Which is better for EARTH, hand blasters or 1 handed?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by OGDuramax, Apr 17, 2017.

  1. OGDuramax New Player

    I just hit 191 cr and decided to switch to 1 handed. But my damage output with 1 handed doesnt even touch my hand blaster damage, my question is which is better? Because i have had many people tell me i would put out more damage with one handed than i would with hand blasters. All feed back helps.
  2. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    Highest Damage potential should probably still flip slash with clips, if you're not doing that move and clipping it consistently than it's probably going to be an overall damage loss to handblasters. Oh also flip slash looks like it doesn't have range, but it goes further than it looks, practice on testing dummies to get the full scope of your ability.
  3. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Your only going to get good damage using 1hand if your active. I wouldn't use flip slash in the event. We are CR capped. Use the tap three and hold square. Faster hits in the CR clamped event works better. In normal play, flip slash. Practice, practice, practice. To maximize your damage, positioning is key.

    1h flip slash is not melee, it's midranged. If you enjoy playing full melee, and know how to do it and not die. Staff is technically the harder hitting weapon. It plays more to the risk reward theory. If you have a great tank, you will do better damage with staff. If not, move back and use 1h flip slash, and don't spec into WM.
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  4. Here2Help Devoted Player

    As an Earth DD myself, 1H does have higher damage potential than HB. However, I still use HB. I prefer the much safer style of gameplay and also as an Earth Tank, I hate when flip slashers get blocked and give away an immunity. With HB, you have two different attacks that work well - Scissor Kick and Solar Flame. I personally use Solar Flame as it's been engraved into my brain and fingers for ages now, but Solar Flame works well when you're looking for a quick burst of damage (so good on weak adds for example) whilst Scissor Kick will net more damage in long fights (such as a boss in SM).
  5. DCUO Gaming Well-Known Player

    For some reason, I find Dual Pistols getting out massive amounts of damage, no matter what I do. But if you want to stay in the realm of handblasters or 1h I prefer handblasters any day. Tried 1h, didn't seem to flow well, used hb, it was decent, but using dual pistols hold right click, using rumblecrush, striking stones, fortify golem clipped with reinforce, totem on larger groups of adds or bosses allowed me to blow anyone or any power out of the water. When I was 172 about a month ago I could easily out dps a 189 in any T8 or high end T7 content. I made sure that fortify golem was always on cooldown and tried to clip it with reinforce as much as possible, made sure to set up a crushing PI with rumblecrush so crystal could maximize her damage and spammed dual pistols while using striking stones and rumblecrush like every 5 to 7 seconds. I only used Totem on very large groups of adds or bosses or else it's it's a damage loss because of it's long DoT and animation as well as cooldown. When I reached 180 I could easily do about 155k damage per second on a single sparring target with parses of about 30 seconds.

    Edit: On a side note, because of the reduced cooldown of fortify golem on the Stats Revamp and the overall feel and speed of things 1h is not good imo. If you're going hybrid then flip handed is way too long of a combo to use, HB's 2 tap-hold does effective damage in a short amount of time and can be done multiple times very quickly, HB solar flare can be used in between abilities to keep power maintained and as a quick burst of damage.
  6. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Little confused. Are you mainly speaking about how things work on test? If so, they have no yet done a revamp of all weapons. So you won't know which weapon will be the best. Then you have to take into account your power.
  7. DCUO Gaming Well-Known Player

    The edit part on the bottom is referring to test. The bulk of the text is referring to live. If I was doing 155k dps on the revamp we would have some issues lol.
  8. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Ok. Then I'm really confused. So what your saying, is pistols hit harder by themselves than most other weapons?
  9. DCUO Gaming Well-Known Player

    For the most part, dual pistols full auto deals maximum damage in the shortest amount of time, allowing the user to fit in many high damage attacks in only a few seconds.
  10. Tsigalko Well-Known Player

    the key word is clipping. be sure u clip ur weapon combos into ur power. if u don't know how to do it, please do some research, coz new players that start playing the game post-WM era will most likely don't know how to clip weapons.

