When we'll we get our old toons back on test? I would like to have them back because I have many survival mode styles (chest, legs) on my old toon and there no way that i an get them back on the new toons + I had more sp on my old toons but I don't really care about sp they are easy to get on test but I want my styles back *_*
Another one of these threads? What on earth has Test Server Turned into? It's quickly becoming a Style Hub Center instead of an actual Test Server.
Hopefully the devs will start deleting test characters every couple months to discourage this foolishness.
Anyways if anyone decide to create their characters, they do it not every couple months, every week, Ah that poor guy only asked for the last character. But that is just a hard working and wasting time ON THE TEST SERVER to get a different character of each role, DPS, Tank, Healer, Controller, and getting the PvP gears and getting the feats to testing the powers. =/
i just want to test the powers and the content. why do we care about the toon again? i mean other than the style, it seems like you u dont seem to care about anything else
What a foolish request to want old test toons back for styles, it's not a free legendary server. Old test toons can be used for better things since they have a lot of feats ( I remember I had a lot) merging them back to the new server with deleted names with a similar SP boost as current toons on test is a much better idea, that way more specs can be tested. I also remember having certain specific specs on my old test toons that I can only recall if I look back in to my inventory for the trinkets and mods that I used, I would also like to replicate those on the new server. There is a lot of potential for old test toons due to their progress, but these toons are not for having "free legendary".