Who Keeps Requesting Iconic Anomaly Solos?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RSL, Apr 6, 2014.

  1. JoshuaBagwell Committed Player

    I actually enjoy these better than the bizarro and huntress ones.
    Wonder Women was easy to use and being my first time playing Circes i went for the feat of not using certain powers and i got it wasn't bad thought i would have more fun if i had used the powers and not gone for the feat.

    So i don't know what the complaints are about
  2. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    I do

    I love them and I want more legends pve
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  3. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    The sad thing is there going to make more of these just to sell legends characters and that might not be a bad thing but when they put them in a dlc that is so light on content people do feel that they have to do them to get there marks for gear and that's not fun.
  4. Archangel Rafael New Player

    I am a big fan of the WW one and not at all interested in the Circe one. I really dislike Circe's mechanics but that's ok. Im sure a lot of people dig Circe and Im sure the next one I will like more.

    I'd love to see Dr. Fate and Black Lightning.
  5. RSL New Player

    it's 110% easier to learn a weapon by equipping that weapon on the toon you already know and love and using it on adds or using it on training dummies. there's no way you can say that dropping you into battle with a crippled powerset with no heals, ineffective soders [oh i know... real heroes/villains don't use soders, etc], none of the things other than the constant pewpewpew the game pushes more and more is easier or better for learning than doing that outside of these @#$% stupid iconic instances. srsly. i have no problem with someone enjoying them. to each his/her own but to pretend this is the best/only way to learn new weapons? lol no. :D
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  6. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    no not just the weapons its the best way to learn the iconics moves and abilities like them or not that's true
  7. iSmashly New Player

    They are a fantastic idea abs a great way to tell parts of the stories. However I'm horrible at them. I don't think they should stop making them, I'd love to try a duo anomaly, batman/robin, joker/Harley, green glitter hand/green glitter hand, yellow glitter hands, red glitter hands. I'm not sure how the on duty Q would work for it though. Just waiting around Q'd as Harley for someone to Q as Joker would be silly.
  8. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    It'd be Great if Iconic Anomalies did not damage one's gear that they are not using while being a virtual representation of an iconic character.

    The whole, take off your gear to not have it damaged during Legends mode and Iconic Anomalies.... How long has then been going on? 3 years(Legends mode)? still not gonna change that?
    [IMG] [IMG]
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  9. tukuan Devoted Player

    If I am correct I think you mean the one where at least once you use none of the traps and the another time use all of the traps. That one is almost a gimmie compared to the no assistance one.
  10. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

    i watched the rocky horror picture show for three years everyday i came home from school - never lost its luster. ;-)
    and they are a nice timekiller when no friends or leaguemates are on...
  11. Damashi The Kaotic Well-Known Player

    That movie doesn't count... that movie is timeless.
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  12. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    I like these solos, DEVS keep them coming please. Let's have a green arrow and flash Iconic solo next time. Or maybe a batman/superman solo. That'll be SIIIICCKKK
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  13. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

    Superman / Mogul

    Orion / Darkside

    Hulk / Wolverine hhmmm, something's wrong here. Hhhhhhmmmm?
  14. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    I'm good at long talks, sorry I'm late, but I'm one of them, the anomalies are the only thing I find fun in this DLC.
  15. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    I think we need GA/Flash legends chars first, but... I'm all for that too.
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  16. aceCase Committed Player

    I personally would like to see these expand to duos.
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  17. Lokkii Committed Player

    I wouldnt mind them if we were getting decent characters, all we have had so far is complete trash

    Give me a Black adam or Deathstroke one and i might have some fun with it.
  18. nogimmick New Player

    a while ago, i bought circe for legends use on the marketplace. used her maybe once or twice, didn't really get the hang of her powers so i went to the ol' reliable---my boy hal.

    now, by doing these solos so much, not only do i have full tank gear for my rage toon, but i have a full understanding of circes powers, and i might even buy the WW that's on the MP as well.....and this comes from someone that used to HATE playing with the shield.

    using legends toons for iconic solos is good practice for legends. that's how i see it at least...

    bring on more! with war of the light part 2, i'd LOVE to see atrocitus and saint walker get their own solos.
  19. DC-Doll New Player

    I like the new one
  20. DawnOfKhaos Well-Known Player

    I don't even bother with them. I have no fun playing a toon I no nothing about and have no want to learn it. To me it just seems like lazy content. Why create content for people that have spent years developing a character when we can just throw out some legendary crap and we don't have to worry about something not working because it will be the same for EVERYONE, like I said, lazy programming.
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