Which powerset have you not played yet?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by kawe, May 22, 2014.

  1. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    Gadgets, because it isn't mental.... earth (i got on a league mate's earth toon to tank E.O feat) but besides that nvr earth either ... but i will after the update on an alt
  2. Raptor T. Committed Player

    Gadgets and Mental

    I have alts for non tank powers. My main toon Jet has been all tank power sets in the past.
  3. Agent Flores Committed Player

    For me I have not tried or bothered to play Nature. I've been playing since beta and have played with all the powers including DLC powers but have yet to touch Nature. Not sure if I will even bother unless I can come up with a toon worth trying that power set.
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  4. Arcpope New Player

    Mental and earth for me.
  5. Furious Wind Well-Known Player

    Only Gadget. And I will never play it, cause it's not a SUPERPOWAAAAAAAAAAAA :D
  6. Cataclyzm New Player

    Have yet to play sorcery... I think that's it. Welp I know what my next alts power will be lol.
  7. Sbel Devoted Player

    Earth & Ice.

    In both cases I created an alt, leveled it to about T3, got bored, and deleted it. Later created another alt, leveled to high T3, got bored and deleted it. Don't know why, those powers just don't appeal me. I'll try Earth again after the revamp, maybe Ice too.

    Mental, Quantum, Gadgets.

    I have high level Trollers in all three of these power sets, but I've never tried any of them in dps.
  8. BroadSt Bully Well-Known Player

    I've dabbled in most powers except Fire and Electricity, both never really appealed to me at all. Also I like to use powers that my favorite DC characters have used or ones that fit my characters and neither of them 2 really accomplished that.
  9. Sbel Devoted Player

    Most Nature players don't shapeshift. Nature dps's almost never shapeshift, cuz it actually lowers your damage output. Insect form for healing is a little more useful, but I never use it anymore because it doesn't have WM.
  10. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    I never been fire....;)

    On a serious note. The only power i have not got past t1 was sorcery. Hated the way that power worked.
  11. J Zmooth New Player

    Mental is the only power I haven't played. I'm actually planning on switching to it next month probably.
  12. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Earth, only because it was nerfed to crap before I got a chance to even try it.
  13. IdontDps Committed Player

    nerfed? Ll no earth for pve always been mediocre
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  14. Redscreen5 New Player

    Fire and I might aswell put electricity into the mix because I hated it and will never use again.
  15. baoshi New Player

    Since I am only premium (Bought WotL with a friend to roleplay as a red lantern and we -me moreso than him- got more hooked on than we thought), I can only speak for the base six powers. I haven't seriously both of the healing powers, like others has said, I don't like the way Nature looks; as for Sorcery, I've got to give it an honest chance someday. On the flipside, my most cherished powers are gadgets, which my first character ever when playing for the very first time on USPC and mental, which was my first character made on USPS3 after I was forced to switch due to my computer breaking.
  16. ShadowCyborg92 Loyal Player

    i have played all but HL since i dont have the DLC yet. I liked Ice, Celestial, and Quantum
  17. hudapak Well-Known Player

    I haven't tried celestial, quantum, rage, HL, and earth. I've tried electricity, ice, gadgets. But my favorite powers are mental, sorcery, nature and fire.
  18. KemistiOMG Committed Player

    Fire and Sorcery
  19. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Used all powers expect DLC ones. Never amused me enough.
  20. Zeo Committed Player

    My alt is full plant, It would be nice to be able to equip certain parts of armor on the shapeshifting, like shoulders and belts, I guess the reason that we cannot equip the forms separatelly is the same that we could not customize our weapons with WM.