Who Do You Want To See In The Next Batch of Allies

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DCUO Post, Aug 27, 2021.

  1. GameOnGabeYT Well-Known Player

    Ones worth spending money on besides Cyborg.
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  2. BumblingB I got better.

    Can he be voiced by Matt Oberg?

    Also who do I talk to to get Zoom to add the "What's the matter, are you lagging?!" Line to his ally?
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  3. Skybree_nz New Player

    II'm not really invested in allies as far as game play goes, but if the developers added a function where allies could become Totems for Lairs, I would pick some up.

    Blue Beetle (Ted Kord)
    Hawk and Dove (Hank and Donny)
    Mister Miracle, well pretty much any character from the 4th World to be honest ... Hail to the King!!!
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  4. LightningEl_ Level 30

    None because there going be priced at such an amazing value on the marketplace. As someone that is paying a sub and no choice to pursue the ally I want in in-game is just plain bad value and so is that price ridiculous and shameful

    I am not going to pay a sub for some freaking useless currencies I want content and gameplay and allies is a gameplay mechanic that is now somehow exclusive to MP and Overpriced when it comes to choice

    feed us the trash and make us pay for what should be given

    10/10 game you got here
  5. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    The ability to see what each ally does at various levels without the need to go to test server to see it. Adding a practice instance showing us what we are grinding and paying for would benefit everyone because it adds value to the system.
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  6. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    I hope you're willing to pay half of your leg away haha.
  7. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Beat me to the suggestion of Matt Oberg, so I'll just second the motion...
  8. MystoganJella Well-Known Player

  9. The Multiverse New Player

    *Alfred Pennyworth

    Attack= double barreled shotgun

    Passive 1= increase out of combat health regen.
    Passive 2= increase out of combat power regen.

    Make it a Marketplace item with a Alfred totem Base item and style set. $25

    *Mister Mxyzptlk

    Attack= Random (either drops a crazy supply drop on you or a orbital on enemies.

    Passive 1= Makes your Crit numbers do the Comic pop up. Example (BLAM, POW, CRUNCH) like the April fools day trinket did.

    Marketplace item= comes with Mister Mxyzptlk base item (from Sant Patricks day event. And style set.
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  10. Drewbolt Greatest Healer of this Generation

    I think there are several artifacts that have intriguing or sub-par effects that would be more welcome on a rare/epic level ally. Please note that any judgment I'm passing on the following artifacts is merely my opinion, and if you use them, you have my sympathies. Also, this list is not meant to be exhaustive of my view on outdated artifacts. Given the fiasco that allies have been to get working properly, this plan could just be similar to copy/paste of the code from the artifact to the ally, and we know the mechanics would work.

    I would love the Legionnaire's Sparring AI artifact, but it's just not better than several artifacts. Why not use it on an ally? Its description says it was created by Brainiac 5, so let's go with that.

    The Starheart Fragment isn't good, but I would be fine with it on an epic ally, and its descriptions says it came from Alan Scott. Maybe he just pops in every 90 seconds and gives a 20 second health pool increase to 4/6/8 group members depending on star level.

    The Demon's Fang is blah all around, barely increasing damage with power heals that don't make it worth using as an artifact. If you put that same mechanic on an ally, I'm tempted to consider it. Good news, it also has Ra's al Ghul as the bestower of this artifact, so just have him show up.

    Brainiac 5
    Alan Scott
    Ra's al Ghul
    All of them using outdated artifact mechanics.
  11. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    None since they don't work and I have to take out a second mortgage to afford the legendary ones.
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  12. GameOnGabeYT Well-Known Player

    It’s honestly refreshing to see so many players say these ain’t it currently. I really hope they take the Criticism and with the next batch improve on the passives given between being boarder line useless and some not working at all this was a missed opportunity. They can still make changes and fix the current ones.
  13. Multiverse Creator League

    Absolutely! :)
  14. Multiverse Creator League

    What do you mean half your leg??

    I'd pay the WHOLE leg for Darkseid.
    The whole leg. ;)
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  15. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    Holiday allies

    Hal and sinestro or larfleeze

    Klarion and teekle or scarecrow

    Valentine’s Day
    Freeze and carol ferris

    Swamp thing and poison ivy

    Aqua man and ocean master

    St Patrick’s day

    April’s fools day
    Titanic Trenton

    Opposite Day

    Batman day
  16. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    Kite Man confirmed! :D

  17. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    Yeah me too;)
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  18. Vashh New Player

    Villain Allies:

    Red Hood

    Hero Allies:

    Queen Merah
    Static Shock
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  19. nawanda Loyal Player

    A Jackster Ally that takes 200 cash off the nearest player and gives it to you.
  20. Clintelligence Level 30

    I want to see the normal Earth-1 Lex Luthor.

    Failing that, to a lesser extent, I would enjoy the other inferior members of the Counsel of Luthor.