What's the highest level boss bounty you've taken down solo?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Wildboy, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. Trinidad James Loyal Player

    PowerHooters & Fire.
  2. MsMamba New Player

    I was able to take down the Flash in CC a few weeks back.

    Although I had supply drop and a Sidekick when I did it.
  3. Deathmark New Player

    Is it a surprise?

    "Bastante! the omacs are blocking all my attacks. They are too strong!"

    Most pathetically useless cameo in the game. The most hilarious part is a second before shes like "try not to die on me". I honestly think someone did it as a joke cause they hate Fire.
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  4. Wilder Midnight New Player

    i've taken the top down. weather wizard too but he was easy.
  5. Alitain1 Well-Known Player

    The only ones I've ever really done are the Minotaur and Bizarro. I haven't really bothered with bounties at least on my main, since my T1 grinding days so I'm not sure I could take on any others but I might sometime for kicks if I'm bored.
  6. Twilight Man New Player

    Sub Avatar (I will slways feel its a bounty)
  7. BerzerkerUnit New Player

    Before Home Turf- Arkillo, after home turf- Judge (tank, dumped everything and was KO'd as be dropped).
  8. neptunesBeard New Player

    I solo'd punchline.
  9. Valor New Player

    You range Nepheritos, and kite him as a zombie. Easy
  10. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    He was the first for me as well. I got Arkillo down to a smidgen and could have solo'd him but the surrounding Yellow Lantern's swarmed me and did me in.
  11. Valor New Player

    You range Arkillo as well. Everybody believes they just gotta be all up in someone's face. lol I soloed him several times on a level 20 gadgets, just grenade his yellow a$%
  12. Wildboy Committed Player

    There aren't any duo bounties on the hero side, so I'd be interested in how people have handled Black Canary and Green Arrow solo on the villain side.
  13. Zpirit Dedicated Player

    Original? The Judge, CC? Weather Wizard
  14. REEEPR New Player

    My most rewarding pride wise was Abbra. I yelled out woohoo my first time.

    Punchline isn't technically a bounty but he was my most rewarding solo kill. I landed the "Kick Me" back and traded it for my first Remix plan. Very much worth the effort.
  15. minuteofdecay Committed Player

    Abra is the only one that's killed me and I don't use colas or hometurf stuff(besides the mods:p). The only reason he got me was some Damn reapers stuck their noses in.
  16. The Blinder Well-Known Player

    ya I need them CC bounties
  17. Ixnay New Player

    Full CC bounty run on the villain side. The irony is that the ones that were the hardest as a group back when I need the gear (Cyborg/Static) are actually the easiest to solo outside of CC (lol Black Lightning particularly) whereas the easier ones (Donna/Starfire/Nightwing) are pains due to either there reasonable range damage or cc (crowd control :s ) moves. I still need the 500 feat and will get it once dlc7 comes (I'll make it 2nd priority after new stuff I reckon), too time consuming to both at the moment (am only on 270ish). Beating the Enchanted Statue as a level 18 n00b is technically up there but it was a case of using some sneaking tactics that i can't quite recall (was well over a year ago). Biggest solo feat is probably Scarecrow wing of Arkham but since Home Turf was released my survivabilty/damage as a troll has sky rocketed, can turtle/pokemon trainer a lot of content.
  18. Gunny New Player

    I actually tinker around with soloing bosses, always looking for one step higher after success.

    There are a few bosses, however....that you can "Solo", but its kind of broken. The T4 Ace chemical bosses (the ones outside of ace), a few of them cannot attack something that is in the air. Ferrous Fool and Punchline are notorious for this. You therefore can technically "solo" a T4 raid-powered boss.

    As far as legit fighting, really....the best challenges you will have will likely be T2-T3 alerts and the CC bounties. T2's outer raid is not too far off from possible though.
  19. Volaron New Player

    pics or it didn't happen.
  20. Captain Spire New Player

    What gets me is I -can- solo The Judge, Arkillo, and General Kordax, but I can't solo Minotaur. He's like level 14 and they are 24 and 30.