Where to find good trinkets?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by TPtastebad, Apr 22, 2017.

  1. TPtastebad Active Player

    as my CR is getting higher and higher, the speed of it's increasing movement is getting slower as well. All due to my low ilvl trinkets and accessories (neck and rings), besides from the "bling bling" which I'm sure purchasing from PvE vendor will do the trick. Trinket however, is more of an item to use than just an equiment, and the ones being sold in vendors are quite frankly, trash. The stats are acceptable, but the active just useless. So, I'm just wondering, where can I get my hands on a good Pricision / Might active trinket?
  2. Tsigalko Well-Known Player

    it depends on how much is ur cr now. the episodes gear vendors is locked until u have enough cr to buy from it. in all fairness tho, i assume what u mean by "trash" is those breakout trinkets. just for the record, breakout trinkets can be useful for some cases.

    BUT, if u are looking for a might/prec boost trinkets, i think all of them sold in the episode vendors are might + prec boost for dps. they're located in the middle part of WT/HoD and Tech Wing. Just look for vendor named, i.e : "192021 vendor" or something. that means its the vendor for episodes 19,20 and 21. some goes with vendor with similar names, that what it means. as for the cr req for u to buy from that vendors, just look at the episode number. i.e vendor 192021 is a vendor for episodes 19 20 and 21, so if u have enough cr to run contents from episode 19, u should be able to purchase from it.

    other than that, u can just hope for luck and wait it to drop from contents (which u will get eventually). the green drops pretty much drops from everything, but the purple ones are specific drop from certain content. i'e 142 green trinkets can be dropped from every content in episodes 24-25-26, but the purple 156 one can only dropped from KCT raid in episode 26.

    oh, and u can always use the unattuned trinkets drop fro the starro event. for some reason, they give the same might/prec boost no matter what item lvl u attune it to. they give 2k++ might/prec boost upon activation, whether u attune it at 34 item lvl or 164 item lvl. dunno if this is a glitch or working as intended., but it is what it is
  3. TPtastebad Active Player

    I see, thank you very much!
  4. Gimpy Loyal Player

    I've noticed that too, regardless of the item level/cr, the unattuned, all give the same.
  5. calvin_0 Dedicated Player

    starfish event that is happening right now actually drop a pretty good trinket, if you can use utility belt, it's even better, you can get 4x wildcard utility belt from the event.
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