Who do you have to beg to get...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Charmed Legacy, Aug 23, 2018.

  1. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player


    When will it be healer's turn to get an artifact with a great passive? Troll's & DPS have gotten lots of love but not healers. :(

    I thought the healing community might have some suggestions for passives they would like to see in a healer artifact. List those here and maybe we'll get lucky!!! :D

    I personally would like to see a healer artifact that gives Restoration and Power increases (up to 5% at 160) with a passive that increases HoT strength (minimum 6 seconds) when activated.
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  2. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    personally i'd like to see the artifact upgraded to: you gain back power equal to a 3rd of your heal's power cost, hots are increased by half of your damage, and super charge generation is increased by 1/4th of healers weapon damage.
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  3. L T Devoted Player

    The demon's fang gives 3% restoration at level 80. Plus it seems like a significant damage boost without me actually trying to do more damage.

    The other healer artifact gives only 1% at level 80, though the passive group health buff is probably more useful for Healing.

    Personally I'm looking forward to an Atlantean restoration/power/might artifact that buffs shields.
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  4. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    These are great artifact ideas, but also just a reminder that with how bad some players are now, sometimes no amount of resto will save a noob.

    I know times are changing and personal responsibility is becoming a fossil, but healers shouldn't have to feel guilty because they couldn't shield a guy constantly being hit by airstrikes in a raid.

    The whole tentacle fight in TTB really showed me how people play now. So I guess we're building artifacts around those guys now.
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  5. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    Ah yes... the people who demand a healer heal you through a one-shot... or work overtime to save your low-health-but-must-be-in-melee-space butt just so you can top the damage chart.

    So far my artifact combination of Scrap of the Soul Cloak, Demon's Fang, and Starheart Fragment have been doing a pretty good job for what I ask of them. Fast build-up of supercharge as well as extending the bar and shortening cooldown time (group shield), quicker power regeneration just by inserting some weapon attacks so I don't overburden the troll, and giving people a bit of a health buff for short periods of time. I'm not sure I'd do too much of a change-up on these unless something really compelling comes along.
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  6. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    You don't have to beg. :)

  7. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I'd love to see a healer artifact that riemburses a percentage of power when you use a certain heal. Would help a lot with clipping.
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  8. Version San Diego Active Player

    One that increases hot strength or maybe one increases crit chance for a short time.
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  9. L T Devoted Player

    Come on. Clueless DPS players have been standing in pools of fire since pools of fire have been a thing. Is it really surprising that they stand in the lightning and ignore the giant crosshair on the ground?
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  10. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    Great suggestions folks! Keep em comin!
  11. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    This isn't the thread and sorry for hijacking it but can we get an artifact for power combos too i.e celestial, atomic, water, rage.
  12. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    boooooooooooo make your own thread xD

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  13. Doc.Doom15 Committed Player

    Healing is already too easy. I say no.
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  14. Proxystar #Perception

    You mean the Soul Cloak isn't the best? :D
  15. xm3n3hun3 Well-Known Player

    how about a small damage debuff - say less damage output. I know troll do this... but we have tanks w/resto
    why not heals w/a debuff or two? you know it would allow those DPS' a bit longer to sit in the danger zone - and might help w/game lag, when you recognize your getting hit and you can finally move out of range (instead of blocking which a lot of DPSs don't seem to remember how to do.
    I just want to heal w/o a supercharge - just hots, quick heals and shields
  16. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    Well since were having fun in all ^-^.

    * Increase sheild strength and or Duration.
    * Increase crt and heal chance .
    * automatic spawn of shields on three teammates with the lowest health./ This also is separate from the healers own shield power aka Able to have 8 shield power when combined with the healers superpower.

    * Increase HOT Speed and strength .

    If these were a Artifact other roles I'm sure could use one or two .
  17. hoaxone Committed Player

    I've been saying since the end of awesome mechanics that healers were getting the short end of the stick.it will continue.
  18. Great Spirit Devoted Player

    useful or useless i shall always adore my shiny starheart fragment

    it's just so shiny



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  19. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    Have an artifact with progression like the Bottled City Soder but for critical chance/magnitude.

    Or how about one which increases defense.
  20. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    say that AFTER your entire team wipes darkseid's warfactory or olympus/god of monsters. there's nothing easy about keeping 7 idiots, who play nothing but dps and who's only skills are running INTO a boss one shot, alive.
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