Who is the richest in DCUO?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ramonater, Jan 31, 2015.

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  1. Proxystar #Perception

    It does, but she's made the choice to present evidence, and now that evidence is liable to be questioned.
  2. Proxystar #Perception

    All easily solved by presenting her combat log to show many exobits she's farmed or mods she made since the inception of her character.

    The truth will set you free.
  3. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Even bad lawyers exploit the court of public opinion, wouldn't be suprised if there is a class about that in law school, maybe year four.
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  4. inferno Loyal Player

    Wow! I tell you people who seems to think that people who have millions in their banks as cheaters, I am willing to take any items you put in the broker for the designated face value of said item. I mean, you do put it in the broker for the actual value, right? It's not like your asking the price you think it's worth regardless of where the money came from?

    I spend hours finding collections to get only a few that are very rare, other times I spend on collecting bits to sell.

    Don't be so easy to judge "other" people on how they got their money. You'll never know and is it really anybody else's business?

    The money attack happened, it's done. The Devs know how much money is in DCUO and leaves it as is.

    Take the thread for it's original intent.
  5. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    Are you kidding me? I was brought into this thread because someone decided to post a picture of the money I have. I did not choose to be in this thread.

    I don't care if you don't believe me. I know exactly what I did to make my money. Because you sit here and want me to provide receipts of my AH transactions, like really? You have got to be kidding me. The level of stupid on these forums is astounding. I can add you to the list of people that are incompetent when it comes to assuming things about my money. Again, I have NOTHING to prove to you. Someone else decided to post a picture of how much money I have, not me.
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  6. Lokkii Committed Player

    Having that much money and claiming it's legit is laughable, that'd be nearly impossible.

    You'd have to be jobless, and set at home, on disability, and play 24/7 to accumulate that much money.
    • Like x 4
  7. Proxystar #Perception

    All I have to do is prove beyond "reasonable doubt" that she hasn't or doesn't spend enough time farming to farm the amount of exobits required to make 1billion on mods, given she spends all her time on twitch and the like that's easily done. therefore the burden of proof has been moved to the defendent.

    Something you might learn in the 5th year of law school, although I'm sure you'll have some witty retort
  8. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    Or, you could have sold T5 expert mods and made close to 500 mill from doing that. Shocker.
  9. Proxystar #Perception

    Somewhat true, but then again you put yourself in a position where someone could gain such a screenshot? you probably should move your money so it's not visible on your twitch channel if you don't want it to become grounds for public debate.
  10. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    I never said I made all of my money from mods. But since you said something, I have actually gotten the 25k farming feat, on two toons, before you could buy the feats. I also have a bank toon, with a full inventory of bytes AND bits. I have probably over 100k bits farmed. Yeah hard to believe? Should I also post pictures of the dates I unlocked my farming feats?

    You do realize people make mistakes and put stuff valuable items on the broker for $1? You know you can buy that, and flip it to make money? Shocker right?
  11. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    When the servers merge I'm expecting you to buy all my T7 plans and exciting new base items. Thank you in advance.
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  12. Proxystar #Perception

    I know right, those $1 deals happen all the time
  13. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Brittney DCUO's Scarlet Billionaire, rock on Brit

    If this game isin't a microcasm of the real world, you have money its your fault, and you havent paid your fair share. Maybe DCUO can tax at the top 1% level.
  14. inferno Loyal Player

    things i'd buy for a dollar:
    class a exo
    oan disabler
    wedding invitation
    symbol of courage
    playhouse dining table
    dynasty accent table
    among other things...

    btw, the best times i've found on deals are usually around 3a.m. when people are half asleep. A bottle of Nyquil anyone?
  15. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    You know what I think, when the server combined, all players who have over $500K should be brought down to $50K. Reason being, you don't need to make colas any more. I know I would be impacted, and I don't care, because I will go out there and grind for my money.

    As for the riches players; the most I have ever had at one point on my primary is around $50 million. I bought up a ton of collections and styles. That money earned me almost 2 SP.

    As for styles cost, I have farmed the living day lights for the Snake waist. I have yet to get it. I need just that piece to finish off the set. When I say farm, try 3 days straight with 6 hours each day without a single snake waist dropped. This game is a stupid grind to get one piece of gear. Some items like this should be placed in a vendor and sold for MoT. I would be fine paying 10-15K MoT for older styles that are near impossible to get.

    I know I'm not the only one. I know someone that has been playing since launch and still missing that waist.
  16. Abisial Committed Player

    It's amazing the lengths people will go to belittle the success of another on a videogame.
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  17. hudapak Well-Known Player

    I used to have that much exobits in my bank but they were just taking a lot of space. I would farm them then send those to my main to either sell or use. People shouldn't be surprised to see that much exobits. All you need is time and patience to farm. Having R&D scanners help a great deal as well.

    Although, Britteny should probably declare that to the IRS for taxes lol. :p
  18. Saami Loyal Player

    Relax man. I believe that most of the forum users didnt think you as glitcher. Atleast i didnt.
    I have now only 3mill on bank, but i have also very rare booster auras worth of dozens of millions sitting in my cash and ******** of exos. If i sell those dose it make me glitcher? In EUPC economy.
  19. Impulsively Committed Player

    • Like x 6
  20. Sarcasm Committed Player

    I sort of agree with Proxy , wee need evidence ! Down with Britteny !

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