Who is the richest in DCUO?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ramonater, Jan 31, 2015.

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  1. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    It will be like when West and East Germany became unified after the Soviet Union collapsed. I predict lots of EUPC call girls springing up everywhere.
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  2. Proxystar #Perception

    Although to be fair Brittney you'd have been better off not saying anything, because what you've said is the only public answer you can give whether it's true or not, so people won't believe you regardless.
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  3. Proxystar #Perception

    I think what this thread does show evidence of, is that the money the devs think has "diminished or disappeared" is no longer in the community but rather with a few individuals.
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  4. Ikyotojin Dedicated Player

    Somehow, I'm ok with that.
    re:OP. here I sit struggling to get more than 100k at any time.
  5. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    When DLCs drop just sell everything to your rich Western Germany counterparts and your wallet will grow exponentially.
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  6. Juxes Committed Player

    I wish I had billion dollars.:oops:
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  7. inferno Loyal Player

    I have around 130 mil spread around 20 toons. On my main I have 30 mil. Actually, I make a game of that as well. Finding rare collections, selling bytes. Finding and buying that rare piece that is going 50 to 25% of it's going rate and selling it at a higher price. Sometimes I get bored playing the same instances over and over and levelling up toons over and over. I have to invent a variety of ways to make this game a little more interesting.

    I'd like to hit 1 billion, highest I ever got was 650 mil. It's harder to make money now but I'm sure if I hit 1 billion it won't be as much fun making money.
  8. spack2k Steadfast Player

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  9. kawe Loyal Player

    Nobody done it yet? Ok, I'll sacrifice myself...

    Send me some money yo!
  10. Mercenary Renegade New Player

    Don't worry that guy has had a hard on for Eminence and One Pieced since before you can even remember. I actually made money around the time Britteny made hers. I was farming for my 25k gathering feat, while also flipping stuff in the broker. I made roughly around 500mil+ selling mods/flipping stuff in broker, but I ended up spending every dime of it lol britteny however did not and she kept going. The mistakes that people make on the broker sales is pretty funny, saw a Nimbus aura go for $1, plans that were going 80mil go for 800k...Idthink people realize how easy it is to make money if you know how to play the broker. But anyways, just thought I'd throw in my 2 cents.
  11. Fools Fire Loyal Player

    I'd buy a Captain Cold Fur Hoodie...but not a real Fur Hoodie because that's cruel.
  12. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    Yeah you're legit, plus people tip you for crafting mods free through the mail as well.

    I know 2 people who have over 2-3 billion but they did money glitch and never gotten caught.

    As for me the highest I ever had was over 200-300 million.

    ATM I have only 30 million but I'm back to farming 10 million a month.

    It became harder to make money but when T7 comes out it'll be easier again. :p
  13. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    Because that's exactly how I made my money. I really don't care if you believe me or not. I didn't money glitch. I made my money that exact way. If you don't believe me, I'm not losing sleep over it. I didn't post in here bragging about how much money I have. I also didn't ask to be included. Because you all want to assume the worst, that's fine. I'd make baseless accusations as well if I was jealous of someone who had more money than me.

    Playing the broker and selling things, gosh, so hard to believe someone could make money off that. Even harder to believe someone, such as myself, doesn't just wildly spend my money. Go figure.
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  14. Kal~el Committed Player

    This is partially true. They may not have glitched it but they got money from those that did. Let me explain. If the devs would have reset everyone's money back to what it was before the glitch the broker prices would have never sky rocketed the way it did. They did not and they only banned those that did and left the "fake" money in the game.

    Then people obtained rare items in game and sold them for millions which would not have happened if the glitch money was not in game. Now, are there hard working players buying and selling on the broker...absolutely, but let us not kid ourselves and think that it was just because of the hard work.

    Kudos to all who have that much.
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  15. Proxystar #Perception

    I don't care how you made your money, I'm pointing out that you were better off not saying anything at all, because no matter what you say people aren't going to believe you.
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  16. matt4950 Well-Known Player

    Sounds like a guilty conscience...
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  17. Proxystar #Perception

    Because your attempt to defend yourself in the "court of public opinion" is pointless, she's stuck in the unfortunate position of having to do all the "defending" because on face value it's easier for others to accuse her of cheating than it is for her to prove she didn't.

    People have already made up their minds and her defence as posted above can also be perceived as a "guilty conscience" I wouldn't have even felt a need to defend the money in the first place so wouldn't have even bothered replying with a post of "no way I made it xyz way".
  18. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Talking about money is like talking about stat clamping or the current flavor of the month power.

    One you start you have lost, the only way to win is not to play.

    I swear has no one ever seen Wargames
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  19. Proxystar #Perception

    Ah, but then again she's decided to put herself in the argument by defending herself and we're to take her at her word without evidence? You see the fact she's spoken, means she now has to present evidence to defend herself, rather than leaving the onus on the accusers to accuse her, the balance of reasonable probability rests unfortunately with the accusers unless she now decides to present reasonable evidence to show how she made her money. it's one thing to say "oh lolz, i made it making mods" without explaining, what mods, how long it took her to farm the bytes, how long she's been playing the game, how many hours she's actually farmed as opposed to raiding or playing content, how much she's made via other means.

    It's not as simplistic as you're implying and that's the reality that is now presented by her offering "some information" it was better not to offer any information at all in the particular circumtances.
  20. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    My understanding is that on the PS server specific players / leagues take advantage of all the glitches and ask for a fix after receiving the benefit of the glitch.
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