When you complete your dailies for the day, what do you do?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Saint Nutella, Oct 8, 2020.

  1. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Your USPS/PC villain side right?
  2. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Well I was going off source mark alone
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  3. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    No I only played as a hero but USPC/PS is correct.
  4. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Agreed fully, i just didnt want them (as a returning player) to miss out on that exchange By bypassing the content is all
  5. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Eeeewwww go villan!!!!!
    (Not really kidding lol)
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  6. BumblingB I got better.

    Yeah tier relevancy instead of a slider bracket. This would make it so you are always going into and gaining tier relevant rewards. Similar to how it used to be, with tier currency.
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  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    If I finish my dailies...big if with the amount of toons I'll get on some days, I'll try to get the raids in. Some weeks I do not. When an event is active like Halloween, i'll run more alts than I know what to do with through that to either pad some SP on alt accounts with base item feats, or to pad my wallet for next year in case I don't have the grind in me anymore at that point. If I've neglected my main too long, as oftent happens I'll also double back and see if I can get any old feats. Been slacking off the last few DLC so I keep an eye on LFG for groups forming and will throw my hat in if dailies are done.

    Word to the wise, if you are looking to put 4-5 hours in on the game and want the most bang for your buck (want to get into stuff that is) try to do it Thursday/Friday. Most older content (last 3-4 DLC at least) is pretty active the few days after reset or the night before (Wed), although the best active players are normally done by then. Getting into even Metal1/Metal2 might be difficult on a Monday or Tuesday unless there is some spiff going on...right now it's bonus catalysts in all that content, so it's a good week to poke around.
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  8. Valka Lynx Dedicated Player

    Play around with styles. Decorate league hall or base. Make some pretty screenshots. Buy and sell things at broker, check mail. Clean up inventory and bank. Farm old collections and exo-material. Help out friends or random people in LFG. Maybe run some old stuff. Grind some feats. Farm Wonderverse bounties. :D All while listening to music or chatting with friends.
    Do any of above on alts.

    If not feeling like playing DCUO at all, play something else, watch youtube or movies, read stuff, surf the internet, take a nap, etc.

    There are plenty of things to do, question is whether it is interesting enough. :)
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  9. Proxystar #Perception

    Log out and play Fall Guys, sometimes I even forget to log back in for a few days.. I mean you asked right :D haha
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  10. Ekart Committed Player

    I log off and play something else.
  11. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    I log on n just mess w my styles.. i really want Shaolin monk robes in game
  12. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Adding to this, you can also get the tradable style items and sell them in the broker.

    As to the original question, i usually end up helping leaguemates and friends with feats, renown and other stuff.
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