Who is the richest in DCUO?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ramonater, Jan 31, 2015.

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  1. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    Untrue. I usually sit at 20-30 mil. I do it by farming bits and selling buff sodas for around 150k per. I also sell expert plans, base items and collections that I don't need FOR THE LOWEST PRICE ON THE BROKER.
  2. Toshknight Loyal Player

    just saw that NM
  3. King Felsa New Player


    The money glitchers spent money on X item, player A made money from that item. Player A used that money and bought Y item from player B. Player B used that money and bought Z item from you. Your money is the indirect result of money glitching.
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  4. Bendmetal Dedicated Player

    Mine is not. I got 3 mill from playing content
  5. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    I sell at lowest market price on everything so that anyone can afford it. Therefore my income is not the indirect result of glitching. Also you may recall that sometime back the dev's adjusted the max cash amount one could have on PS to address the money glitching. I am sue some is still going on, particularly on the PC side .
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  6. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    And player C who doesn't know how to farm bits or collections to sell is jealous of players A&B and keeps calling them glitchers because they have some money and he doesn't.
  7. Phil Miller Committed Player

    It's actually not. Like I said in one of my earlier posts I remember when items would sell for 8k when the game launched. I remember having 35k and thinking I was rich.

    Then items selling for 999999999999 started showing up in the broker...

    The devs have done a good job of taking a lot of that money out of the game through various means but that doesn't mean all of it is gone.

    Exon bytes sell for a couple of mill now, but back then a stack of bits was selling for 35 mill. People need to wise up.
  8. King Felsa New Player

    True. If you never used the AH or traded, then your money is legitimate.
    You know the post you quoted refuted EXACTLY what you're trying to claim, correct? It doesn't matter who you sold your bytes to, the money they have trickled down from the money glitchers.
    You're sidestepping my argument. I'm not referring to any emotional response players have about those with money. Just because you have money, does not make you a glitcher. However, the money you do you, came from glitchers, directly or indirectly.
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  9. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    Arguing about glitched money is pretty silly. I only have 900k and I got it selling stuff to the vendor.
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  10. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Who cares? 90% of all money have drugs on them, do that make anyone who have money drug addicts/pushers. Anyone who have any money on dcuo have glitched money simple.
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  11. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    Devs said they won't rest the economy for the USPC-PS, when cross play goes live. I'm fine with that.

    But I'm extremely curious how they will had the EUPC and EUPS economy. Since players on the EUPS abused the money duping and EUPC has never had a duping incident ever.
  12. Sbel Devoted Player

    Right, but the prices on the broker are so high because of the glitchers. Don't believe me? Ask someone on EUPC what the same items would go for there.

    Edit: and I'm not saying that you're a bad person, or that that's a lot of money, or whatever. But every person who sells more than they buy in any non-eupc server, is 'benefiting' from glitch money.
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  13. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    I distinctly remember having a buyer that bought stacks of exobits from me for 12.5mil each stack when the glitch was rampant. I made close to a billion in a short period of time because after a while I stopped farming them and bought stacks of exos off of random people to sell to my buyer. Sadly, I was not smart enough to mail money to alts like some people did so I got reduced to 100mil like many others, not before buying all my collections though. I can confirm that there are millions, if not billions of this money still floating around years later.
  14. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Money is important, if a player is chasing skill points on the way to end-game. The broker in the best tool in the game for completing many RNG feats from collections to styles to base items.

    There are many times of opportunity to make quick broker cash from people chasing feats... with seasonals, dlc base collections or aura boxes for example. It's not hard to get to $50 million.
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  15. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    They say they won't rest the money but I'm not taking any chances.
  16. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Easy solution farm bits or iconic styles wait til cross play and sell ... Deathstroke bandolier / brother blood mask/ the staff style that looks like aquamans/cyborgs hand cannon... All those go for healthy sums... I'd farm those store them on an unused alt and just wait
  17. Saami Loyal Player

    EUPC did glitch too. Atleast when i was in Reality Lost server, prices skyrocketed when glitch was on. I even heard people talking about it and how they were raging about all money over 100m resetting.
    Not sure if thereĀ“s been other money glitches since then, but i think that all servers glitched back then.
  18. tukuan Devoted Player

    That was the only real tangible concern I had as a PC player. I suspect the broker will be quite active on the PC for the period prior to crossplay as speculators (such as myself) will try to acquire items that they can turn around and sell off after the merge. Essentially the same as dumping a nose-diving currency for gold or some other commodity.

    It retrospect I really wish I had farmed for seasonal furniture as that's usually a solid seller.

    Beyond that if cross play comes along around Tier 7, there ought to be a bull market on T7 plans and FEVIIs. I suspect more than a few PC players will be settling for synth mods as they sell those off.

    At the end of the day I'd think there'll be at least a few weeks of adjustment but in the same way that creative players on all platforms can build up their reserves from zero and a spending spree, we PC players ought to be able to catch-up to the PS economy.
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  19. DG-MOD-04 New Player

    Temporarily locked thread to clean it out.

    Please remain constructive and on-topic.


  20. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    The most I've ever had was about $120m. Nothing glitched, nothing donated. Just earned through playing the broker. But I spent it :(. Then I earned $90m and bought a Smoke aura. Since then I've managed to recoup about $35m and that's where I'm at now, but I'm also on break from my main until the servers merge so yeah.

    Making money in this game is actually a really fun side-game to play. But it's becoming continuously harder and harder to obtain items that will actually sell.
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