Depends on how you play. I always focus role, personally. And to be honest, I never even bother with DPS gear when I have elite Troll gear because the difference is only like a measley 3-4k might. Easily made up for with my tetra.
Honestly healer gear. I'm mainly a healer, only dps in solos, duos and open worlds. Alerts & Raids always healing cause that's my cup of tea. After I stack up on the gear drops I go and buy the vendor gear for healer and use drops for DPS side. If I'm done with healer side I'll let myself buy the pieces for dps too after I get the reduction feat.
I try to replace everything at the same time but it really depends on which character. My Fire and Quantum characters will typically complete their damage gear first and my Nature toon will complete his support gear first.
Drops for DPS and buying elite gear for my healer. I feel like the CR difference is not that important (stats aswell) for a healer anyway
Cool! Cheers guys, thank you. I’ve pretty much done damage gear first in the past, I think mostly for the open world missions, and ranked the damage augments first. I’m gonna give the roles a go first this time round. I’m getting a better understanding of healer and troll role. I mean, heal is pretty straightforward but troll took me a bit to understand. I’m still a bit weary of my tank alt. Another question… at this point in Dark Knights, where are all your guys’ episode augments at? My main (troll) has two full might augs, and a full vital aug. and my second main (heal) has 1 full might and 1 full restoration aug. What are you guys at at this point?
Tbh I don’t remember the last time I bought support gear. My main toons who do support regularly are troll and healer. And they don’t really need the extra stats. I’ve healed elite with a mix of green/blue/purple without struggling. Mostly because the arts are what carry the healing these days. With trolls I found the same thing since vit is so minimal on gear. Tanks are the only ones I think benefit as much as dps. With healers and trolls you can only fill up the green/blue so much before you end up trying to over fill. Tanks on the other hand have to do with damage mitigation and that can never be to high. Same with dps. More equals faster fights.
Same. I usually just grind elite renown, and save currency for the expensive healer elite gear. If it's a slow grind, I sometimes buy 1 or 2 dps elite pieces for the 2% might affinity mod (since we have 2 OP pieces we only need 2 others). I'll then buy the elite style feat on my alts so they get 50% discount. I'll buy a full vendor set on 1 of them, and buy the 3 star feat back on my main.
Personally I do DPS first. A) it helps with solo stuff more and I do a lot of that. B) I think in group content, unless you are running elite, a troll/tank/heal with a lower CR (but good artis/augs/experience) is more attractive in LFG than DPS in the same situation. If I'm shouting for a group for the raid, I can almost always get picked up as role, regardless of my CR( long as it's up to the last DLC standards)....if I had lower DPS CR, maybe not. People want their 'moar burn'. As far as the ep augs go. I generally only ever do 2 anymore. 1 DPS and 1 role. If I were more concerned with Elite runs at current DLC level, I'd probably go with 4, but I'm not, and a mixed set gets the job done just fine, and I don't need to burn seals working up through the 2 additional ones I'd just consume or have to constantly skip over later in my fortification/application menus.
On my main: Damage. Nobody notices the difference between green/blue gear PoT and elite gear PoT. I do try and unlock the stat boosts and any relatively essential elite raid perks/effects (if there are any) ASAP on both roles though. Also, ever since they changed to the system where OP gear is usable and beneficial as you level it up, I've tried to get that at least through the first couple breakthroughs sooner rather than later, particularly since it benefits both roles. On My Alt: Tank. That alt was made for tanking anyway. I rarely DPS elite raids on my alt and certainly don't the first month or so. Also, I tend to battletank elite duo's and full tank elite alerts anyway.
The only instance where I would recommend DPS gear first is if you are thinking of changing your power to something that is attached to a different role than what you currently are. For instance, changing from fire to quantum, I would get your DPS gear first as your role gear will no longer benefit you once you switch. If you are staying within the role, like fire to atomic, purchasing tank gear wouldn't be an issue. It also depends on which role you tend to play most often, whether it be DPS or support. Also keep in mind that your artifacts play a major role in power switching. You would have to rely on your DPS artifacts until you acquire role artifacts and this is likely harder when switching from any role to healer. Healer artifacts are the most demonstrative when it comes to usefulness in a role. If you have the transformation and strategist cards and the Eye of Gemini already, these artifacts can be used in any role.