Who is the richest in DCUO?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ramonater, Jan 31, 2015.

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  1. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    I know exactly what you were saying. I simply disagree with you. Which is ok. That's what makes horse races :)
  2. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Just think... Hustling all that ina few months time, or depending on how lucky one is in having them found, dropped, or whatever. They can end up with up tp 100s of millions of dollars, and heck... get this... perhaps a billion dollars. But thats foolish to think that :eek:
  3. spack2k Steadfast Player

    on eupc server you wouldnt get much for it anyway ... i would keep them till heavy billionaire ps players will be unleashed.
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  4. Enzan Committed Player

    Sure, all the money on USPS is trickled down from glitched money users, but that isn't the fine line.

    You either glitched and did nothing legit to get your money, or you earned it by buying and selling things on the broker.

    I had around 6mil as my top dollar, and I earned that by farming and selling exobytes. A lot of us took what was there and made money out of it instead of taking the easy way out and glitching for our top dollars.
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  5. spack2k Steadfast Player

    u do realize no one here cares about those who have millions ?! the whole thread is about those players with billions like double digit or even triple...
  6. DG-MOD-04 New Player

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