What's there to do once you're done with the current episode content?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by GhostsAndMagic, Mar 14, 2024.

  1. GhostsAndMagic Dedicated Player

    PvP hasn't been playable for years
    Legends is dead outside of bonus weeks
    Grinding feats is pointless with artifacts and allies in their current state
    No one even types in shout chat these days
    Most of my friends and league members don't even play the game anymore
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  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Can I interest you in Baldur's Gate 3, game of the year 2023? Or perhaps Palworld, soon to be game of the year 2024? Dragon's Dogma 2 releases next week.
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  3. GhostsAndMagic Dedicated Player

    Sunk cost fallacy says I can only play DCUO
  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I used to think the same, but it's like quitting cigarettes, sometimes quitting cold turkey might be the best option.
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  5. Multiverse Creator League

    Play and Customize Alternate characters.
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  6. The Goat Level 30

    Sparkly dress up time online.

    You stand around glowing and sparkling as hard as you can possibly glow and sparkle.

    From what I've seen anyway.
  7. GhostsAndMagic Dedicated Player

    trust me i've already bought more than my fair share of booster bundles and time capsules lol
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  8. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    The game gets more fun.

    New DLCs are always fun for a bit, but it gets old quick. Half way down that road it really starts to drag on.

    When you're finally finished... the doors to everything else become open again.

    You get to go back and ENJOY the game in all it's glory. It's weird concept to grasp, I know. We're so conditioned to always to chasing the cheese on a string that playing specifically for fun seems alien. You can do it though, man. I believe in you. Take that leap.
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  9. Grim931 Committed Player

    Are you seriously trying to play off that going back into old content, at slightly stronger than when it was current, is fun?

    It's a lot of things, but "fun" is not one of those things. Not sure who you're trying to convince, but good luck with it...

    Part of this game's struggle is the content structure itself. It's the exact same thing with a new skin slapped on it, and the expectations that doing things the same exact way over and over equals a fun and engaging experience... it doesn't.

    As a customer, I'm playing a superhero game to feel like a damn superhero... not just dress like one and do the same monotonous content over and over. There is almost nothing in this game that touches on that aspect anymore. It feels like we're playing a generic MMO with a DC skin overlay (have to love the raids in a box while grounded... so much fun). The fights are all the same for the most part, combat is slow, tedious, repetitive, and the "reward" system isn't rewarding. There's also almost no room to deviate from a standard cookie-cutter loadout, so that leaves little room for creativity when building your character if you want to be competitive.

    Other than the grind, there's no real purpose to play the game. It's kind of sad how hollow this game is when you dig into it. People like the OP have spent so much time and money, that it's pretty much a trap and feels like you're throwing away a ton of invested years when you're trying to decide on giving it up.
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  10. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Yeah the worst thing is that all you can do is accumulate episode marks so they’ll be converted to Source Marks later buts that’s only for grinding and presumably to buy catalysts and stuff for future arts n allies. I got depressed the other day making sure I’m topping up my SOBA, Shock and JLD marks and I’m like for what? Maybe the game won’t be here in 6 months anymore so what’s the point?
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  11. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Me & my sister are both playing Baldur’s Gate 3 actually lol. Of course I’m terrible at it but that’s what save points or for!

    Gotta’ git gud thar little girly!
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  12. CharlesVerde Level 30

    i'm in the same boat. I came back a little while ago, got 2 toons up to max with the newest episode, ground SP, and now i'm just sitting here like duuuuuuhhhhhhh....

    the bloom is definitely off the rose. think it's about that time again to pick up something else for a while.
  13. Hraesvelg Always Right

    You can make sure your leaguemates and social circles are as caught up as you are? Aside from my seasonal/stabilizer daily 20 minute run I probably wouldn't even be logging in, but the league keeps me a bit more active than I would on my own.
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  14. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    When you reached the characters limit. Play and customize alternate accounts.
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  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I know I'm as anti-clamp as anyone...however, if someone just joined the game in the last few years, and NEVER ran the content when it was at endgame, I can see that running with a group of friends, especially Elite runs or for certain challenging feats for the first time CAN have some 'fun'. Going back and doing what I already did when it was a real challenge...when the only 'artificial' challenge provided now is having to constantly teach randoms you land with....nah, less fun.

    After they've exhausted 5 or 6 runs in the old content....welp, there's that whole style thing The Goat suggested I suppose. I know some people really get into the base deco too.
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  16. BƖack Dedicated Player

    You still can sit in HOL and open Time Capsules & Booster Budles.
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  17. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    When I was playing DCUO more than any other game, I'd just log into alts and do whatever I can on them to level them up, I probably spend the most time doing that.

    But I also would just create new styles, work on decorating bases, make money on the broker, farm items, help other players if I see that they keep asking for help in chat, just hang out and talk to players in Little Bohemia, Watchtower, House of Legends, oh and I sometimes would copy a players style and stand next to them until they noticed, that was kind of amusing, etc.

    Once a guy got super mad though, cursing and said he was going to report me for stealing his style.. so I said I just thought your style was cool dude, no worries.. and swapped back to my style. :D

    Anyhow, there is lots to do outside of just running missions, however if you don't find any of that interesting, then probably time to try out other games.
  18. C0de Well-Known Player

    Still only own a ps4 (too broke for ps5 lol) but after watching a Baldur's Gate 3 playthrough on Twitch, I got a similar DnD game called Pathfinder: Path of the Righteous and I'M LOVING IT! Brutal learning curve, and i'll even go as far to see it's even harder than BG3 in some aspects, but after 300hrs (and counting), i've basically mastered it. It's so rewarding whenever I decide to log out from the game, recalling all of my accomplishments and what's still in-store to come! Dcuo isn't even comparable to the satisfaction and enjoyment I get from playing that game. It's like going to work for free and your expected to be grateful for the privilege of working for free.

    I'm still on my first playthrough and already thinking about how I'll roll my next character lol.
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  19. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    "What's there to do once you're done with the current episode content?"

    I'm up to season eleven of Murder, She Wrote.
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  20. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    I exist in my own little world. I make up stories while I'm playing the game.

    Never gets old.
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