    with all being said, 1h's flip slash is the best combo to use in pve. it deals great damage and with long animation that u can (and should) always cut with clipping. its a mid range cone AoE which is great for PvE. and don't forget crystal's damage increases as u are closer to the target, so be sure to at least be in mid-range for flip slash to hit. BUT if for some reason u think u can't survive with doing mid-close range and feels the need to be at max range, than HB probably the better option, with solar flame/scissor kick clipping. although IMO there aren't anything in this game that u cant deal damage in close-mid range. most of the boss's scripted super attacks will target random ppl anyway so u still have to avoid it also even if u are at max range.
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  11. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    The best weapon is the one you're most comfortable using.
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  12. OGDuramax New Player

    Well thank you all for the tips and tricks. Ill give 1h another shot. Thank you
  13. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    So your a might based earth dps? Just asking, cause I'm sorcery and have played earth. Neither power has very good yellow damage. Most of your yellow damage are just dots and PI to help crystal hit harder. Now if your trying to fill your SC faster, I would go with 2h into arrow storm or brawl into shrukens. If your looking for max damage, you won't find it with just pistols full auto. The bow can WM into full auto that might hit ok. Your at pet power so 50% damage comes from you and 50% from pet.

    If you enjoy pistols, then go for it. This is only suggestions if you are really looking for max damage.

    Also, how close are you standing? You need to be within melee to midrange for crystals max damage.
  14. DCUO Gaming Well-Known Player

    Yea I'm in meelee range and precision/ might specced. To give an estimate I would say about 70% precision and 30% might. I haven't tried bow into full auto yet so I might as well give it a try. Also, should I go more into precision like 85% precision or something instead of 70% precision?
  15. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    No, you should be 100% precision. Your powers don't do much damage compared to weapon attacks. Same goes for sorcery, electric, and nature. All are currently precision based for max damage. All these powers are technically dot powers. It's just with sorcery and earth, we have awesome pets that hit ridiculously hard.

    After the revamp things may change, but if your looking to maximize your damage. Don't just look for fast weapon attacks. Look for hard hitting fast attacks that you can clip.
  16. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Full Auto may deal more damage in a shorter time frame.

    But DPS is not just about raw numbers but mobility. And using Full Auto means you stay in one spot.

    1H has slight mobility, with the second fastest weapon lunge (after Shield) to close in on targets for better melee/mid-range pet damage.

    HB Solar Flame has the same mobility issue, but is fast clipping. HB Scissors Kick offers a little more mobility.

    A character with Superspeed / Acrobatics using Dual Pistols for Pet DPS is still ok, but a character with Flight using Dual Pistols would have a mobility issue, and hence lose out on DPS.
  17. DCUO Gaming Well-Known Player

    Yea, went full prec spec and much better numbers, can now get up to 160k-165k on one target. Just going to hope and pray for a blue or purple Astral Weapons Box soon so I can try out bow and see how that works. Thanks for the pointers.:)
  18. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    For good earth dps, use handblasters for safe damage since earth dps can be squishy when it comes to melee, if you tank, 1 hand is better close up, and decent damage.
  19. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    HB does less dmg, but its safer and you have no risk of going down. I cant tell you how many times I've seen other earth and sorc ppl go down right by the boss b/c they are using 1h.

    I wont pick those ppl up b/c there is safer weapons to use that deal roughly the same dmg.
  20. Tsigalko Well-Known Player

    oh yes this..

    forgot to mention another trick i used to do when using 1h with pet powers. I usually un-lock my targeting and lock again just the moment my flip slash hold is about to hit, and only that time. coz if u always lock to the boss while doing the combo, by the time u're doin ur second combo you'll be right in front of the boss beside the tank.. and thats a no-no. xD i also would be reluctant to pick a dps dying that close to a raid boss.

    as for damage, for me personally its more about the pet's damage rather than the weapon. like i said before crystal deals more damage if we are mid-close range. and the difference is quite significant between long range and mid range. with 1h i can measure my range, since if my flip slash hits, then it means im at close enough range for my pet to deal more damage. with HB, my combo will hit from anywhere so its kinda hard for me to know whether i'm close enough or not for my pet to deal that extra damage.

    but yeah HB is safer, but with a little practice 1h can be just as safe.