What's wrong with Celestial healing?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Zeo, Aug 12, 2014.

  1. Zeo Committed Player

    Seriously? What's wrong with this Celestial Healing? I made a new toon with this power and role, I'm been healing T2 content very easly, the partners HP won't even move, people keep asking what power I use.

    Celestial healing doesn't depend of combos, combos helps your performance but you shouldn't depend of them, besides almost all the cursed healings have a offensive effect, I use only cleansed combos. I have great HOTs, shield and maybe I lack only on burst healing, but the point (at least is what I think) is that I cannot let the partners HP to reach those conditions, from what I understood, Celestial prevents damage to happen in the first place.

    How Celestial perform on Tier5 instances and above? I wonder why the community hates so much Celestial, ranking It the worst healing power.
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  2. Octantis New Player

    Actually, Consume Soul (or whatever it's called; combos with Wrath of the Presence) is a killer DoT. I usually clip my Admonish combo with it to get a huge heal out.

    But the Admonish combo is almost a necessity (or I thought it was). T5 and up the damage in is huge, and the piddly little burst heals Celestial has just didn't cut it (for me). I found I made the best use out of my power by using the combos.

    I also came to hate the combos as I would get interrupted constantly and people would die - not because of the time I spent on my back, but because the intended heal didn't go off. I eventually just switched back to Nature.
  3. Jenisis New Player

    I love celestial healing, I've tried all of the healing powers and started off healing with nature. I love nature, don't get me wrong; but celestial is amazing. I was solo healing survival mode to round 6&7 using mainly three heals and my shields. It's a great power and I actually like that not many people use this power type
  4. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    Combos are essential for performing optimally with Celestial healing. Admonish ties into blight is a quick heal that grants an additional 5% critical magnitude at the end of cleansed blight.

    I use it as a primer for the group so they have something to hold them over until I pull off bigger heal. Guardians Light or Divine Light tied with corruption would be a bigger heal.

    Additionally it is the only current healing power that is actually designed for battle healing.

    (My belief on Battle Healing)
    Battle Healing: Where one incurs damage on opponent(s) while healing yourself and/or others simultaneously.
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  5. Remorrhaid Active Player

    You can't rely on Celestial Combos when there's a lot of burst going down, though. Admonish, Divine Light, and then maybe a Renew at the end in quick succession has helped me deal with bursts. When you feel that everyone's safe to throw down a Cleansed Blight and a Consume Soul, then go for it.
  6. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Actually in healing its up there with Nature.
    In DPS its going down rapidly.

    Octantis is right about Consume Soul > corrupted Wrath of the Presence.. the D.o.T is great.

    Celestial is a pure battle healer of sorts.

    The reason: Malediction into corrupted Benediction, and Benediction into cleansed Malediction.
    Malediction cBenediction mskes every bit of damage you deal on enemies turn into healing.
    Benediction cMalediction does the same but on one target and is a boss burner

    Also either of these powers with renew> cleansed curse will cause a good tick of damage to go off on your target.

    By far its my favorite power. Just upset that WM does most of the damage
  7. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    McB cliped with CS followed by WM combos will keep the group up 95% on the time in the new content when solo healing while undergeared. Not to mention the burst powers that just sit there half the time. There isn't anything wrong with celestial. People are just dumb.
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  8. Piqued Pixie Active Player

    I am tired of being told not to use combos because burst healing is perfectly adequate. I am also tired of people telling me that if I'm doing damage, I'm not doing my job, even when I'm solo healing an entire raid.

    If my DPS is higher than yours while you're in the DPS role, it's not because I'm not doing my job, it's because you're not doing yours. If I can keep you alive and do some damage on top of that, all the better for everyone.
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  9. Proto1118 Committed Player

    Smh. The community doesn't hates Celestial "healing", they don't like Celestial "DPS".
  10. Tilz Loyal Player

    Celestial healing is great... you can battleheal (like mentioned) or run as pure heal.
    My loadout: renew, Admonish to Blight, consume Soul (into Wrath of the presence), divine light, Blessing, supercharge(more Options)

    AcB and CS are great HoTs.. sometimes you meed just them...you can clipp them with Renew or DL for a strong heal.

