What's the point of Jacks?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Pults, Oct 29, 2016.

  1. Pults Loyal Player

    I bought the Scary Jack for the 50 spooky bits and the effect it should have is give a bonus 558 health.
    Now the problem with this pet trinket is that normal buff trinket overwrites the damn buff from the pet..
    What's the point of having a pet that buffs stats which get overwriten by a normal buff trinket?
    Like what DC?
  2. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    They were just good for whatever tier they were initially released at. Other than that, they're just fun pets to bring to meet-n-greets/parties. Gotta catch 'em all!

    Kind of like an elite 99 cent store, so I guess there's a good market for that.

    Not much of a point to this one.
  3. Pults Loyal Player

    Braniac bot is fun this one is just.. ..vanity at its worst.
  4. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    I thought trinkets always would override if used too soon.
    Only one I can think of that gives the effects and won't override is the breakout trinket.
  5. Gimpy Loyal Player

    Well lose your vanity, it won't hurt you.
  6. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    I have one of each except the "tank" one.
  7. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    Well after 20 secs you can rotate it with another healh trinket :p Aaaaaaaand also it's good for alerts without tanks since it taunts for a while it's like a mini sidekick/guardian/brick
  8. VV Dedicated Player

    +1 for Andy meme. The buff is barely useful with the damage in/out scaling. Scaling got screwed with CR differential all over the game. The might and vit buffs are usually helpful in trinket rotations so that a person can maintain a buffed status. I prefer boo for might and it gives a shield too.

    If you're tanking end game where you could use every single buff you have, the pet will probably get curb stomped by the boss ( SM R12 vice can suck and oneshot 6 backup.)

    Their use you ask? It is a cool looking trinket for a few. Or some may get it for safety, my trinket set is from summer. #pinchypouch
  9. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I use boo Jr for his shield.