Who Keeps Requesting Iconic Anomaly Solos?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RSL, Apr 6, 2014.

  1. Starbrand Dedicated Player

    The new ones are a bit too long for me.

    The OC ones were a good way to get gear and increase CR.

    The new ones, well, the gear you get is worst than the ones you already have to get inside of the anomalies :p

    I will get the feats and NEVER RETURN TO THE NEW ONES AGAIN :)
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  2. MENTaLCAsE XIII New Player

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  3. Pop a Trinket dey sweatin Dedicated Player

    I like the iconic solos from the aspect of the difficulty level will always be the same.

    They aren't hard IMO, but they are challenging enough to where the content isn't going to just beat itself.

    With how easy the entire game is, it's nice to have something that is somewhat challenging.

    Plus there are some easy feat points in there. The Circe one with the 50 feat points is great.
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  4. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    lol... well, tell me how you really feel.
    (your dislike does not diminish my like)
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  5. akaivy Dedicated Player

    I suck at them. I hate them. Do I hate them because I suck at them? Probably. I did the new Circe one and I didn't hate it as much as Huntress/Bizarro ones, but I wasn't in an overwhelming hurry to do it again. Why? It was long. It was PVP and I got crap for doing it. Why do I want to do this solo for 90 gear, when I'm already full 90? Especially when it took away resto. Am I missing the point of these?
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  6. tukuan Devoted Player

    I like them but don't love them.

    The biggest issue most have, I would think, is the repetitiveness. So as Tikkun said more options would be nice. Certainly more characters but more variation in the instance itself (kinda like the huntress random boss but moreso) would go a long way to making them less repetitive.

    Duos would be interesting (but the question stands, who plays and who?) but really I think it might be neat to use them as a variation on the up-coming survival mode feature. Either let the group pick from their legends pool, or have it so people can queue for random assignment.
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  7. Blight KOBRA Commander

    If I want to play as an iconic comic book character, who I actually want to play as, I'll go play "Marvel Heroes", but DCUO is not the game I play for that. I play this game for the thrill of my playing as MY supervillain! Maybe if the devs were able to offer us more selection in terms of the character we could play as in these instances I'd be more for it, but right now, in my opinion, these instances are a waste of time for both us and the devs.
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  8. Prodigy Progeny Dedicated Player

    I like the anomalies...but not as part of my character progression. I wish they would make legends PVE...letting us have an area to both have fun & giving us an open environment to test out our legends. They could easily make/re-use duos & alerts...& just give the role buffs to the group to mitigate damage & health/power regen. Basically the same as any other game. There needs to be more use of our legends toons than just PVP.
  9. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I don't Play DCUO for PvP.... I like these iconic solos a lot and find them to be a refreshing change from Legends PvP and my own toons.

    I like the idea of Duos... But think it should be two set toons with "who plays which character" being random.
    Batman and Robin.... duo would be awesome.
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  10. winter13 New Player

    I like the Circe alert, even though both I feel are too long. They take longer than the duo, and solos should be the shortest content you can que for. For some reason, General Ptolema smacks me around in the Wonder Woman solo. I spent quite a while trying to beat her and eventually gave up. The Circe one was a cake walk in comparison.

    Maybe I'm just not good enough with the shield
  11. tukuan Devoted Player

    She can be tricky, you gotta keep WW shield ready to go if she gets you in a corner with the spin.
  12. Flair Well-Known Player

    I love 'em. The first two origin stories were pretty cool. The new ones with WW and Circe serve to set the tone of the DLC and give us some lore if you will. Yeah they can get repetitive, but so can any instance in the game. If you don't like them don't do them but I for one was happy to have more of them added. Now if only we could do a DC team up Duo!
  13. tukuan Devoted Player

    That's why I just suggested in the WIP thread that this might be something cool to add to the survival mode. Nothing really to do with progression, just a fun alternative to playing your own toon.

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  14. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    There is clearly a good enough demand for them and enough people like them to have devs keep making them. I personally like them a lot and find it's an excellent change of pace. I totally get your point though and I wouldn't mind if we had more solo instances we could do with our toons.

    However I do think there is a place for these iconic missions and a couple of the a year won't kill anyone who doesn't like them. The more variety we have, the better imo. Something for everybody no? :)
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  15. Starbrand Dedicated Player

    They are good for a change in the way we play.

    You are in a new place, with a new loadout, having to beat new bosses.

    The Iconic Anomalies concept is cool.

    Just my opinion :p
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  16. Zim New Player

    I hate them. I beat them for the feats and then I'll never run them again. They just suck.

    I wouldn't mind if they scaled with gear. But they don't and no matter how geared u get, this content will always be the same.
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  17. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    I like them and find them easy. Maybe its from all the legend play.
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  18. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    I love the iconic anomalies / visions. I'm a huge comic book fan so to get to experience origin stories or stories that tell us how the events of the game occurred by allowing to play PvE content as iconic characters is awesome for me.

    Some of the characters take me a bit to get used to since I don't play as them very often in Legends but after a couple runs through the instances with them I get the hang of it and start having a great time. Also I love that you can't overgear for them so they remain the same challenge all the time. It makes me realize how much better I'm getting with the characters.
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  19. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    I do you got a problem with that *puffs out chest * lol but in all seriousness they are a great way to introduce people to the legends characters and give you a play ground to improve with them I know personally I would have never learned how to use brawling if it wasn't for bizzaro nor HB from Circe. they give you something to run that's a change of pace from every thing else and to top them off there fun :)
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  20. TheHeartbreakkid New Player

    How do you get the two Circe feats? One is you don't tunnel or use her bestiamorph, but what is the 25'er?