  11. Tilz Loyal Player

    And celestial is not the worst healing power... Look up some guides if you want

  12. Katsumotto New Player

    Its been pretty much said, but yes, I agree that for PvE healing, celestial is at least as capable as the others. I would argue that combos are important as a few (admonish into blight and mal into bene) really beef up your output. Simply abandon the 2nd half if you need to, but the developers even said when they created it that they reward the 2nd half of a combo with a good uptick in ability, recognizing the difficulty factor. So if you have a group thats properly keeping you juiced and the enemy away, combo away.

    Keeping that in mind, I think it frustrates DPS players as they still rely on group members to occupy an enemy for them to be able to pull off the combos and fully maximize their DPS output. As a DPS player, I think you kind of want to be able to get in there and be the rock star on your own.

    Similarly, it SUCKS for PvP. Any good player is going to interrupt you and then game over.

    All that said, the best healers Ive ever seen all seem to be nature. I dont personally like it and it may be just because its been around longer and those players have had more skill points; I donno, Ive never really inspected it, but just a general observation of mine.
  13. Requake Dedicated Player

    lol. Celestial is OP in PvE if played correctly. And lack of burst you say? Try going Admonish > DL > Blessing, noone will die at that point.
    If you already have ur HoTs running that should pretty much bring everyone up to and keep them at full health. The only combo you really use is AcB. When I have time I use Renew combo Curse for extra hots on a dying add, same for blessing into DM
  14. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    Its because of how easy nature is. It's like ice tanking.
  15. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Celestial is perfect at healing! The only thing I think it has a disadvantage to when it comes to PvP, is that it lacks is an emergency ability. Electric has a safety net and Sorcery has that damn watcher+ritualistic word.
    Celestial DPSing, now that's a different story.
  16. Requake Dedicated Player

    DL is a good burst heal for 4s/5s? admonish is?
  17. xskateXX Well-Known Player

    celestial heal is amazing!
  18. Katsumotto New Player

    BTW, Id say that healing with celestial is about as easy as it comes. Admonish into blight has no real cool down and pretty much takes care of everyone! ha ha. I also start by casting Mal into Bene (everyone seems to overlook this, but the combo'd Bene buffs everyones weapons and they get back a portion of the damage they cause, so its a great way to allow DPS and tank players to HoT while buffing them). If stuff hits the fan, drop Divine Light and everyone is healed. So often everyone is so healed that Ill drop a renew into curse, mainly so I can hit the enemy with some damage from curse.

    Oh, and I completely disagree with the comment that there is no emergency power. I keep life drain as my supercharge and it does AoE damage and is a great HoT in a pinch, especially if you are lacking a troll. Its only a 35% SC, so if charged up, you can rely on it several times.
  19. Zeo Committed Player

    Lots of love for Celestial Healing here on the forums <3
    When I meant that I don't rely on Celestial combos I wasn't meaning that I don't use them, in fact I use those combos all the time, with the exceptions of need to throw an occasional emergency healing, or when I get grounded.

    My loadout is: Renew, Admonish, Blessing, Divine Light (thinking in pick Plage for the combo, but I'm not sure if worth, but I only cast DL for a mantening the HoTs), Benediction and Consecrated Ground (still testing the SCs to see what I'm most confy to play with it).

    I was using Guardian's Light, but I really don't felt the need to have this power on my loadout, I'm having better results with Renew into Curse combo, Death Mark also is nice, especially when the boss have adds, but I'm constantly using Blessing since the cool down is very short.

    I will try the Consume Soul Combo :cool:
  20. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    McB heals based on the damage done by the healer, not the group.