Who Keeps Requesting Iconic Anomaly Solos?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RSL, Apr 6, 2014.

  1. Twilight Man New Player

    When the Batman & Robin Iconic Duo is released one day...it will be a constant gamble hoping you get loaded up as Batman instead of Robin.

    Nothing against Robin, but Batman is Batman.

    Other Iconic Duo possibilities:
    The Flash - Impulse
    Hawkman - Hawkgirl
    Batman - Catwoman
    The Joker - Harley Quinn
    Circe - Beastiomorph
    Green Arrow - Speedy
    Huntress - Nightwing
    Black Cat - Green Arrow
    Lantern Character - Lantern Character
    Superman - Supergirl
    Black Canary - Wildcat
    Krypto - Kryptonian Character
    Darkseid - Granny Goodness
    Atrocitus - Dex-Star
    Hawk - Dove
    Batman - Green Arrow
    Black Adam - Shazam
    Superman - Wonder Woman
    Booster Gold - The Blue Beetle

    Lots of options there, lots of content, lots of chances to perfect the option and make it truly fun for everyone.
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  2. BigBadRon Well-Known Player

    Yep, I DPS all the time. I enjoy focussing on the important things in life - hitting stuff, then hitting it again. :)

    I must say that I prefer playing Bizarro to playing Huntress - Bizarro says some funny stuff. :D
  3. Davis New Player

    I love the anamolies their an easy way to get gear and marks I hope they keep adding more. I hope one day theyll have a duo or alert with iconic anamolies that would be sweet.
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  4. Wonder Wiccan Dedicated Player

    Why can't I like this more than once? I hate the huntress instance and am usually cursing her out by the end of the instance if I even finish it.
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  5. Sore Steadfast Player

    LOL. I'm thinking you might have blanked on this one.
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  6. Twilight Man New Player

    lol yeah thanks, just added it in. it's early in the morning!
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  7. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Two pieces of Time Traveler gear dropped in them, and only them, so there was replay value in them for those also.
  8. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Bart Allen (Impulse) is already in the game as Kid Flash as a villain bounty, so I doubt he would ever be brought in as Impulse.
  9. ChaosInternational New Player

    That value is subjective. The content was so lame, I'd rather forsake any feats.
  10. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    An opinion is subjective too. I quite enjoyed the content and made it a mission to try and do them faster each time to try and get the best time possible for me.
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  11. ChaosInternational New Player

  12. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    I thought they were interesting at first, but the concept of never being able to do it faster/better kinda sucks

    I was beating the Bizarro one in 5:45 on launch day and when im T7 the fastest ill be able to beat it is still going to be 5:45
  13. Mr AFK New Player

    agree 100%
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  14. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    My problem with them is you don't have a choice to play as your own characters if there was a option to do it as your character that you've spent time working on then I wouldn't mind them in all honesty there needs to be an option in this next dlc to play as are own character's because there is so little content it would almost double the stuff in the dlc if we could do the anomalies as are own character's.
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  15. VariableFire Loyal Player

    This is why they get boring so quick, for those who don't seem to grasp the problem. They don't change, EVER. All the other solos, you can mix things up, try different things, and power on through quicker as your gear gets better. Thankfully, they dropped the CR requirement for the current anomalies. After the advent of Raven always giving a piece of gear, the anomalies became almost pointless for gear drops. At least now people will be able to run them for a while *before* getting access to Raven. They're a poor time investment for marks too (the Wasteland dailies give more in less time, I feel.)

    I don't absolutely hate them but I can barely stand to do them once or twice a week.
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  16. The BlackDragon Well-Known Player

    I like them. Some of the cutscenes and mechanics in Huntress solo esp I found enjoyable. Like Jafin, I also like trying to finish them faster each time I go in there.
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  17. Kryptonianxx New Player

    Ok for those saying I like iconic anomalys run them 100 times and see how you like them. That 10 point feat should be 50 runs at most.
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  18. MercPony Devoted Player

    I really like them! :) I'm always open for more and maybe one day we can have duos or maybe alerts with them.

    What I dislike about them though is the extremely grindy feats the devs attached to them. I didn't do the OC ones 100 times and I likely will not do the AF1 ones 200 times.
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  19. The BlackDragon Well-Known Player

    I have the 100runs feat. I just thought that we were discussing whether we like them or not, not whether they get stale after 100 runs or not (ofc they do, but so does everything IMO if you run it that many times)

    And I do agree that 50 runs is enough for 10 point feat.
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  20. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    I like 'em. They're a nice change of pace, they helped me learn weaponsets I usually ignore and they helped me improve my recognition of combat counters.

    Heck, I want Duos and Alerts too.
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