a great idea... after so long if your account isnt active... you have to rename it. but i dont think it will ever happen,,, they only do that when servers merge and names are taken and colide within servers
  6. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    I was using an example. An active player is a player or players who actually login from time to time. Deactivated characters on an active account should not be touched. Premium and even F2P can SUPPORT this game just by playing it.
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  7. Toshknight Loyal Player

    sooo your mad cause you have to sub to play the game at its fullest.... ummm reality check... F2p is an illusion .. its just to get people playing its basically a permanant Trial. hints buying the dlcs... other upgrades... or just going legendary /subbing like normal mmos... yes its cruel.. but SWtor and DCUO have the Cartel/station market cornered , wow only lets you f2p until level 20... thats just like a trial too... these MMOs Are NOT f2p.. they have to maintain them ,, it costs CRAP loads of money to keep the servers going.. MMOs arent one time development and ship out games... they are constantly updated and having changes made.... new content. either sub.... buy the dlcs... or just play your limited trial as f2p
  8. Darkest Law New Player

    I agree with this. It is frustrating making a character after thinking about a really awesome name and then hearing "invalid" or whatever it says in character creation. It frustrates me even more when I use Sore's Census App and look at the name to see that it hasn't been used that much. I know players like to save names and use respec tokens for when new powers come out, but come on lol. I agree with Darker though. If the user has been inactive for a long time, that should be an option.

    But knowing SOE you'll have to buy the name.
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  9. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    I'm not mad but since you brought up World Of Warcraft...
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  10. Lazarux New Player

    How about compromise? If an account has had ANY character log in within 2 years, ALL characters on that account are untouchable. This would prevent prems and f2p from losing names on chars the just don't play right now.

    Also, as of January of next year the game will be 4 years old on Live. A 2 year time limit ensures that those accounts have not been touched in at minimum Half of the lifespan of the game. Also, don't mass sweep all toons older than that, start with those toons that are sub level 15.

    Other SOE games have done this in the past. I remember when Everquest purged ALL toons under level 3 or 5 that hadn't had activity, even if the account was active. Sony sent out a mass warning well ahead of time, and repeated said warning at regular intervals for a month or more, as well as emails to all EQ account holders. As long as your toon had been logged in at least once in the given timeframe, it was safe.

    At it's current age, DCUO is due for a character/account purge. Send out a psn mail to all psn IDs warning of the inactivity name purge and all liability issues are covered.
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  11. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    Here we go again. Incoming of the yes free the names VS no, first come first serves.

    Edit - I personally don't care what other MMOs do, I don't play those MMOs. I play DCU. First come first serves, there's so much things that one can use to create a name, what's going to happen for when the name you want ( when it's freed up ) gets taken from someone else? Considering how so much others want the same names as other people at times.

    We have returning players on here making threads by the way about coming back.
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  12. Twilight Man New Player

    I strongly disagree with what you propose about deleting a players name after a year of inactivity. Situations vary. Please just continue creating unused names.
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  13. WonderValkyrie New Player

    2 years of inactivity is enough to have the name available for someone else to use if the account holder is most likely not coming back. Why let the names rot if there are active players probably willing to pay for said names, or a rename token.
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  14. ChuckLess New Player

    1 year of inactivity is a perfect timeframe to delete a name. If you can't log in in that amount of time, there are obviously other things in your life way more important than a name in a video game.

    Get over it. It is absurd this has not been addressed yet.
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  15. randomkeyhits Dedicated Player

    If this were ever to happen there are three criteria I'd use

    toon not logged in for XX months
    toon has less than YY hours of play time
    toon has not reached level 30

    If all three were met then I might consider the rename option plus it also means that a player, if they wanted, could do enough to avoid being added to the rename list at all.
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  16. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    What happens if you got busy with your own life and couldn't log in for a few months or you just didn't want to? A few months is way too close regardless if that does happen and isn't fair. Considering that I know a few people that haven't played in months and come back. Just in general though.

    But really though the name you want others want it as well considering all the numbers and Xs people use in a name that's taken, what are the odds of you getting that name? First come first serves. If I already have a name that someone else wanted it's on them. The odds of you and others getting the name you want is a very slim chance, then what's going to happen that someone already has the name that you wanted? Make another thread about it or do what you did with your toons and come up with name?
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  17. winter13 New Player

    I find it amusing that this has become such a big issue for people since the apps came out. I went the easy naming route - all my toons have the same name, and I just change the number at the end :)

    My opinion is a player should never be forced to change their toon names, simply because another player wants the name....which is what this is really all about
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  18. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    I'll give you that when the apps first came out and people saw date stamps of last played things got a little more intense since people saw the names they wanted taken but not used in years, but we've had these debates around for a long time... They got crazy around the time of the server merge as well.

    My personal take on it is that if they haven't logged in on a toon for over two years then they should be sent an email saying their name will be lost in 30 days because of inactivity. If their names mean that much to them they can find a way to log in for 10 seconds within a 30 day span. After that 30 days their name is changed and they get a re-name token.
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  19. Twilight Man New Player

    Like most things in this game, "you have it, I want it, my reasons are more valid than yours"
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  20. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    Pretty much this. No one batted a single eye about names before, but now that the app is out everyone loses their minds. Basically the main reasons people want this is because really and truly you guys want the name, it's not even about other MMOs doing it, you guys just simply want the names that you couldn't get first.

    Example - VintageWine my alt on USPC

    I took two things that I like and put them together.

    Magdalena Bonita -

    Spanish, take english words and translate them to whatever language of your choice. People on DC think I speak spanish because of that.

    Reveria....I don't even know how I came up with that one, lol.

    With all of the sources that we have on the Internet names shouldn't be a problem. Asking because simply you guys in general just want the name, how come no threads like this didn't pop up before the census app for if it is such a concern?
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