Which powerset has the most diversity?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dark Soldier, Mar 19, 2019.

  1. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Im thinking about switching powers again , but dont wanna go one that has all very similar animations if i go with a popular loadouts as opposed to just random things in the tree ( like how for the most part all a gadget trolls loadout does is throw grenades )
  2. Brit Loyal Player

    If you just want your character to look visual diverse, you're probably interested in Lantern powers. Each individual power has a unique visual for the construct, even if your own character's animation largely is just "point ring". That keeps it unique. And with power combos, you can create visuals even beyond your six power loadout. Definitely the most visually dynamic.

    Rage and Water come in for a distant second, with many unique looking powers, but some that do seem to blur together as well.

    By the time you get to powers like Fire, it can sometimes feel like all you're doing is various forms of flexing while the ground is on fire.

    Lantern is definitely top of the list for visually diverse.
  3. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    I would suggest making some alts and seeing which ones that you like. It will save you at least $10.00 and some headaches if you decide that you do not like the power that someone else likes. Each power has its own personality, advantages & disadvantages. The only way to really decide which one is for you is for you to try the powers yourself.
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  4. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Loadout wise I say nature. I have six DPS specs I use for different instances, ranging from melee AoE, melee ST, melee ST with occasional adds up to ranged AoE. It's super fun
  5. spack2k Steadfast Player

    should be by far nature, with the way how different all those animals working...