Who Keeps Requesting Iconic Anomaly Solos?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RSL, Apr 6, 2014.

  1. Spacedude2 New Player

    That's what I was thinking. My main character has Batman as mentor and I am playing Huntress (who I didn't even know about until this game) and Bizarro (who's funny but I'm not really a Superman fan). I would prefer to play Poison Ivy or Killer Croc for the villian part.
  2. The Aerovenger Dedicated Player

  3. The Doctor Loyal Player

    Now, I'm not trying to be rude, but it's pretty obvious that a lot of the hate for these is because lots of people apparently just suck at them, but just don't want to admit it.

    If you are one of those people, please don't identify yourself. Just google DCUO Feint Mechanics. It's a tell by the enemy (who will appear to have yellow "brackets" surrounding them) that clues you in as to which blocking mechanic you should utilize.

    Here is a link to an old thread, scroll down and read the post by Octantis, it's pretty spot on:


    Before I get a wall of denial, I personally have known DOZENS of 100+ SP players who are completely clueless to these mechanics. Honestly, once you understand this, the IAs are really really quick and easy. Easy feats too.

    Thank you
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  4. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I have no problem with iconic anomolies, but the point is there is not enough endgame solo content with just your character for them to keep bringing the anomolies.
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  5. The Doctor Loyal Player

    Eh, three Trigon Dailies seem like enough to me. The Trigon duos are darn close. Two Mogo weeklies. I really feel the time is now for more iconics. Instances based 100% on skill. Bring on more good sir!
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  6. Zhire'El New Player

    Can we get a Superman Iconic Solo?
    I wanna play as Baby Kal El.
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  7. Buckley Loyal Player

    solo's and duo's !!!! hell i want alerts and raids as well.
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  8. cravex15 Dedicated Player

    Yay....an anti-anomaly thread that I didn't have to start.
    Yes please stop. No more.
    If its a comic fan thing don't they know have InJustice for that if they want real iconic anomaly gameplay...?
    We come to DCU to play our characters.....or atleast I do.
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  9. Yui Loyal Player

    Didn't it used to be 200? I remember seeing 200 iconic solos under Amazon Fury Part I feats when GU35 was on test.
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  10. SKAVANGER408 New Player

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  11. jedimaster91 Active Player

    I hate the Iconic Anomaly solos and I have no problem admitting I suck at them. I tried them once, got thrashed and haven't tried since. Quite frankly, I dislike any instance that forces you to change forms. I spent a long time perfecting my loadout and building up the muscle-memory to use it effectively, and form changes really screw that up.

    Anyone want to come finish those for me? :p
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  12. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    we[[ I don't suck at them, I do however hate them. keep that in ledgends. I for one want to get feats using MY character. I like MY character that's why I made her. so yeah if I wanted to play iconics theres a marvel mmo for that.
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  13. Archangel Rafael New Player

    It is obvious that comic fans would be attracted to this game and that this game intends to attract comic fans. Comic fans do enjoy to occasionally play as a known comics character. Also obvious.

    You suggest that comic fans should go play some other game. According to you, comic-book fans should not be playing "DetectiveComics Universe Online".

    so to parpaphrase, comic fans should quit playing DCUO because a type of content that comic fans like, which you don't like, should not be included in the game.

    ab·surd [ab-surd, -zurd]

    1.(adjective) utterly or obviously senseless, illogical, or untrue; contrary to all reason or common sense; laughably foolish or false: an absurd explanation.
    2.(noun) the quality or condition of existing in a meaningless and irrational world.
    I find it likely that cravex15 fits all 3 of these categories.
    this is a legit gripe. 500 of those, then 200 of these, then 300 of... grind monkies :[ hate it.
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  14. cravex15 Dedicated Player

    No you are very likely wrong.
    1) It has nothing to do with not knowing mechanics. Although I will say that I do think the whole "lets take turns pretending not to know whats coming and hold block" is a silly mechanic. But dont explain to me about PVP. I remember I was all about PVP (Arena) back in the day so I've put in my PVP time and know the mechanics.
    2) While I admit I may not have read every single comic like some have, I have been fan of DC characters since I was kid and now enjoy playing them in other games like InJustice or MK vs DC. Thats where I go when I want to sit down and really do some serious iconic battling.
    Its just that in this game I dont particularly like some of the loadouts and abilities of iconics much less the ones they chose for these solos like the Huntress……?…pass. Bizarro…meh.
    I may like the Circe one however, but I come to DCU to play my toons that I worked so hard at perfecting.
    The catch phrase of the game is "The next Legend is you". So I assume thats in reference to us and the character we've created.
    3) No I am not obsessed with feats especially not no 10 point feat for running something 100 times. Thats a rip off and I could care less about getting those 10 points. I could get every feat in the game and those 10 points would not make a hill of beans difference. If they really want me to run it 100 times then change it to 50 points and then maybe we'll talk.

    So please dont assume things about people and go quote Merriam-Webster somewhere else.
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  15. Opamp Committed Player

    How do I queue for these? They sound fun
  16. The Hornet New Player

    I can run them in about 4-5 minutes. I'm meh on them. They're decent pvp practice and teach you a new legends character without having to que up for pvp, but the grind to 100 or 200, or whatever, is not enjoyable. I haven't run an iconic anomaly since i hit 100, and it's not because I couldn't use the marks, either. The fact that NPCs will often completely ignore counter mechanics in PVE content doesn't make it better.
  17. Mai3coh New Player

    ^^ THIS.. I spent time in creating my character and building him to where he is. In PVE, he is who I want to use! If you want these stupid Iconic Anomolies cr@p, then go play legends.
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  18. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

    I don't like them and I have to admit that I haven't been able to complete any of them. I tried them a lot of times and end up breaking my armor (lesson learned, take out your armor when doing them, it's the same performance and your armor is damage free).

    I might be able to have a better experience with them if at least let me change the order of the loadout, I keep making errors since the order don't feel natural by my way of playing. And change the cola for a Next Cola! (Or at least a Zero. The current one feel like an Extreme or worse).
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  19. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    Amen to this. I can't stand Huntress or Bizarro, I would've rather appreciated Lex and Batman when OC first started the trend of Iconic Anomalies. I agree with you on Circe, I could run that so many times because to me it's just fun. We need more things like that. Also, it would be nice to maybe have an Iconics Alert. I understand that we get to build our own super hero or villain, but it still doesn't cover up the fact that indeed, I love being the Goddess Circe or the Goddess of Truth on a mission other than in PvP, which does get boring and annoying at times.
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  20. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Love the new ones, gives me hope that I'll get even better with the older ones.
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